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Topics - MimesisX

Pages: [1]
Offtopic / Grinds My Gears
« on: September 02, 2012, 05:59:07 am »

You Know what Really Grinds my Gears? (Bonus Points if you read this in Peter Griffins voice)

1. Sending someone a message during a conversation, and they never respond.

What really grinds your gears? ^_^.

Oh OH!!! ALSO......Automated Phone Menu's when you call a bank....I F$&%^*% those things....seriously lol <3

Offtopic / Mimesis RETURNS
« on: June 28, 2012, 09:32:51 am »
lol, I get back today and I'm going to haz lots of fun!!! <3 = )
Whom ever see's this tell aveilon, check yo mails yo.

Please copy and paste this application into a new thread in the application section.

City name: Pallet Town

City location (coordinates, not bio-me): X 1249 Z 741

Contributors: MimesisX (Aka Blackout), Aveilon (aka Ke$ha), Minute_Maid (Aka That Guy)

Mayor (Only one - this is the zone owner): MimesisX

Approximate dimensions: 500x450

Number of active residents: 3

Number of completed, decorated and furnished buildings: 13

What state is the project in, and what are your plans for its future, if any: Many Projects are planned and will add to the city, we have a lot of finished pixel art and are planning for alot more, We now have a Trade District which will be revamped to support large trade within the city. We also build a large tree wall to outline what we've protected already and that's essentially the area we are asking for <3 Thank you

Why should we grant this city protection? Diamond Protection stones are expensive and as I 've already purchased 30 Diamond PS' and close to 50 La pis Protection stones the cost has started to build, alot of the pixel art we do requires alot of time and planning as well as funding and if we could eliminate the worry of being griefed as well ass the cost of additional protection stones for every piece of large pixel art, it would be a tremendous help. + Aveilon and I luffs chu guys <3 Can I haz City Protections <3 = )

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gq7OlhiOO00 Also....This <-------- is why

Suggestions / Top Donor Title
« on: June 03, 2012, 10:04:59 pm »
Good Afternoon Fellow Opticraftians,

     Titles, Titles, Titles!!! Everyone Loves them, they are a show of recognition and accomplishment. When a member achieves the status of Top Voter it shows and they have a certain elevated status and sense of pride that reflects among the community on the server. (Feels Good Bro!) Now lets examine  the donation system in place on this server; it allows for players to enhance their experience and enjoyment by supporting both the server and the community, yet there is no similar recognition for this critical role the donor's play on the server. The Importance of donation is equal if not greater than voting and I feel it should be recognized properly by the community and server as a whole. So in stating this; I request on behalf of myself and fellow donor's that a Top Donators Title be implemented in order give tribute to all the players who spare some coin for the greater good <3. Let's all work together to build a better world and recognize those who shine just a lil bit brighter than the rest = ).

Please, Leave your comments & approval below. When the Community speaks the leaders listen; raise your voice for change. The louder we get the greater the effect <3

<3 MimesisX & Aveilon

"Awww Buckets"

Pages: [1]