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Topics - Muhnator

Pages: [1]
Support / Im a nub. plx help
« on: June 26, 2013, 03:44:50 pm »
Hey guys. Long time no see :)

Been away from minecraft for a looong period of time, and tbh i forgot alot.

Atm im on the server, but cant chat with ppl. im stuck in (L) chat.  Cant find any help in the /help menu.

So please, what the feck am i supposed to do ? :P

 Love  Muh

General Discussion / I got hacked :(
« on: April 30, 2012, 01:55:43 pm »
Hey there fellow opticrafters..

As my tread says i got hacked..

I havent played MC for the last month or so,(been playing a little bit of wow)

Today i returned to find most my builds fuckd up (as usuall)..

After talking to a mod i found out that most the grief was done by myself.. I went to check my chests, and yes, they are fkd up aswell.. (nothing seems stolen, but its all a huge mess)...

If this affected anyone else but me, i wana deeply appologize to the ppl that it hit.. Thos that know me (ty nyssa for the message and the trust in me) know this wasnt me.. nooone knows my password to mc, so i have no clue how this happend, but now my password is changed, and if i can find it in me, ill try and start fixing all that was broken..


Offtopic / Allmost forgot...
« on: October 14, 2011, 07:41:17 pm »
Used to play alot of wow, and recently watched a movie i made back in 2008.

This is from the tbc days..

*dont flame my videoediting skillz to mutch, only movie i ever made :P*


Edit : For those of you that might still play wow,or other games, i would suggest this site. Allmost forgot that to :P


Edit2 : Lol, just realised the commment ive made back then is just a wall of text, i better go change it :P Thx opticraft comunity for correting my typing skillz tru the years :D

Offtopic / Taking a pooh...
« on: October 01, 2011, 06:32:08 pm »
In the lush forrest, behind a bush, sits a rabbit and a bear, taking a dump...

The bear looks at the rabbit, and asks " Do you have problems with pooh, in your fur ?"

The rabbit looks at the bear, and says " Not really, no..."

" Oki " says the bear, and wipes it's ass with the rabbit..."


Happy bithrday to the ground!!!!!

Edit, ad your own joke in the tread :D

Suggestions / Economy and protection
« on: September 28, 2011, 01:26:20 am »
This tread is dirrected toward's Opti.. Try and keep if free from unrelated comments.

So after having a really good talk on the server with Nick3306, about what would happen if economy was implemented, and how protection should be used, i feel the need to make this tread since, i forsee some issues with the curent line that is being laid out for the beta server.. (the talk in Devils tread)

Economy :

This is a truely bad idea imo.. Those that know me, know that im a fairly good miner, and i have alot of freetime on my hands atm.. This will make me able to get a huge advantage over casual players joining the server. If all of the sudden the game is economy based this will encurrage players to horde resources..(i know i will, even if its a bad idea) With the tecknique i use for mining, and the time i got on my hands, i will be hording a chest of diamonds  and a dubble chest of gold in a week..

This is really bad, cuz a casual player have no chance in hell getting to the same lvl im at.. I shoudent care about this, cuz i would obviusly be on top of the foodchain, but i do care..

Hording resources is a really bad idea, cuz just like irl, it will create a huge inbalanace, no matter how you try and micromanage it.. The players with the most time on their hands will dominate the game, and as far as i understand opticraft, it should be even for all players..

Please do not implement this..

Protection :

After talking to Nick today i got the feeling that i didnt really explain how i see protection used, so after some brainstorming, and some correction of my english skillz, im gona try again..

Protection should be free, not economy based.. It should be build based.. (the server is allready hybrid build based)

"How build based you ask"

Well, just like in classic, were ops spend time promoting ppl for their builds, is kinda the same way protection should work..

Op's should be the ones deciding how mutch protection the player "deserves" If protection is implemented grief and exploit is PERMANENTLY fixed, and ops jobs would now be to protect ppls builds, according to the efford that was put into it.. (imagine classic just totally grief free)

Lets say a player spends 2 days building a house that is roughly 30x30, well then he gets around a 50x50 spot protected. (its up to the player to find a suitable spot, and it should say so in the spawn)

Dirt sheeds and dare i say it "crappy builds" wont get protection. The op should be convinved that this is a player that wants to continiue playing on the server.. Just like the move from guest to recruit in classic..

If a player travels to the far edge of the map, since hes aware of he going to make a 200x200 build, there should be no problem in protecting this aswell, as long as the player has chosen his area with some thought.. (most ppl that make big builds should be able to do this)

Protection is in no way based on how big or "awsome" the build is. The guy that makes a nice house that is 30x30, deserves the same treatment as the one that does a 200x200 mindblowing castle complex. its just up to the op to decide if the player wants to make opticraft his home..

The size of the build does however not gief ranks or anything like it, its just making sure the player has a good gaming explerience, no matter if there are ops online or not.

About the height of the protection, it has to be from bedrock to the skies. As i wrote in Devils tread, the thing that allows players to build great stuff, is their mine (the game is called minecraft).
If a player decides to make a 200x200 build, hes gona need the rock and coal beneeth him to make this a reality. Some ppl spend alot of time on their mines, and this deserves just as mutch protection as the structure on top, if not more.
Ive seen some ppl make a small building on top, with enormus creations underground.

And for thos that argue it not fair cuz then all the diamond is getting reserved, i can only facepalm.. This is the typical "omg its that dudes fault i fail" thinking that was allmost destroying Devils tread..
Its like ppl forget that they can still mine outside the protected zone, noone will be stopping you from exploring caves or setting up a mine anywere else in the map.
 If you think the player that makes an insane build is interested in diamonds, i urge you to try and think again. (personally id pick coal over diamond anyday) Heck, ill even give away my diamonds if its what it takes.(as long as i kan keep a few for my pic and shovel)
 And the beta maps are wast, so stop crying and go find what you want in the rest of the world that is yours to explore. 200x200 is the biggest i could imagine anyone building on, and this is still a only tiny part of the map when we go out of testing.

Ive seen this on other servers.. First of all, op's have more time on their hands, cuz grief is only part of history books. But most important of all, protection makes the entire attitude of the server alot brighter between the players.

I played on supremeserver for around 2 weeks (only left cuz you made the server Opti) and i have never in those 2 weeks seen a grief comment in the chat..
Further more, ive never seen 2 ppl argue over whos space is whos, witch we atm are drowning in on the beta server (yes im one of em) Ppl were happy to invite other ppl to see their builds, cuz there were no chance of em getting exploited or griefed.

Im posting this cuz i want all players to have the same great experience, no mater how mutch freetime they got on their hands, or how good they are at mining/building..

My suggestion's are not final, all numbers are just there as an example. Ofc they can be tweaked, but i generally see this as the best hybrid solution for the server. Both for the players and the staff..


Support / Cant connect to the server
« on: September 27, 2011, 06:50:58 pm »
So, just got home from work, and cant connect to the server..

Anyone else experiencing this ?


General Discussion / Muhnator
« on: September 10, 2011, 08:53:47 pm »
Sup fellow minecrafters!!

So after fading from the classic server into playing beta, and a bit of wow on the side, today i stumbeld over the opticraft forums. And what did feast my eyes, opticraft beta server!! Amg!

So, if anyone cares im back, and ill be hangin out on the beta server every day if possible, plotting scematics over huge structures :D

Hope to see some of you "oldies" on the beta server :D

See ya on the inside* edit Had to be done since claw was on my back :D


General Discussion / 9 minuttes of pure rofl
« on: June 16, 2011, 02:56:44 pm »
If this guy's reactions to playing beta donsen't make you laugh, i dont know what will :)


Creations / The project is done :)
« on: May 19, 2011, 04:23:56 am »
EDIT: The project is done, read my last post plz.

Well, finished the cruiseship in recruit.... so scaled up a bit..

Ive only done some of the basic outside so far.. i hope i will finish it in about a week or two..
And yes, as usuall, like on all my other builds, its gona have an inside, so look forward to an experience :P

The room im using is roughly 150 x 350... so i hope this dosent get called small, or i might implode :)

It's in the new builder map, if anyone wana get up close

Btw, ive been asked alot lately if i use programs or anything to make my things... Well i dont. the only tool i use is a circle diagram, i found on the mc forums. I had tons of lego's as a child, so this is like jumping on a bike and going down hill for me :P.. i get inspired from Movies, nature, great building's ect.
I generally start out with a main "frame" step back, look at the shape, and make up the design as i go along.

linking im my own newb way, and hoping for someone super skilled to fix my pics :)


See ya inside


Edit. tried to fix pictures myself, but wont work. help! :P

General Discussion / We got a hater
« on: May 17, 2011, 02:29:32 pm »
So, i was surfing tru youtube, and typed in opticraft, just to see what was out there...

i guess someone pissed this guy off.


Edit : wanted to post it, since he encurages other griefers to come to opticraft..

Creations / Mansion finished + bonus
« on: May 16, 2011, 11:31:33 pm »
Hey ppl, since im working hard on becomming good enugh to be a crafter, i wana try and keep you updated with my current projet's, if it has intrest :)

I finished the mansion in recruit, so heres a few pictures. the inside is fully detailed so a tour might be worth the trip :)






ohh, and here is the new project ive started... alot to do yet, but i think u know where im going´:)




See ya inside :)
p.s. i got other creations, but these are the latest ive done. If you want pictures, tell me and ill link.

Creations / Thanks for all the love
« on: May 16, 2011, 07:20:42 pm »

Hey ppl..

I wanted to say thanks to the ppl that have replyed on my app, but its locked, so i was told to do it here...

So.. Raul, Xea and MrMrMr, and whom ever i have forgotten : / thanks for your kind words, and warm welcome.. Ill do my best to live up to your expectations :)

love to ya all


Accepted / Builder Application
« on: May 15, 2011, 01:17:31 pm »
Ingame name:muhnator
Join date:12.5.2011
Briefly describe all your creations:"mini" mansion, spaceship, castle
What worlds are the creations on:Castle is on recruit2, spacehip's+ mansion is on recruit10
Links to screenshots of the creation:http://imageshack.us/photo/my-images/832/screenshot2011051504115.png/
Names of players who helped contribute:i did it alone.
What is your current rank in Opticraft ?: Recruit
Extra (Anything else you want to mention):I primarely wana build, but if i can be of any help, ill of course pitch in.
Do you agree with our terms yes.

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