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Topics - ChocolateChloe17

Pages: [1]
Rejected / Moderator Application - ChocolateChloe17
« on: April 21, 2014, 01:23:48 pm »
Age: 14
Location: England, Uk
Timezone: GMT
join date: 24? November 2012
recommendations: Daniblue182, 100penguin
Why you should become a moderator:

I've been on this server since 2012 and have met a variety of people- some positive while others negative. I have also been quite active recently and trying to get on when ever I can! I vote daily and have donated many times in the past some for friends and Most for myself :P The community of Opticraft is better than any other server out there and thats why I would like to help make us grow and show people how nice we are :) I do realise that there are a lot of ups and downs to this role, however I believe that I can quickly overcome them and help others in very complicated situations. I have fully understood the rules and would definitely please everyone and be a role model. I know that at times people can be rude, but i know that if I be calm I can help to solve issues. I am also very mature and trustworthy ( You can see this as I was trusted very quickly when I joined!) As a trusted member, I am always asking and trying to help lower ranks with water and ext. I have seen many people in this wonderful Opticraft community and I would like to say that this is a brilliant server! I also donate as much as I can to people building big builds, as well as new players who are uncertain of what to do.

I have never abused, been mean, or even ignored anyone When ever I was on the server. I always say Hi and goodbye to most players. For quite a while I have also observed how the staff deal with things and what they do. I have also been moderator for a few servers in the past , always putting the best I can into my performance.I know that being a mod is a big role but I am sure I will be able to get round obstacles with the help of others and myself :) 1 more thing: Even though I'm not on the server 24/7, I do check the forums a lot in a day :P

Thank you for reading.

Support / Ocelots/cats!?
« on: December 03, 2013, 08:49:42 pm »
Hey, I've been seeing for a few months now that my cats except 1 don't look like cats! They act like them (don't run away stare at me, ext) but they look like ocelots! I can't even make them sit. I've also recently changed computers but there is the same problem so I'm not sure if this is only me!

Rejected / Mod application- ChocolateChloe17
« on: November 29, 2013, 07:21:23 pm »
Age: 13, 14 next month
Location: England, Uk
Timezone: GTM+0
join date: 24? November 2012
recommendations: daniblue182 , felix_de_kat ,
Why you should become a moderator:

After spending and understanding this server for over a year i have made the decision to be a mod. Yes, I do realise that there are a lot of ups and downs to this role, however i believe that i can quickly overcome them and help others in very complicated situations. I have fully understood the rules and would definitely please everyone if I am accepted. I know that at times people can be rude, but i know that if I be calm I can overcome it and help. I am also very mature and trustworthy ( You can see this as I was trusted very quickly when I joined!) As a trusted member, I am always asking and trying to help lower ranks with water and ext. I have seen many people in this wonderful Opticraft community and I would like to say that this is a brilliant server! I have never abused, been mean, even ignored anyone When ever I was on the server. I always say Hi and goodbye to most players. For quite a while i have also observed how the staff deal with things and what they do. I have also been moderator for many servers in the past , always putting the best I can into my performance.I know that being a mod is a big role but I am sure I will be able to please and make you guys proud if I am accepted!

Thankz for reading, Chloe!

Forum Games / The Rhyming Game!
« on: November 06, 2013, 06:58:29 pm »
Ok so this is the Rhyming Game. This is where you have to think of a word that rhymes with the person above.
    Person 1: Cat
     Person 2: Mat
    Person 3: Fat
    And so on.

Every week I will post on here saying NEW WORD

Next person starts the game!
( Be creative)

Offtopic / Happy birthday Dani!
« on: November 05, 2013, 05:33:19 pm »
Not sure if this has been done yet, or you have not noticed (very unlikely)
So yeah it's dani's birthday and I just wanna say happy birthday to her!

Rejected / Moderator application ChocolateChloe17
« on: June 20, 2013, 09:10:51 am »
Age: 13
Location: United Kingdom
Timezone: GMT 0
join date: 26/11/12 on the forums
Were you recommended by anyone? Daniblue182 feel free to put your name done any other staff  :)
Why you should become a moderator: I think I should become a moderator as I work very hard on the server, I'm a active player in game and on the forums , and I love to help new players or anyone who needs help. I know when to be nice and when to be a strict person. I am a sensible person so i wont abuse the powers or show off, I will instead help people on the server, and always make sure they have a friend. I'm always nice to people, I enjoy talking and playing with others. When the summer holidays come I will be able to Be on the server for 7-8 hours, so I will be able to help the new comers then and have more time to play . Right now I'm on the server most of the days of the week and lots of hours at the weekends, which I think is a great time to play and make new friends. I have had a bit of practice being a mod on a different server (which is now closed) and on a friends server, which is a great help for me if I do become a mod. Also I follow all the rules, if someone starts to be  aggressive to me or anyone else I wont get angry I wil solve the problem calmly making sure that everything is alright.

Bye! :)

Support / Chat help!
« on: April 22, 2013, 05:07:33 pm »
Just now I went on opticraft and People said hi but I couldn't reply, this didn't happen when I was on the server about 10 minutes ago, please could someone help me , when I try to send something it says cannot  chat messages, what do I do?

Offtopic / Why i have not been on for a few days!
« on: February 28, 2013, 05:58:51 pm »

Rejected / Moderator application-
« on: January 30, 2013, 07:43:04 pm »
Time zone: I think GMT
Join date: middle of November.
Were you recomended by someone: I don't think so yet  plz add yourself if u want to!

Why u should become moderator:I want to help the server the best I can! I try my best to help ppl as much as I can. As I'm a trusted i have been  placing water a lot but now I think I'm ready of more, for the next step in my minecraft life, to be a moderator and take up further responsibilitys with honesty and pride.
Well I should become moderated because I think I'm trustworthy enough to take the responsibility,I'm on everyday of the week.I am seeing that the server is expanding everyday and there is griefing regularly I want to help the server by becoming part of the staff and helping to secure it.also, i will punish players fairly if they are not following the rules an guidelines of the server. Often when i'm on there are no mods on which is very disopointing for people who Arne being grieved or need help. I will not abuse the rank at all and I will follow the rules and full fill my responibilitys with the best I can and with honesty.I want my favourite server , Opticraft to be better than any other server,I want to bring opticraft to a new stage and help it to go further. I know and I am saying this with all my senses, I will never leave opticraft and that's my promise. I would want to take this resposibility and show people how much this server is dear to me.i am a active player an dlove to make new friends. I can take offensive players and I will not be offensive  back. Opticraft is the derest thing to me other then high school. I can do anything for it,i love helping the server and making it move on. I have recomended opticraft to a few ppl and they love it! I ha e donated a lot to this server and I will in the future! ;D

Offtopic / Videos anyone? ( =
« on: January 28, 2013, 11:08:26 pm »

Offtopic / Pictures?
« on: January 28, 2013, 04:37:55 pm »
Hey guys it's Nadia here. If u have any pictures of pets or friends or u and ur friends feel free to post them here or even something silly that You have seen (videos or pics) :D

Sorry that I can't start my webcams not working :-[

User Events / City naming compertiton
« on: December 02, 2012, 10:05:17 am »

Pages: [1]