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Topics - icooliam

Pages: [1] 2 3 ... 6
General Discussion / Lost Town
« on: January 23, 2015, 11:25:21 pm »
Hey guys, I always remember one of the first towns I lived in on opticraft, and I've always tried to search for it but never found it. It was a long time ago, maybe about two and a half years? The town was called creeper town or something along those lines. I don't remember much about it, I remember there was a large wall seen from the town, and I also remember there were farms in the town. There was a beach part of the town and I had built a beach hut thing on it. I also remember that there were some docks. This town would have been in the old guest world. If anyone knows about it or also remembers it i would appreciate it a lot of you replied, thanks :)

Support / Help
« on: August 30, 2014, 07:04:43 am »

Ban Appeals / {Nothing] Mistake in griefing ban!
« on: August 17, 2014, 01:17:18 pm »
Hey there, I tried to go onto Opticraft today and realised I was banned, of course I was very confused so I immediately came online to check why and I realised that there had obviously been a mistake - and I understand that! I was banned for griefing BigBadNova's house, but a few months ago BigBadNova gave me access to most of his stuff. He said I could have it as long as I didn't steal all his stuff and destroy his buildings, which I thought was very acceptable. I have not stolen all his stuff or destroyed any of his buildings and simply I have edited some of his buildings to suit my own use, and as he didn't say I couldn't do this; I see no reason that I should have been banned, but if it was a mistake thats fine - I understand completely.

Best regards,


EDIT: Sorry forgot my ban link, it's here: http://www.opticraft.net/index.php/page,BanLookup.html?username=icooliam

General Discussion / The History of Opticraft + New App!
« on: August 07, 2014, 08:34:53 am »
Hey Opticrafters, icooliam here with some news - and an interesting thing! I doubt many of you remember but a long time ago (probably a few years back now) I released the first unofficial Opticraft App (for Apple devices) and it proved a pretty big success. I'm hoping to release a whole new updated app called 'The Unofficial Opticraft App 2' soon, and I'm hoping to incorporate this information from this post into it! Anyway - I hope you enjoy this!

The History Of Opticraft!
This is post that I'm hoping many of you will remember quite a bit of, it's a history of SMP Opticraft, right from day one when a beta was released! Please note that I did not include every bit of history and I also didn't include any new world history related things. Anyway - I hope you enjoy it!

4th September, 2011 - Relkeb posts the release on the new SMP Opticraft, beta! He posts about three new forum ranks, and the new SMP Server you can connect to via beta.opticraft.net (the iP that I noticed I still use to this day!). It's amazing to see people's first reactions, people were thinking that there would be zones for each player, others were wondering if you could lock blocks with passwords!

24th October, 2011 - After a long downtime and a chain of issues that caused it Optical introduces the 12 hour reboot, that will continue doing it's job without any input from anybody. Users were happy for the new feature as there had been a lot of anger and frustration over the long downtimes!

24th February, 2012 - The new initial donation rewards are now in place and have been announced by Optical - this is a great addition as many players have now started voting and this is great as it brings in more money for the server! Players are voting for the all new: mob disguises, XP, Money and hats. Optical also announces that there will be more donation rewards coming soon!

4th April, 2012 - After growing massively for a month (tripling in size) Optical announces some new changes! He is extending the world borders, making the world 2-4x bigger than before, and in the new area there will be new towns! Also Optical announces the new anti grief system, otherwise known as grief traps! The new anti grief system had only been put into place 48 hours earlier and had already caught over 200 players! And on the subject of grief Optical also announces the new City Protection, meaning large cities no longer had to worry so much about grief, and all this just one day before 1.2.5 was released!

21st April, 2012 - Optical announces some new features and changes, the most noticeable being the new Hero Chat (the plugin Opticraft uses for the chat), I remember coming on the server and speaking in the chat, I was amazed by the new look of the chat but I found it hard and pointless to start with - as did many other members. However over time I realised that it helped a lot and was actually quite easy to use. Also world borders were extended and the price of selling melons was halved, and you could no longer sell protection stones. Work was still going on for the new Member+ World and many users were excited for the new world!

22nd April, 2012 - Titles and teleportation had been added to the donations page, the most significant being titles probably - as so many people today have them! Both of these donations had been requested many times by many different players and people were happy when they were both released!

27th June, 2012 - The second home feature was added! Players could now create two homes - and everyone was very pleased with the result as it had been a much wanted addition! Many people now started finding and converting mob spawner into XP farms and suddenly there was many many players with XP farms, most offering some sort of access for money.

31st July, 2012 - With the release of 1.3 being just one day away Optical releases the much wanted new homes! From this date onwards you could then buy 5 homes for just $10! This proved a great seller and many players (including me!) rushed to buy it! Many players even bought the donation more than once, just in case they ran out of homes!

26th September, 2012 - Opticraft's official YouTube channel had been released, along with another great promotion video from xDeeKay. Before Opticraft's official channel came out xDeeKay had made another great promotional video for opticraft!

17th November, 2012 - After a lot of reminding from AwesomeAlicia the IRC was back for SMP! And, as Coolcrab put it - now we didn't have to bother coming on to talk to people  ;D! Re-adding IRC was great as many players had never heard of IRC before so they got the chance to use it - and many players did use it, and still do today!

24th December, 2012 - The night before christmas! Nick3306 and a few other players grouped together to make the excellent video: 'The night before christmas'. As well as being a lovely merry christmas to everyone it was also another great chance to use the all new official Opticraft YouTube channel!

28th July, 2013 - After secretly building a few arenas pvp is released! This was a great addition to many opticraft players as it was completely unexpected. Players started making very good armour and swords to get ready for battle! I remember gavin offering people money and all his items if they killed him - and I don't think anybody ever did! Sadly after all the excitement caused by PvP I do believe that it is rarely used today.

8th September, 2013 - Probably one of the saddest things that happened in Opticraft, the ability to sell Iron and Gold was removed in the market. It was amazingly heartbreaking to see the effects this had on players, I remember a lot of people being very angry, and I mean very angry! If I remember correctly a few players even left over it. However, it did mean now that players with Iron and Gold farms were not incredibly rich compared to everyone else - and this was nice as it made the game fairer for everyone.

23rd February, 2014 - The Hall of Fame was announced by Tobs! Players could now goto the hall of fame and find out all about amazing builds that some very creative Opticrafters have made! I think this was a great addition to the server as it's a great way to celebrate and share the pure skill needed to make these buildings, and it's amazing that some players in opticraft are this dedicated and good at building! Although you wouldn't expect it on a survival server I think we do have a lot of amazing buildings on this server!

21st July, 2014 - TheWholeLoaf completes two fantastic new PvP maps, Valgate and Plaza! Now those more bloodthirsty among us can compete against each other in these fantastic new places! I personally think it's great that these two maps are very different, as Plaza is more about proper fighting whereas Valgate, a medieval village, offers many places and chances to hid and pounce on your unsuspecting victims!

Thanks for reading the history of Opticraft - I do hope you enjoyed it! If this turns out to be a success, which I hope it will, I might continue adding things to it, as I think it would be nice to have an ongoing history topic! I do understand that I did not include every piece of history I was meant to, and I haven't included any new world announcements! However if you think that I should have included something please post a link to the topic, or post a picture - and reply with it below. I hope your all looking forwards to the new app, I'll soon be taking orders! Thanks again, and goodbye!


Offtopic / Wierd staff forum logo?
« on: April 21, 2014, 11:50:32 am »
When attempting to go to the staff forums it won't let you unless your staff (of course) but a strange Opticraft logo appears? Anyone know why?
(click to show/hide)

EDIT: Use this:
(click to show/hide)

General Discussion / Server is down
« on: April 14, 2014, 08:41:34 am »
Hi guys, I dunno if Optical is gonna put a message up or something but if he doesn't just to let you know the server's gonna be down for about an hour for maintenance. I guess you can lock this.

Offtopic / Need a job doing!
« on: April 14, 2014, 07:15:09 am »
Hey guys, some of you may know that my computer isn't amazing and that I have a server. The server's only been going about a month and it's still got lots of work ahead, but I was hoping someone could help me. Quite a few of my other servers I've made videos showing them and what they do - but my problem is that my computer isn't great so I either just lag out when recording or have my render distance on tiny which means no-one can see anything. All I need someone to do is to take a few videos for me (in about a month) where I tell them to take them and then send me the files. However I need someone who has a proper recorder with no watermark on it and someone who has a good computer and can record in the furthest render distance with the world completely loaded with no lag.

If you think that you can do that I'm not quite sure what payment you would want but I could offer you money on opticraft, items on opticraft, in-game ranks on my new server or in-game money on my server. Unless it wasn't much I can't really pay you with real money. I'm not sure what else people would want in forms of payment but if want something else please just tell me what it is. Anyway thanks,


P.S Forgot to mention that the person only needs to record not edit as I have Camtasia Studio to edit.

General Discussion / Want logo made quick! Paying 6k + Stack of diamonds
« on: February 28, 2014, 06:01:48 pm »
Hey guys, I'm needing a logo made quick for a game that I'm part of, but i really need it like tonight or at the very latest tomorrow morning! I will pay $6000 in-game money and a stack of diamonds, the logo needs to be related to the game which is a modern game in which you are a spy, the name of the game is spyguy. I really like Rockstar's unreleased game logo agent, look at the logo here: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Agent_(video_game)

If you have made a logo please post it below, also I don't mind if you find a logo of the web I just want a professional looking logo. I don't really want pictures just maybe something like with the agent logo, but please - only post something good looking, I will only pay a person if I like the logo and use it, thanks


Ban Appeals / [2crzy4uall] Didn't realise until after
« on: February 16, 2014, 08:29:07 am »
Hi, I recently got banned for stealing items whilst LWC was down. I live in the old guest world which of course is highly populated with many active and inactive players' houses. When I got to my town yesterday I noticed that there was a change behind some houses quite far away; so I walked over the hill to see what it was, I found that there was a new dirt platform there and a chest, so I opened the chest not knowing at this point that LWC was down.

I took items from that chest following the rules that if a chest in unlocked you may take items from it, I have been told this many times by various members of staff. Anyway when I later found out that LWC was in fact broken I was going to speak to staff about the items I took but there were no staff on. I later had to go out to a anniversary party of my dead brothers friend. I hope you understand my lack of knowledge and shorten my ban - I would be very greatful, thanks


Ban Appeals / My Ban Appeal.
« on: January 24, 2014, 08:10:12 pm »
My complete list of bans: http://www.opticraft.net/index.php/page,BanLookup.html?username=icooliam

Hi, I'm icooliam and I realize that I was caught advertising my server, I'm not going to make some excuse like "it was my friend" because I don't want to lie. I asked my close friends on the server discreetly (with signs) if they would like to join my server, I have two reasons for writing it on signs, number one is that I didn't want Tobs finding out (for obvious reasons) and number two I know how annoying it is when a player types and iP into the global chat, I have my own problems of people doing that on my own server, and besides I only wanted my friends on for now.

I enjoy Opticraft and play regularly and I have many friends, I have been playing for well over a year now and enjoy every day I play. I understand that this is my fifth ban and that it will probably be banned perm, but please look at my other bans as I know at least one was discussed with staff and said that I shouldn't of been banned. This ban that was discussed was about a grief trap that looked similar to a NPC desert well, I thought it was one and so griefed.

I'm not going to beg endlessly for an unban as I understand I have disobeyed the rules quite a few times now and that the decision is up to you, please give me one last chance as I do really really enjoy this server and I do not want to never be able to come back on, thanks for reading,


Trade Central / Two stacks of iron blocks
« on: January 08, 2014, 07:53:50 pm »
Hi guys, I've got two stacks of iron blocks available to buy  ;D

For both!
Price: $6500
Bid Increment: $10
Ending time: When i want!
Buyout price: $7500

Just for one stack
Price: $3900
Bid Increment: $10
Ending time: When i want!
Buyout price: $5250

Trade Central / Enderman Farm
« on: January 08, 2014, 07:51:06 pm »
Hey guys, icooliam here. I have recently finished my end farm which is now available for you to buy access to. The access is very cheap. For more info goto /home icooliam end

Trade Central / Selling Mansion - Very Cheap
« on: January 05, 2014, 09:07:40 am »
Hey guys, ages ago I built a mansion. Recently I have needed another /home, so I have decided to sell this mansion. I'm not expecting to get a lot for it as it is only made out of wood and has a cobble roof + floor. However I know because of it's size it won't go for free. I don't want to just give this away as I did spend a little bit of money making it. So if you are interested please just say your price below, don't worry about if the price is really low just say it anyway. The pictures are below. To see the mansion for yourself goto /home icooliam mansion

(click to show/hide)

Trade Central / Buying glass OR sand [Updated]
« on: January 02, 2014, 08:31:26 pm »
Hi guys I need lots of glass, or sand, the info in below for both of them.

Glass Prices (uncoloured)

Price per stack:$90 or $1000 for 10
How many stacks are needed: Over 20, I'm not sure how many exactly
Other info: Please only say if you can be on when I can be on.

Sand Prices

Price per stacks: $60 or $700 for 10
How many stacks are needed: Over 20
Other info: Please only say if you can be on when I can be on.

If you can supply me with either sand or glass I would be very happy! Also I will pay for half stacks of glass only.

Offtopic / Anyone good at drawing?
« on: December 24, 2013, 05:42:13 pm »
because im not...

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