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Topics - Persianskitty

Pages: [1]
Projects and Creations / Ender Dragon - Complete
« on: February 06, 2012, 08:18:46 pm »

~24k blocks of wool

Total cost = ~197k

Rejected / Moderator Application - Persianskitty
« on: January 24, 2012, 02:49:13 pm »
Age: 15
Location: Oklahoma, USA
Timezone: GMT -6:00
Join Date: January 08, 2012
Were you recommended by anyone?: Nick3306

Why you should become a moderator-

Online around 8-16 hours, every day
Will gladly help anyone who needs it
Online during the times when there are no mods online (That way there will be 24/7 active support in-game)

Somewhat new member (But here to stay)
No experience with mod, but I'm sure I can learn the commands fast.

Ban Appeals / I was banned for griefing...(Persianskitty)
« on: January 10, 2012, 01:52:06 am »
But Im not entirely sure what I grief'd...

I dont remember messing with anyone's work, nor taking anything...

Me and my friend, Snorcat, have been working on the same project, and if it is her items that I grief'd, then that should be put aside because we both gave each other full permission to each others buildings. Feel free to ask her for clarification.

If it was something else that I did, then please inform me about what it was, and I can make sure not to do it again if you will give me a second chance.

My name in minecraft is Persianskitty btw.

Hmm, just noticed this is the wrong board. Was meant to go into the SMP forum. xD

Pages: [1]