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Topics - Italian_Crafter

Pages: [1]
Offtopic / Aviation stuff and whats been happening in my life
« on: January 10, 2016, 10:16:50 am »
Hello, and longtime no see to some! I just thought I should make a post to share what I have been up to seeing I am often asked when I pop onto the server. So... I'll share all that here!

For those who don't know, I love aviation! I have briefly mentioned it over the 4 years I have been on the server and shared my interests with few. And I'm happy to say I finally obtained my pilots license about 2 months ago. I began learning to fly an airplane before driving a car, I took my first flight lesson when I was 15 years old. Fast forward a few years later with the help of working two part time jobs, working as a full time student at two schools, and studying nonstop, I am officially an airmen!

As of now I am 18 years old. And as you could guess, the possibilities of what an 18 year old can do with a pilots license are pretty much endless. I basically fly whenever my bank account allows me to.  I get that most people could care less about aviation. But I'll share some pictures and video that you may find interesting nonetheless! In essence the airport has become a second home of mine seeing I both fly out of there and work there 5 days a week.

I am also happy to say I have recently been hired as a prospect pilot for an air service called Hyte. They are currently a growing company, and for those who don't know, they are basically the Uber for the sky. So if you're bored or whatever check out the app! I am currently working on my commercial pilots license and if all goes to plan I will be flying commercially by the end of this year. This opportunity is awesome because not only will I be paid to fly, but I will be logging flight hours so I can eventually work for the airlines. Before applying to work as an airline pilot I need to have at least 1,500 hours of flight time along with being 23 years old. As of now I have about 100 hours of flight time, with 5 years to build the rest.

So... that's basically what I have been doing with my personal life. It should also be worth mentioning that I am in my first year of college and well, that's boring to talk about. If anyone would like to share anything aviation related or ask me any questions feel free to ask here! This topic would be pretty ideal for aviation related sorts.

Heres some random stuff with pics of some of my flights:
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I had the chance to fly an 73 year old L-16. This airplane was used to train pilots during WWII.
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Pictured is a C-47 my instructor flies and a Cessna 152 that I flew there
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Here's a timelapse of one of my landings: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Zbf-KueEfyU

NOTE: I apologize for the size of some of these pictures. Also, I have thousands of pictures if anyone would like to see more.

Offtopic / Another special November staff birthday, this time, ecorrigalls!
« on: November 26, 2014, 05:01:07 am »
Everyone please give your sincerest birthday wishes to Cora!! Today,  November 26th, is her 26th birthday!

On behalf of the entire Opticraft community.... We thank you for all the awesome events, and contributions, that you have made to the server over the years! It doesn't go unnoticed!

Have a special day!!  :) Cheers

Offtopic / 0 to 160 SVT Cobra
« on: December 31, 2013, 09:49:38 pm »
Here's a video a video of my brothers 2004 SVT supercharged croba going from 0-160. This was taken during the summer on an empty highway and the car is put away now for winter. Kind of offtopic but here it is. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Xnq2ug_WX9k

Accepted - Project/HOF Applications / Naval Base- Project Protection
« on: October 20, 2013, 06:42:52 pm »

Project name: Felix and Italians Naval Base

Project location (Live map link, coordinates, not biome, include world name):

Live Map link: http://smp.opticraft.net/map/#/3254/64/2277/-3/2/0
Coordinates: Member World: X:3144, Z:2181

Contributors: Felix_De_Kat, and myself

Mayor (Only one - this is the zone owner): Italian_Crafter

Number of active residents:1

Number of completed, decorated and furnished buildings: 11 very detailed ships/boats, with a train, train stations, storage facilities, cranes, tanks, trucks, headquarters, helicopters, jets and an airfield complete with an Lockheed C-130 Hercules  :)

What state is the project in, and what are your plans for its future, if any: Currently the majority of the project is done. I plan on finishing the airfield and adding some details in the future.

Why should we grant this project protection? This project should be granted project protection because its a very large area with many greatly detailed structures. I had an awesome time helping Felix build this even though he contributed a greater portion than I did. There is a lot of memories in this place, and I would like them to stay intact.

Rejected / Italian Palace
« on: October 28, 2012, 03:44:56 pm »
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Protection boundaries

City name: Italian Palace

City location (Live map link, coordinates, not biome, include world name): x:-2326 z:1654

Contributors: __porkchops, tiggy26668, Italian88, and others I will add later.

Mayor (Only one - this is the zone owner): Italian_Crafter

Number of active residents: Just me

Number of completed, decorated and furnished buildings: It will be one huge Palace

What state is the project in, and what are your plans for its future, if any: Currently my palace is about half way complete visit /home Italian_Crafter palace

Why should we grant this city protection? I should be granted city protection because as I continue my project it becomes increasing-lee harder to check around the palace to see if its griefed, and I already had to deal with 3 griefers.

Accepted - Mod Applications / Moderator Application- Italian_Crafter
« on: October 05, 2012, 09:34:57 pm »
Age:15 (16 in January)

Location: New York, USA

Timezone: UTC/GMT -5 hours, East coast timezone

Join Date: July 08, 2012

Were you recommended by anyone?: No

Why you should become a moderator:  I want to be able to help out all of the members of the server by any means necessary. I will support the opticraft community by giving fair punishments based on the rules and guidelines, keeping order in chat, reinforcing the rules, and supervising player actions. In general I love helping other players, there is nothing I rather do than take time to help solve another players request. I also want to point out that I understand that becoming a moderator is a big responsibility, and I know that it does not benefit me in anyway unless I enjoy helping out the community which is what i'm planning to do. Anybody that knows me either in person or from opticraft knows that I am all about confidence and giving 100% effort in everything I do, and being a moderator would be one of them. I am also really committed to the server, over the months I have came a long way from building, making many friends, having a protected city with 15 active residents , and learning all the server rules along the way. I am on basically every day for at least 2 hours (including week days) and have a really flexible schedule with hours early in the morning, and really late at night. I try my best to stay actively involved with the community, and although I do not post much in the forum I am always keeping myself up to date with server new's and other threads. Lastly I keep myself involved in the community by actively being on mumble wile on the server. Although I have been banned once (grief trap was pardoned) I can insure you that it does not reflect me as a person or a player on opticraft at all. As a moderator, I am inexperienced with the many list's of commands, but I am looking forward to learning them if I receive this opportunity. I hope this application has appealed to you, and shows my enthusiasm for becoming a future staff member for opticraft. Thank's for reading!

Accepted - Project/HOF Applications / City application: Italian city
« on: September 07, 2012, 12:27:40 am »

City name: Italian Villa

city location (coordinates, not biome, include world name): X200 Z844

Mayor (Only one - this is the zone owner): Italian_Crafter

Live map link: http://smp.opticraft.net/map/#/200/64/862/-3/1/0

Ps boundaries scroll right to see full picture.
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Contributors: Italian1772, Italian_Crafter,  Italian88, Juicybox, italianfury , diggernic, jollygreengiant2, drkruler500, flamincactus97

Number of active residents: 6
Number of completed, decorated and furnished buildings: We have 10 furnished building's, 2 Big fountains, 2 awesome yachts and a Italian flag monument. Also along with the underwater tunnel to the island we have a underwater lounge located to the right of the tunnel. Here are some pictures, and We also have a xp farm, and many animal/plant farms available for all residents.

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What state is the project in, and what are your plans for its future, if any: We plan on building a private community with traditional house's and having many more players joining in the coming month. We also have been making a lot of space for the  coming plots pictured below. We have also created an island that is attached to the main land through an under water tunnel that will hold many new plots when completed. Some pictures of the town with the island is pictured below.We also have many more additions coming to the city in the future.

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Why should we grant this city protection?: As you can see from the live map we are very close to the member world spawn and and because of this we had many griefers stumble apon our city. Griefers have taken out our whole flag, stealing blocks from the path and griefing huge portions of our wall. This protection would really benefit the city. If you would like quick access to the city visite /home italian_crafter Thank you!!

Forum Games / A-B-C Game!
« on: September 04, 2012, 06:50:10 am »
 ABC forum game! This game is pretty simple and easy.

You just go thru the ABC's. You will start a sentence with the current letter of the alphabete we are on.

Example: 1st Person "And now we start the game.
2nd Person "But what are we going to do!"
3rd Person "Can we dance around the room!?"
(i am sorry for the bad examples :P)

and so on until the letter Z is reached. Once the letter Z is reached, the next person will start with A again and so on.

first to reply starts off.

Ban Appeals / [awesomealicia] Italian_Crafter Appeal
« on: September 01, 2012, 06:02:59 pm »
Im sorry i have no idea what i did wrong i was not causing any harm and ireally hope this does not affect my trusted rank i was not griefing at all please someone get back to me

General Discussion / Wont let my log in
« on: August 09, 2012, 06:28:04 pm »
I keep trying to get on the server but every time i try to join the server this message pops up.

Projects and Creations / My new house so far..
« on: August 02, 2012, 12:47:01 am »
Here are a few pics of my house and yacht so far I will be putting up more later of either the yacht or house. Give me suggestions!! sorry if some of the pics are messed up

Ban Appeals / Banned for destroying snow?? Grief trap
« on: July 31, 2012, 05:46:54 am »
I was on my way to a xp farm and i saw snow on some wooden planks which was apparently a grief trap and destroyed it to make it look nicer. I did not know that this would result in a ban and had no intention on griefing anyone's building. Could a moderator please review this ban for me thanks.

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