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Messages - Terrewee

Pages: 1 ... 87 88 [89]
Introductions / Re: hello!
« on: January 24, 2011, 06:58:43 pm »
oh nice!
and i see Soul Eater <3!
yust gonna take some quick pictures of what i have laying around.....

okay be amazed by my work! .... but first let me apologise for the bad quality....
i'm also gonna comment on my own images what i think is wrong.

hips are too narrow and the lags as result are unrealistic
(random chick, took me 10 mins to draw)

only downside of this one is the quality
(bleach, about 7 mins to draw)

same here
(bleach, about 10 mins to draw)

and here is the quality also a problem....
(bleach, 20 mins to draw)

a too square face
(random person, 2 mins to draw)

just a skull.... made it in class, took me 2 mins to draw

and another skull, made in the 5 minute brake...., took me 3 minutes to draw (while standing)

i don't have my best work around here, but this gives a idea about my style of drawing....

Creations / Re: my church
« on: January 21, 2011, 04:59:15 pm »
i was planning on making a cathedral, but i can't find enough space anywhere....

Introductions / Re: hello!
« on: January 21, 2011, 04:55:43 pm »
There's series? Like what? I havn't seen any, I prefer to read the books like miki falls and brody's ghost by mark crilley. But, i'm also really good at drawing them too. Also, don't you hate when other people try to draw anime, and they're like REALLY bad but u don't have the heart to tell them? I do.

well yeah there are MUCH series, what you are reading/ watching is manga not anime.... there are much anime series at http://www.gogoanime.com/. most anime are based on manga so watch your heart's content!

as for your problem: just give them advice how they should do it, you'll help people and you'll get rid of your problem!

personaly, i don't have any friends in RL who draw anime..... i'm the best drawer of my school and no one trys to beat me.... kinda sad actualy.... :(

Creations / Re: my church
« on: January 16, 2011, 09:41:30 pm »
will do and thanks!

Introductions / Re: Sup ppl
« on: January 16, 2011, 09:40:19 pm »

great that you changed your mind!
but why did you grief in the first place?

Introductions / Re: hello!
« on: January 16, 2011, 09:33:30 pm »
oh yay another anime fan!!! i'm realy good at drawing and i have seen over 100 anime series! how many did you watch?

General Discussion / Re: Where is everyone from?
« on: January 14, 2011, 04:12:27 pm »
ook nederlands!   :D

Introductions / Re: hello!
« on: January 14, 2011, 04:09:13 pm »
why are you here then?!  :-\

Creations / my church
« on: January 14, 2011, 04:06:04 pm »
i made a pretty big church at the border of the "recruits" server

i made a view screenie's (screen shots) inside and outside

watch and be amazed! (nah it's nothing realy)

give me your thoughts, and give me possible advice for in the future

Projects / Re: WATER PARK
« on: January 14, 2011, 03:49:05 pm »
wow sound like a sweet plan!

Rejected / Re: [aplication for recruit] Terrewee
« on: January 13, 2011, 09:00:52 pm »
okay thanks

Rejected / [aplication for recruit] Terrewee
« on: January 13, 2011, 08:12:55 pm »
name: Terrewee
real name: Pepijn Sijthoff (Pepin Sijthoff)
location: netherlands
time zone: GMT+1
join date:    January 12, 2011, 09:47:56 pm
current rank: newbie

what i made:

does this qualify for a promotion?

(btw, it's a bloodthirster, if u don't know what it is just google it)

Introductions / Re: hello!
« on: January 13, 2011, 04:27:15 pm »
expect for minecraft, else you wouldn't be here

Introductions / hello!
« on: January 12, 2011, 06:54:05 pm »
hey all i'm terrewee. i also play on the name terrewee, and i've been a view times on the opticraft server and build some stuff (like a sand castle (guest), a nucleare missle in a underground silo(old guest), tokyo tower(old guest), a tree hut (guest) and a house (guest).

i hope i'll be able to get allong with you guys, and i hope i'll be a good member of this comunuty


Pages: 1 ... 87 88 [89]