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Topics - Jake_Lanzer

Pages: [1]
Ban Appeals / [Redchecks] [2crzy4uall] Ban Appeal For Jake_Lanzer
« on: April 15, 2013, 12:31:00 pm »
In the previous I know I have done so many wrong things but that was when I had a client, I got too much into and started to have fun. That was wrong, so recently, I got rid of it because, I realized me getting kicked and banned will increase if I grief. I promise I have stopped and one of those griefs was a joke to a friend of mine who recommended this server i put items on her floor so she could fix it but they disappear. So I want to get unbanned because my friends play here and one of my friend XANDERhasSWAG griefed you. I also want to show you I can build houses for people that's what me and cookie950 did so thank you for reading this. Sincerely, Jake   

Suggestions / Do you have griefers? Look here if yes
« on: May 24, 2012, 01:49:35 am »
Does your town get greifed? Well I'm writing this so any member, moderator, admin etc... can see this. Where I live in opticraft my town only has 17/17 houses greifed per day only SOME get fixed so if you have a problem like this tell an admin or moderator. If any admin or owner sees this we need 1+ moderators in EVERY village,town, or city! Thank you

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