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Topics - nonenone

Pages: [1]
Rejected / Moderator Application - karlavbarrios
« on: April 02, 2013, 11:33:16 pm »
Username: karlavbarrios
Age: 15
Join date: September 4, 2012
Location: California, US
Time zone: -8 GMT
Have you been recommended by any of the staff members?: No (feel free to add your name)
Why you want to be a Moderator:

I would like to have the responsibility to become a moderator as I'm online most days and sometimes on the weekends if I have time. I often help new users in the server, explain about the server and how to be a good member. When there are no staff online, i help others who are in need of water and I replace any damaged parts on their builds. By becoming part of the team, I could help even futher. Rude players would not be a problem to me since I have dealt with them several times. I also support this server with my votes and I've invited players as well. None of the other servers are comparable to opticraft, even the top servers. I would never abuse this rank and I hope you think I'm alright for the job. :)

- karlavbarrios

Trade Central / {Selling} Mob drops, music discs, and enchanted items
« on: March 05, 2013, 03:16:13 am »
EDIT: This sale is first come first serve not best offer, sorry for the confusion.

Just selling items I don't need, prices listed below.
If you have any q's let me know. c:

Mob Drops/Others

Slimeballs/Blaze Rods
$10 (1) - $800 (64)

Ender Pearls
$2 (1) - $20 (16)

Nether Brick
$32 (32) - $60 (64)

Music Discs

Disc "13"

Disc "stal"

Enchanted Items

Axe (1/5 used)
Unbreaking I, Efficiency IV

Pickaxe (x2)
Unbreaking III, Fortune III, Efficiency IV

Unbreaking III, Efficiency IV

Bow (x2)
Power I

Diamonds are also available for sale at $40 each.

Ban Appeals / [Mr_Mr_Mr] Ban appeal
« on: September 16, 2012, 11:07:48 pm »
Did you break any of the rules? Yes
- Did you grief another players work? Yes

I admit I griefed a house, but I didn't know I was. Mr_mr_mr gave me a permanent ban for griefing 15 blocks. I'm sorry, it won't happen again please. I'm new to minecraft and just got the game two weeks ago and I loved the server. I don't know how to convince you, but would a shorter ban be ok?

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