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Topics - DreaMz

Pages: [1]
General Discussion / Ok I'm zzEP1Czz/KrayesKraft
« on: August 11, 2011, 11:54:35 pm »
I'm really sorry for being such a dick I really didn't meant to lie or threaten anyone or stuff I betrayed friends and cannot be trusted

I was hoping to make this new account hoping no1 would notice but its too late I love the server and its people and can't lie to them anymore please punish me in any way you guys think I deserve because I kniw I deserve punishment for it all Yet again I'm really sorry to all that I annoyed or got angry and for the inconvenience :( I hope to still help on the server if I'm not banned forever :( Ill let all you people decide

General Discussion / Loving the Sense of Community
« on: August 11, 2011, 11:10:40 pm »
I love the community or our only problem is the griefers and haters that's it and there isn't many of them on the forum but anyways I found a lot of posts quite intresting and how people actually listen to what's being said and don't just reply improperly well its Great and I thank you all :) 

Non minecraft creations / People send me your Creations
« on: August 11, 2011, 11:08:04 pm »
I was thinking I might take peoples creations then sketch them down takw a pic and put it back up on the site and we will see what the difference is :)

Offtopic / Were are you From ?
« on: August 11, 2011, 10:15:01 pm »
Don't mean to sound Like a peado but just wanted to see I'm from ...


What About you ??

Projects / Is there any Metroid Creations
« on: August 11, 2011, 01:13:44 pm »
I'm thinking of building a metroid or Link Creation Don't know yet though if anyones up for helpin ill be on later today   

General Discussion / I think this is On Topic
« on: August 11, 2011, 12:49:23 pm »
Err..... Just wondering Is Op Opening again or is it closed forever Just needin the heads up sorry if this isn't in the right part of the Forum

Im Looking forward to Bringing alot of people to the Server soon

It shall be quite the challenge but I'll get it done

If people think I'm wrong in doing this Drop a comment and I'll reconsider only trying to help ;)

Introductions / Hi I'm KvDreaMz
« on: August 11, 2011, 08:36:12 am »
Hey Guys What's Up I'm KvDreaMz

I don't play MineCraft Alot

I'm More a poster than a Player

I'm looking forward to posting and Talking to everyone

This Could be fun

I'm Not sure how to use bc or bbc code yet if anyone can give me help with that it would be nice ;) [/] []

Also Quick edit who is our Site Creator and Server runner here ?

I'll see you all in the Forums so bye for Now

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