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Topics - Fadmad

Pages: [1] 2
Rejected / Moderator Application - <fadmad1998>
« on: October 05, 2012, 09:47:19 am »
Age: 14
Location: Jordan
Timezone: GMT+2
Join Date: March 29
Were you recommended by anyone?: I'm not sure, but I think Morrison1996, Scotty602AB. Add you name if you do
Why you should become a moderator:
I have been on this server for a very long time. I have seen many promotions and demotions. I was there when there was only one guest world. And now I believe that the time is right for me to help this server by being a mod. Here are some arguments why I should become a moderator.
ACTIVE: I'm known on the server and on mumble, and play everyday.
KNOWLEDAGBLE: Prior experience of being a mod on other servers, I know EVERY command in LogBlock
TRUSTWORTHY: Seriously, I never abused my powers of being trusted, and griefed with water.
FRIENDLY: I try to be as friendly as I can to other players so they can enjoy their time here on opticraft.
HELPFUL: I helped countless players, from building houses.... To sparing materials.
Opticraft has the best community out there, and I see a bright future for it! I know that I'm ready, and hopefully I will make it.
Ps. For those people who post "Supported" please post this instead:
Fadmad1998 should become a mod, because:<Your reason>. If you don't write this, you clearly haven't read my app. =p
Thanks for reading

Offtopic / Funny Minecraft Pics
« on: September 02, 2012, 11:46:10 am »
This topic is for funny mine craft pics/screen shots that happen ONLY in OPTICRAFT
Ok here are two
This slogan was not created by me..
(click to show/hide)
My Slogan!!
(click to show/hide)

Ban Appeals / [dedlymagik] Victino ban appeal
« on: July 30, 2012, 04:35:14 pm »
    Victino was banned in June for x-raying in April. In these two months he has grown much more mature and even got trusted. He hangs out on mumble with us and sounds very cool. I and many others would like to see him back on the server, and I hope this would be considered and please give him a final chance. He has invested much time in this server and made it a better place.
P.s.I asked Victino for allowance to post this.
Thanks for reading...

Rejected / Moderator Application - Fadmad1998
« on: July 03, 2012, 04:44:46 pm »
Age: 14
Location: Amman, Jordan
Timezone: GMT +2
Join Date: 29th of March
Were you recommended by anyone?: ViperZeroOne, Omaroo2
Why you should become a moderator: Well, I was rejected 2 times. But.....this Third application shows that I am VERY eager to become a moderator on this server. I am always there to help people, and look forward to help more if I get this title. I don't have much to say because I have written huge paragraphs on my other apps. But, if you'd ask me to describe myself in three words...Reliable, Helpful, and Respectful
NOTE: I was not online for a few days because I am on vacation....Sadly, from this day till the 14th of this month, I won't be online because of a SUMMER CAMP. So HOPEFULLY, when I come back, Im eager to thanks the people who support me and if I made it.

Thank you for taking your time...

Offtopic / Skilled Skin Maker
« on: June 15, 2012, 09:14:07 am »
So, I love my skin, but I really think it could need some editing. I look for a REALLY good skin maker, who can my skin really great.
 Here is the skin that needs editing SKIN

Support / How many times did I vote?
« on: June 08, 2012, 08:37:53 am »
Well, Im trying to get Top Voter, but don't seem like I'm getting in the top 15. So is there anyway to see how many times you voted?

Offtopic / Inactive this week
« on: June 03, 2012, 02:44:05 pm »
   Due our end year exams (finals*) I will be inactive  :'(
*Finals are end year exams, of 6 topics. Each topic has a book of 200+ pages which have to be   MEMORIZED.  :(
Our exams will start on the 6th and end on the 14th;D
Here is my schedule.  :P
Wed 6th: English
Thurs 7th: Geography
Sun 10th: Science
Mon 11th: Relgion
Tue 12th: NOTHING  ;D :D :) :D ;D :) 8) :P
Wed 13th: Arabic Language
Thurs 14th: Math
Well, I will be very inactive this week, but still be able to play in miniature amounts of time.

Support / Links and more
« on: May 28, 2012, 12:59:48 pm »
Quesion is: how can I make that blue test that would take me somewhere, and how do I add spoilers?


Suggestions / 1.3 water and lava update issue
« on: May 25, 2012, 02:59:38 pm »
When 1.3 comes out, dispensers will be able ti dispense water/lave from BUCKETS. Players in opticraft areable to pick up water/lava but not place it. I believe this can lead to many problems.

- Fadmad1998

General Discussion / Auction template???
« on: May 25, 2012, 01:56:20 pm »
Can I have some suggestions if this idea is good or not?
Well as I was scrolling through all the pick axe and tools auctions, I PERSONALLY felt that all these posts were very cramped and not that straight forward. So here is my template: ( most of it was inspired by the post Henz-yo )


If you believe this should be stickied, please support.


Offtopic / Won't be online
« on: May 25, 2012, 05:25:28 am »
I will not be online for "I don't know how long because of problems with my internet provider." I am very patient till now and hoping I will be able to play opticraft.
P.S. This post was written on a 3G conntection.


Rejected / Moderator Application- Fadmad1998
« on: May 21, 2012, 01:31:07 pm »
In game name: Fadmad1998
Age: 14 years born on the 28 of January
Location: Amman, Jordan, Middle East
Join Date: 29th of March
Were you recommended by anyone?: Omaroo2, ViperZeroOne (if you recommend me, insert your name cause I do not ask for recommendations).
Why you should become a moderator:
After my first app was rejected, I self-communed with myself, and tried to figure out why it was. I came up with two main reasons. First: I was very new, had no experience, and was not that known. Secondly: I was NOT helping out a lot. Everyday after I come back from school, I usually have no homework. So when I type in /online, I realize that 50 +people online but no are there to help out. I don't want to imply that all these great mods are doing no work, I just mean that Opticraft could need a few more moderators that are in my Timezone to help more players. In addition to that, I believe that I am more familiar with the community and better known. I also started helping as many people as I can with the 25 buckets I have. Lastly, I was able to familiarize myself with 90% of the mod commands and hopefully I will be able to rollback griefs smoothly ,as they have increased in these several weeks. I thank everybody who took their time and read my mod application.
Edit: I have noticed that the new member+ world is coming out. That means that there will be a lot of pressure on mods becasue they have to split their time between the two world. I will be able to be on both worlds to ensure maximum saftey for new and old players.

Support / Can't connect to minecraft.net?
« on: May 19, 2012, 09:45:56 am »
After I type my user name and password this happens to me. Can't connect to minecraft.net
Can someone tell me what I should do?


Support / Grief
« on: May 13, 2012, 03:43:22 pm »
In game name : Fadmad1998
2 weeks ago or so scotty banned flyingpegasus for griefing my home. I log on today and see the exact same grief. I believe that this guy was banned permanent recently and all his actions were rollbacked including the grief he has done. Can someone fix it please.

Support / New world
« on: May 09, 2012, 04:39:59 pm »
Can I please have a detailed explanation about the new world that is coming back. Will my trusted rank also be there. Thanx

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