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Topics - ultraman11

Pages: [1]
General Discussion / I want the results of this poll as fast as possible
« on: August 04, 2013, 02:11:44 am »
I want this to show this to someone.

Ban Appeals / [Mr_Mr_Mr] Ultraman11
« on: August 02, 2013, 01:17:20 am »
Hello Mr_Mr_Mr, don't you think that I've learned my lesson from digging myself out of a hole that I was stuck in on someone else's property that you apparently had put a grief trap on. I really want to get back on the server and continue with survival because this used to be my favorite server before you kicked me out for trying to get out of a hole. Please consider this option because you can really use me on the server. If Mr_Mr_Mr has left the server, please someone else consider unbanning me.

-Ultraman11, Your Dwemer Skylord

Ban Appeals / [Mr_Mr_Mr] ultraman11
« on: June 23, 2013, 04:14:08 pm »
Hello! I got banned for 5 bans before and then he gave me a permanent ban. But honestly, pretty much all of the bans before that were all either my account was hacked or I out something in the wrong place by mistake. I really like this server and I want to be able to play on it again. So I would be glad if you unbanned me because most of the other bans were just not my fault. Thank you in advance! :)

Ban Appeals / Console : ultraman11
« on: May 04, 2013, 01:34:44 am »
Hello, I got banned by the console when I was destroying some dirt near a house to get out of a hole. Then I saw the blocks weren't dropping so i destroyed some more blocks part of the house to see if anything happened and i asked if there was lag and then got banned. I know this is a console ban and it shouldn't be posted, but this was just something that was not really my fault.

Ban Appeals / [Saeberus] ultraman11 - Ban Appeal
« on: April 01, 2013, 09:46:40 pm »

Hello. I got banned for destroying crops in someones house. This wasn't me. My account was compromised and I have changed the password on my account. The person who compromised it did it as an April Fools Day joke and I am sorry if he did anything bad.
it's not letting me post the screenshot but if you guys want it, email : <redacted> and I will send it to you.

Ban Appeals / Ban Appeal: Why am I banned.
« on: November 15, 2012, 10:41:38 pm »
I have no idea why i was banned and i was hoping if someone could return me to the server because i loved this server a lot and i really want to get back to playing on the server. And if possible, can someone please tell me why i was banned? I was banned by raul7legend and my username is ultraman11.

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