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Messages - shortgeorgeee

Pages: [1] 2 3 ... 11
General Discussion / Re: Earn 25k by level of trickery.
« on: March 17, 2014, 06:54:53 pm »
this link goes no where. i used copy and paste to see if it was a scam and it was because the link didnt actually exist. also if your looking to use bitly check here: bit.ly

The point is that the link goes no where, so when you click it, it tricks you to the youtube video... so basically I would of won that if you didn't cheat and see if it was real, as the point was it was a fake link to get you to click it thinking it was a topic, and if you hadn't checked it would taken you to the video.

It was a fake link hiding the real one. So you basically cheated your way around it.

General Discussion / Re: Earn 25k by level of trickery.
« on: March 17, 2014, 05:54:30 pm »
Hello, i'm just going to say this straight. This topic is pointless. You won't click on any of the links as every single one of them you know is a scam, how ever intriguing or clever they make it, you know it isn't legit. You are just wasting your time, i'm sure you could of easily thought of some other ideas to make a competition. Although your intentions are good you are just making something useless. You could of chosen anything like picture competitions, last to comment, or any other classics or even some new ideas. I've actually made a topic about this in the past as topics like this were being created. I managed to dig it up (http://www.opticraft.net/index.php?action=post;topic=1933) I highly advise checking it out as it brings up some valuable points and many debates happened in the comments for and against the ideas. Rant over.

Offtopic / Re: How about some pictures. :P
« on: March 07, 2014, 09:45:41 pm »
Don't know whether this should be here or in the Pet Edition, buut I'll go with here. LOL! We're back and have a brand new friend named Hope. <3

Corra that bird is beautiful :O It's just so pretty

I don't mind if you find a logo of the web I just want a professional looking logo.
That's probably not the best idea.
That would end up getting you sued. If you're aiming to make money off the game, don't let someone use a copyrighted logo, even if it's modified a little.

Not all images are copyrighted

It is illegal to take any images of google, unless in certain places like schools, in the UK at least.

Offtopic / Re: How about some pictures. :P
« on: February 18, 2014, 02:12:24 pm »
Pew mole hills aren't big.

He was being ironic :P

Offtopic / Re: How about some pictures. :P
« on: February 11, 2014, 06:14:33 pm »
Your cars tho

Holy cow thats brilliant, I never knew you were so good at building, very much supported.

In Game Name: shortgeorge
Age (Optional): 15
Time Zone: gmt 0 I believe
Location: UK
The House You Would Like To Choose: Gryffindor
Why You Want This House: I took a quiz and it was the one I was most suited to, so I guess i'm trying to stick to it
(Divide Your Application In Half So You Can Show Me The "Test" In This New Section)
When You Die, How Would You Want People To Remember You:wize, wonderfull and of cource, fabulous
You Come To An Instersection In The Walkway; Do You Go Left To The Sea, Straight Towards The Forest, Or Right Towards The Castle: Right towards the castle
What Do You Fear Most: My family leaving me, murder, the usual
At Hogwarts, What Would You Focus On Most; Bravery, Slyness, Power, Intelligence, or Kindness: Intelligence and Kindness
You Come To A Chest Of Objects, Which Do You Choose; The Dagger, The Old Book, The Rusty Key, Or The Empty Vile:
The rusty key
Don't want to be a bother, been quite a few pages since my app, will I be accepted as I posted it before Apps closed?

General Discussion / Re: I just love the spam vote messages.
« on: January 21, 2014, 07:54:28 pm »
We're people of the 21'st century, yet people complain about things being 'spammy'? Go outside.. actually don't, the sun will be too spammy.
Point being you complain about the most simple of things.
^so so true

I honestly don't think he meant anything of it:P haha

Server News / Re: Congratulations Tobs
« on: January 14, 2014, 08:00:48 pm »

Offtopic / Re: 2013 Optiwards Results!
« on: January 11, 2014, 05:08:39 pm »
So close bacon :O

Offtopic / Re: How about some pictures. :P
« on: January 11, 2014, 03:28:31 pm »
So for those who dont know Italian_Crafter is my older brother. Well basically he was trying to convince me today that I dont have any blackmail on him at all, which I have a lot of by the way lol. So heres a pic of him shaving while getting ready for school in the morning haha. Hes going to kick my ass when he sees this in the morning but its worth it and I gotta prove my point :P And its not like I posted it on facebook or anything lol

His smile is amazing

Offtopic / Re: 2013 OptiWards Voting Closes January 10th
« on: January 07, 2014, 06:31:21 pm »
Member of the Year: aintgotNOBACON
Staff Member of the Year: cora
Moderator of the Year: w0ne3
Operator of the Year: awesomealicia
New Member of the Year: -----
Return of the Year: kascas
Best Build of the Year: -----
Best Skin of the Year: Larkosaurus's Halloween skin.
Most Improved Member of the Year: blueted12345
Shocking Ban of the Year: felix
Best Username of the Year: LordOfTheBlock
Topic of the Year: how about some pictures
City of the Year: stuggart

Offtopic / Re: The Hobbit: Desolation of Smaug
« on: December 21, 2013, 09:20:16 pm »
Ok So I'm just going to warm you, it is very long, it does drag on (in my opinion)
The only way I can some it up is fighting walking fighting talking fighting walking (and so forth)
For me- it didn't interest me, wasn't much to think about, in some ways kind of predictable it to a while to get to the point, (I felt like it could of been two films, it dragged on) but hey, if you are into lots of fighting with orks then you will love it.

I know a lot of people will disagree with me but just my opinion 

Offtopic / Re: How about some pictures. :P
« on: December 20, 2013, 07:13:29 pm »

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