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Topics - froman1123

Pages: [1]
Ban Appeals / [SalsaInABowl] Froman1123 Appeal
« on: January 09, 2013, 08:58:12 pm »

Dear Opticraft,

I understand recently i was banned from the server. I am very puzzled as to the reason because i can't recollect any possible reason. I do understand that i have a very poor track record with bans and i have learned from the last two. I was a noob when i got my first two and was still in the mindset that you could treat any server like survival and take what you want from anywhere. Any ways I looked up my ban cause and saw  that i was banned by "SalsaInABowl" I have never once encountered a player with this username. they claimed that I "Greifed 300 blocks of a build." My new years resolution was to never grief again, considering that my last two bans were grief oriented and i was bored out of my mind during them. the time of my ban was 2013-01-07 15:50:30. I dont see how i was playing at this time, as i was still in school. Although i do see how there might be confusion. I am a big Doctor Who fan, and i play on opticraft with another kid from my school who is also a fan. we both have the same Doctor Who skin. he has been known to be mischievous in school. i beleive his username is "pistol189"


I do hope that you consider me letting me back into this amazing server,
as it is the only server i play on and the one that all my friends go in.
from Froman1123

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