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Topics - Quinton_P

Pages: [1] 2
General Discussion / Officially Leaving Notice
« on: November 01, 2014, 01:36:59 pm »
Hey guys, Quinton here, if you have read the subject of this you would know that I am leaving. A little over two and a half years... This is the time I have been on Opticraft. Opticraft was my first server that I have ever been on, I remember logging on the exact day I joined. I spawned into the original spawn castle and had no idea what to do, so I asked, and all of a sudden I got overwhelmed with joy with how awesome and nice the community was. There was probably about 30 out of the 115 people on happy to help. This journey through opticraft I wouldnt of been able to make it alone. One person I want to thank is Zeradeth, for giving me the wood to start my very first house, which was a disgrace to houses, but it was my house and I was happy to be a part of the community. But sadly Opticraft has died down alot, the max people usually on is around 15-20 if you are lucky. Plus I am into some new servers and I am busy with school work in my new school.

So here is my Good-Bye to Opticraft, but remember, keep staying awesome you guys!

Projects and Creations / Trynox Stadium
« on: July 01, 2014, 09:51:40 pm »
Hello all, i will be needing some help with a soccer/track stadium. I will need people to help build so comment or drop me a pm in game if you want to help. I will also
Black stained clay
Red stained clay
White wool
TONS of light gray wool
One beacon
Pistons/sticky pistons
And alot of Redstone

If you have anything you can donate then drop it off at my /home. I am planning for this to be the biggest build i have made on opticraft. I can probably do it myself but help will make it go A LOT faster.

Support / Could i get gavins stuff?
« on: June 29, 2014, 09:17:49 pm »
Gavin on steam said that i could have access to all of his chests and his money if it was ok. I am assuming this will be ok because my cousin got banned and i got chest access. I will even have gavin agree.

Suggestions / Connecting to Planet Minecraft
« on: June 28, 2014, 07:43:27 pm »
Alright so hey guys, havent posted on here in a while, I think I'm going to join back on opti and actually get active. But here is a suggestion I was talking about in game and a bunch of people agreed with me on this. We need to connect opticraft to Planet Minecraft. This will help pool in tons of players, especially if we connect Opticraft to votifier and everyone on opti takes 30 seconds to vote. I put my server up on PMC and got 15 players in about five minutes. I really think this will help the community strive again. I know the problem of "I'm from PMC make me op," but it is simple enoguh to say "alot of people are," or just saying "No, your'e not special". So I'm basically just saying I have no idea why this hasnt been already connected. PMC=More Players=Striving Community= More donations= Server to be up longer. I think this is a great idea, I would love to see the server go past 256 people! Let's connect it!

Offtopic / Do any of you reccomend Rust?
« on: February 26, 2014, 02:24:21 am »
So my friend yesterday at school was telling me about this game called "Rust" on steam. I dont know much about it. I watched a few youtube videos and looked at it on steam. Some of my other friends though say its a waste of money. What do you guys think?

General Discussion / $15 Donation Giveaway!!!!!!!!
« on: February 25, 2014, 12:07:11 pm »
So basically you just reply for what you want and i will do a drawing on March 6th (the day after i get pardoned). Whoever gets picked will get $15 worth of donations on the server!

Ban Appeals / [2crzy4uall] Quinton_P ban apeal
« on: January 27, 2014, 03:31:19 am »
Ok so you know about my scam that i was doing to other people. I very much regret telling megamoltar about this. He told you crzy that i was doing this. But to let you know i wasnt stealing accounts on here. And i did not sell one. I tried to sell one for like 2 minutes then got off. I dont really see why I am banned. I would just really apreciate it if you pardoned me or atleast shorten my ban. I guess what i have done is wrong and I have stopped but then again I never did it on here... So please take into your consideration to pardon me I have been on Opticraft for two years, spent over 200 dollars, logged countless hours, and made tons of very nice friends. Please conisder pardoning me.... Quinton_P

General Discussion / What to do?
« on: January 25, 2014, 07:56:18 pm »
Hey guys as most of you know I have been on Opticraft for about two years. I was just wandering if anyone could give me some fun suggestions to do or if anyone wants to do a big project. I've done tons on here and I'm getting kind of bored on Opticraft... Thinking about quitting almost.

Trade Central / Selling gold farm early access
« on: December 30, 2013, 02:02:09 am »
    Ok so bronie is making me a gold farm and i am selling early access for 40k when it will be 65k. It will produce a stack of gold blocks every 90 minutes. Reply to this or mail me in game to buy.

EDIT: It is an overworld farm.

Rejected / Project Protection - Trynox - Quinton_P
« on: December 01, 2013, 05:52:11 pm »
City name: Trynox

City location (Live map link, coordinates, not biome, include world name):member world http://smp.opticraft.net/map/#/3987/64/-1267/-3/2/0

Contributors: Chase2982 and i
Mayor (Only one - this is the zone owner): Quinton_P

Approximate dimensions:Hard to tell its an island but way bigger than 50x50

Number of active residents:4

Number of completed, decorated and furnished buildings:7 working on 8

What state is the project in, and what are your plans for its future, if any:The project is in the works. It has 7 buildings and were working on the 8th

Why should we grant this city protection? You guys should grant me city protection because the whole city is going to be a resort island, and you would think hmm just on a small island? No! The island is pretty big and I wouldnt beable to protect it with the 20 diamond ps i have. I also have already had problems with people building here and its just a hassle since I had to clear this island because it was a jungle biome. So please take into consideration of protection this. Its at my /home death.

(MODIFICATION) IVe added more houses and will be editing this alot

Rejected / Moderator Application - Quinton_P
« on: December 01, 2013, 03:43:14 pm »
Title: Moderator Application
Moderator Application - Quinton_P

Age:13 (Almost 14)
Location:U.S.A (Indiana)
Timezone:Standard Eastern
Join Date:April 2012
Were you recommended by anyone?:Nope (Fill name if applicable)
Why you should become a moderator: Hi this is Quinton here, applying for mod (of course). So let me give you a bit of my Opticraft History. I have played for almost two years now (really excited for this). I just really love Opticraft, I mean I love the buildings what people make, and the spawns, and the almost always up-time, but what I like most is the community. This is the main reason Ive stayed on Opti.

      Ok now the reason why I think I should be mod. One reason is because I try to get on almost every day, I used to not beable to because my computer was bad but I have gotten a new laptop. I usally try to log atleast 3 hours or more a day. Almost all the time on weekend. I also personally think I should become mod because I am very responsible. I have been banned twice for griefing when I was very new on minecraft. I know this wont happen again. Another reason is because most of the community does seem to like me or not mind me. I try to get on every day that I can and say if someone gets griefed or something and no mods are on, I help them sometimes but usually I try to pay them money or give them diamonds to get more supplies to repair. The last reason I would like to become mod is that like I just said, I REALLY like to help people on Opticraft. Being mod will also give me a whole new meaning to getting on my laptop and typing in smp.opticraft.net.

So please take this Application into mind. -Quinton_P

Projects and Creations / The Resort Islands Of Trynox!
« on: November 21, 2013, 10:44:58 pm »
Hey guys as some of you know, I got some help and cleared a jungle island of trees. I am turning this into a resort island! As you could think, this is gonna get pretty pricy. I will start on this just when i get some supplies that you could donate at my /home. If you are donating tell me on here, then throw the stuff in the hopper at my home. I will also accept money so also say if you will donate some cash.
List of things I need:
ALOT of quarts block
Logs (any type)
Enchanted books (for pickaxes and shovels for clearing)
Stone bricks
Beacon (If you donate a beacon you get a free mansion on the resort or room!)
Stained clay (all colors)
Wool (all colors)
Carpet (all colors)
Protection Stones
Redstone stuff
Dragon eggs (ive got an idea design)
Obsidian (Gold farm for all who join)

(Edit!) I will start needing builders soon since im getting pardoned tonight.

Suggestions / Opticraft on Instagram
« on: October 17, 2013, 12:04:21 pm »
Ok now lets get one thing straight. Opticraft is dieing slowly in players. But one thing that is growing every day is the app instagram, for which if no one know what it is, it where you share pictures and get followersand you can also follow people. The reason i think this will help is i made my own page on instagram once for just offline world, i got 150 followers in one day. This will really help with getting.new people on, heck its free advertising. I could run it (or someone higher up could Run it ). Whoever does run it could just basically like a more active forum, posting forum news and cool builds,  just basically cool stuff to make people join. So please take into my consideration to making this. (Dont mind my incorrect grammar im on my phone )

Rejected / Moderator Application - Quinton_P
« on: August 24, 2013, 04:14:03 pm »

Age: 13
Location: Indiana, United States
Timezone: Eastern Timezone
Join Date: April 2011
Were you recommended by anyone?: I have been but can't think of them off the top of my head (insert name if you have)
Why you should become a moderator: I personally think I should become a moderator on Opticraft because i can relate to the people of the server. When i used to be a member and even as far back as a guest, I remember having troubles and then the "super powered mod" came in and helped me. It still happens to me. The whole reason I ever wanted trusted is because I like helping people. I also think I have logged quite abit of hours on this server and I know the rules and whats right and wrong. I even try to helped guests (or members) that have gotten griefed by giving them blocks and helping them rebuild when a moderator or operator is not on.

     So basically in conclusion I think I've had enough expierence to fill into the moderator position, and I would really enjoy taking a step up in responsibility of this position of helping out on this wonerful server. I know I dont post on the server tons but thats because I have nothing to post about on there. If I get mod I have just gotten a new phone so I will be able to check appeals and be on mumble and or IRC more.

   ~~So please take my application into your consieration, Yours Truly, Quinton_P


General Discussion / The tree town of Trynox
« on: August 06, 2013, 06:33:50 pm »
Ok so as a couple of you guys know, I own a small town in a jungle biome on a bunch of trees. I just need some builders. I will probably pay 500-1000 per house that is built. So if youre interested in helping reply to this, sens a mail to me, or talk to me in game. By the way, this is just at my home if you are interested in seeing the town.

I will edit this eventually and put the builders. I probably need 3-4.

Builders so far-

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