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Topics - Zen00

Pages: [1]
Offtopic / Steam Summer Sale
« on: July 13, 2012, 06:12:39 pm »
It's on.

Buy your games now!

Offtopic / Zen Production
« on: June 30, 2012, 10:08:35 pm »
Hey all, a little self advertisement here. I do art. A couple fun bits I've previously done are in the spoilers.

Anyways, if you like what I do, take a look at my Deviant Art account. I will be updating it soon with about 60 new images that I have produced over the last year, so enjoy!

Suggestions / Pokeball Mod
« on: May 31, 2012, 07:38:06 pm »
This mod allows you to capture animals and mobs inside of items so that you can place them where you want them, basically spawn eggs.

Mostly I would like something like this because there are many times you want a mob, say a pig or sheep, but they don't spawn near the place you want them. Namely your farm.

Suggestions / Stealing Should be Treated like Griefing
« on: May 29, 2012, 06:09:23 pm »
Why? Because either way, I'm out x material. Doesn't matter if I placed it or it's still in a chest, someone took/damaged something of mine and is now liable.

Either treat all types of griefing equal, or stop protecting from grief in entirety.

Why am I bringing this up? Someone stole a chest of stone from me and used it to build a "hotel" and is now renting out rooms in it. Looks like crap. It's a box made with the stone I spent hours digging up. They are getting off scott free though because they took it rather than mined it and then took it.

Say they tore down my tower to make that same building. They would have been banned and the damage rolled back. What was the difference here? There is no difference, either way I'm out of x material!

Thievery == Griefing

No if ands or buts about it.

Projects and Creations / Trans-Member+ Railroad
« on: May 29, 2012, 05:53:34 pm »
Hey all, you may know me from such projects as Model Biomes, but what you don't know is that what I'm most famous for are my trains. I come from a long history of trains in my family, and as such, know a few things about making a well organized and beautiful railway. Take a look at some of my projects on other creative servers and you just may agree.

(click to show/hide)

Now down to business. I love trains, and think that we should build a awesome minecart system for the Member+ world. As such I have stock piled huge amounts of stone for the building project. We will start by producing a station from which a person can leave in any of the four directions of the map. The rails will extend level all the way to the map edge. The station will be the hardest part of this whole production, as the tracks themselves will be very repetitive, but the station will be unique. I would love to have the station integrated into spawn if possible (please server admins, consider this request), but if we can not have that, we will find the 0 point of the map and center the station on that position.

Now what I would like from you all. Volunteers! To make this happen we are going to need huge amounts of iron, stone, obsidian, glowstone, gold, redstone, wood, and a few other things we'll get to as we go. I need volunteers who will go forth and scour the world for these materials and bring them back for the projects use. Secondly I need building volunteers. I'm more than happy to build it all by myself, artistic vision and wot, but having help really... helps. :P

At the bottom of this post is a list of volunteers to the project. This will be a ongoing project of undetermined length as we don't know how long it will take to create this system. New volunteers are always welcome. This is a community improvement build, and as such will be done by the community during their free time. I know you all have projects of your own that you want to build, but if you can spare any free time or resources to make the server accessible, then thank you.

List of Volunteers:


List of Donors:

Anonymous - $1000
Boshiwarrior - TBA
**BT5** - TBA

General Discussion / Spawning Issues (Potential Resolution)
« on: May 27, 2012, 11:08:23 am »
Hey all! Thought I'd give you an update on the spawning issue.

Tonight me and cschurz were experimenting with spawns to see if we can get them working, and here's what we found.

Apparently the issue with spawns is due to the server not despawning mobs properly when a player logs off or leaves an area, therefor mobs that spawn in chunks you visit while traveling (look up chunks in the wiki if you want to know) do not get despawned as you leave the area. What this does is cause the server to hit the mob cap very quickly, which prevents it from making more spawns, and as such, there hasn't been any around you to any useful extent unless someone managed to find and kill some somewhere else.

Anyways, so to test this cschurz used /butcher on the server to reset all the mobs, and it worked (If you are missing your sheep/cow/pig/chicken/whatever farm when you log on, it's his fault and ask an OP to help you with your issue) so we can say with 100% assurancy that the server hits the mob cap.

This is a temporary fix, so instead of killing everyone' farms all the time, we will continue to work towards finding the plugin issue that is causing this problem.

On the other hand, mob spawns in the member+ world work just fine, so no issues there. :D

PS: To those of you wondering, yes my slime farm works perfectly, so when spawns are fixed slimes will be plentiful, thanks for all the help in making it.

--- Fixed the name ;) ---

Support / Live Map
« on: May 23, 2012, 09:44:26 pm »
Still isn't updating properly, it's still showing me stuff from more than a week ago.

Rejected / Moderator Application - Zen00
« on: May 23, 2012, 03:24:59 pm »
Age: 25
Location: MST
Timezone: MST
Join Date: 04/2012
Were you recommended by anyone?: Ianhalmond, Henz-yo (BigBadHenz), Phyrax, ViperZeroOne
Why you should become a moderator: My qualifications include being an active member for an extended period of time, being willing to help out others and step up when no other moderators are on or the one on is overwhelmed, previous moderator experience on other major servers, and a desire to help improve the server where ever I can. If you want more than that, well just let me know what you want to hear. Otherwise, I hope you all go by what you know of me from seeing me in action in-game.

Suggestions / Expiring Protection Stones
« on: May 23, 2012, 03:20:29 pm »
Protection Stones are a great thing for active players who want their stuff protected, but what about those who have decided to leave the server and their PSs? There's a lot of little wood box shacks around my area that people put their free PS in and then abandoned, and I would like the space they're taking up for building. Also there are resources that have been abandoned but should be freed up, such as blaze spawners, but can't be accessed due to PSs. I have at times been trapped on ledges due to a bad fall that I could not get off of due to PSs preventing block placement so I could build a bridge, a severely annoying issue.

What I suggest is that there be a expiration date on stones, such that if a player does not log in for 3 months, then their PSs stop working (until they log in again), that way people can use potentially abandoned material. The stones can still only be moved by a mod or the owner.

Suggestions / Stop the Vote
« on: May 23, 2012, 03:15:35 pm »
Can you get the little vote notifier to stop popping up every time a page changes on the forums, it's quite annoying having it block up the screen like that all the time. (Yes I do vote occasionally, but when I haven't and don't want to at that moment it's annoying having the box hang over everything)

Suggestions / Fix the Login Box
« on: May 23, 2012, 03:14:11 pm »
I'm using Firefox 12, and have some issues with the login boxes. The name box is fine, but if I try to tab to the password box from the name box (as is usual in most sites) the tab goes somewhere else other than the password box.

Secondly, I have to click the password box twice before it allows me to type in my password.

Thirdly, the art for the boxes is bad. It has jagged edges all over and needs some anti-aliasing.

Lastly, add a stay logged in option.

Projects and Creations / Help me Make the Largest Slime Farm
« on: May 05, 2012, 03:40:17 am »
Hey all, I'm a big redstone fan, and as such I need sticky pistons and lots of redstone. In order to get both I'm excavating the largest underground area (or at least the largest that I know of) in the game. This area is below level 40 so slimes can spawn in it. This will allow me to collect both the slime balls I need and the redstone for my future project, the boss battle (search it on YouTube).

I need people to help me with this project however, it's taking quite a long time by myself and I'd like to get done faster. If you want a place to mine (you keep whatever you dig out) and to also help me at the same time, come to my /home and help me dig the area!

How does this work you might ask? Well the game only generates monsters within 128 blocks of you, so what I'm doing is excavating a area that is 128 blocks square. Once complete all you have to do is run from one end back to the other over and over, thus despawning distant monsters and causing the spawning algorithm to run and create new ones. Over time this will cause slimes to spawn, thus giving you slime balls!

I have completed half of the area, ranging from the left wall to the right wall. All I need is help expanding the back wall out further. When you come to my /home, just follow the signs to find the farm/mine. It's easy, just go to the basement of my building, then enter into the tunnel that leads to the mine. When you reach the nether portal at the bottom, hang a right and go to the end of that tunnel, and there is the mine/farm.

Support / Login Issues
« on: May 02, 2012, 06:25:03 am »
 I've been having trouble logging in recently, when I try connecting to the server it will say "Logging in" and stay on that screen for a while till it disconnects with a "Login took to long" message.

Wondering if anyone else is experiencing this.

Support / Spawner Bug
« on: May 02, 2012, 06:23:58 am »
For some reason if you disconnect then relog while a spawner is active near you, that spawner will no longer recognize your presence and deactivate. No idea why this is happening.

A fix for it is to move your character far enough away from the spawner so that it no longer senses you normally (about a chunk or two I figure works) then return to the spawner. It was either that or the teleport I did back to home then trekking back out to the spawner that fixed it.

Rejected / Moderator Application - Zen00
« on: April 24, 2012, 08:06:57 pm »
Age: 25
Location: Utah, USA
Timezone: MST
Join Date: 04/05/12
Were you recommended by anyone?: No
Why you should become a moderator: I have had prior experience moderating major (20 players on regularly at peak) servers such as MacG32's, and Docs. I have knowledge of the use of world edit and other useful tools. I am friendly and always willing to help others. I currently am available mainly in the evening, but also at random times throughout the day.

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