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Topics - bhoughton

Pages: [1] 2
General Discussion / time for me to move on
« on: November 19, 2012, 05:24:02 am »
okay guys, I'm pretty sure that i'm going to be taking a LONG leave, if not for good, i may pop on every now and then but to be honest i've just lost the love and passion for the game, nothing was drawing me in like it used to. So, this is pretty much my good bye to everyone, i love you guys so much so it is sad to say goodbye.
If i do find my love for the game again in the future I may join the community.

Goodbye xoxo <3

Projects and Creations / My Time :)
« on: September 20, 2012, 09:17:20 am »
Hello everyone Just thought I might as well post this cause I have the spare time, and I'm ever so slightly bored xD

This is something that I am building to keep me occupied during my in-game experience. It is just a small little city that I am building out of fun. You're more than welcome to come and have a look, if you're that interest I might allow SOME people to build there.

What can you do?

Well, it would help for some donations? you're not obliged to donate or anything but It certainly helps be build this small city and give me some free time (instead of trolling some of you ;) ) But yeah, I'll mike a public chest for those that would like to donate.

here are just a few screen shots I'll update them from time to time to keep you guys posted !
(click to show/hide)

Me haha
Mrpooey - 1 stack of redwool and 53 white wool. - Thanks :)
taros10 8 cobble steps & 75 cobble - Cheers :)


PS if you're going to donate, stone brick and wools would be very appreciated

Suggestions / A guide to user events
« on: August 21, 2012, 10:32:45 am »
Welcome to the Guide of Player Events
Okay, it is quiet simple to begin a Player event. It requires only a few basic things.

      1)  A few players to join you in this event. This means there have to be others included in the event. Try not to be exclusive and include as many people as possible! As they say; The more, the merry
      2) you're going to need a place to host this event. So get building!!

What do I put in the topic?

For the topic it's quite simple. All you need to do is follow a basic template and fill in or add more things.

What is the purpose of the event? will it be spleef, party, obstacle course etc
Where will it be?: This can either be a /home or some coordinates.
State whether donations are needed Just say whether it would help for people to donate to the event etc
Is the project/area finished? simple yes or no.
Who is the official manager of the event? Just put your user name here, you can include other player names that are helping out eg umpires, observers etc

Optional things

Okay these things are optional for you to put in.
Screenies!Everyone loves screenshots, so put in a few screenshots of the even you're hosting so people can know what they're looking forward to!
People that have donated. I'm sure people will want to see who has donated to the event or they want to see their name on a shiny topic ;)
Who will be supervising. This is only optional, but it might help (eg in spleef events) an official supervisor that will make fair calls etc.

And pretty much anything else you want to put into the topic!

Should this be stickied in user events. Give me your thoughts and if there is anything that needs to be changed ;)

Support / Umm? Help?
« on: August 11, 2012, 06:03:40 am »
Hey guys, just wondering whether there is an error of some sort, cause I'm getting this message every time I attempt to connect to opticraft..
Any suggestions to solve this problem?

General Discussion / Optifine, do you have it?
« on: July 17, 2012, 08:25:12 am »
Well, the title says it all, and its a poll ^.^

Just want to get a rough estimate on how many people have it.

Just a little info http://www.minecraftmine.org/optifine-mod/

Suggestions / Global rich list
« on: July 05, 2012, 06:51:04 am »
Well, this idea is quiet simple, what I propose is a global rich list on the forums displaying the current richest players on the server.

However, i do acknowledge the sheer amount of players on the server, so the rich list could be cut to a top 100 ( or 500 )

Because the idea is simple I don't really need to expand on it so much.

Please, if you have and comments on this suggestion feel free to leave them below.

Trade Central / selling - sticky pistons
« on: July 01, 2012, 12:06:58 am »
Item: 32 sticky pistons
Price to start: 32k
Price between bids: 1k
Auction end: 2 weeks

Simple terms: please leave your in-game name after each bid. Please keep on topic of the auction.
I can withdraw the auction at any time (though it is highly unlikely).

Offtopic / best opticraft quotes
« on: June 29, 2012, 11:32:13 pm »
Okay, so post here what you think is the best opticraft quote from anyone in the community, can be a regular member to the boss himself, optical.
However please keep it on topic, you can post as many quotes as you like so, go for your life!

I'll start us off

Quit swinging your dick around before I put a formal end to it.

EDIT: if you can provide a link to the topic that would be great, you don't have to, but it would help

Suggestions / trusteds regarding forum ranks
« on: June 29, 2012, 06:53:47 am »
Good afternoon everyone!!

Well this is a very minor suggestion that I shall put forth. It is in regard to trusted players and forum ranks.

Okay, let's get started eh  ;)
Okay, as far as I am aware that trusted players and recruit (classic server, and I do know they're completely seperate servers) are very simular. Thus I put forward the idea that trusted players should receive the same forum rank as recruits with 2 gold stars under their name.

Yes, I do understand the sheer number of trusted players on SMP and it could take some time to get things sorted. But I truly do belive that trusted should get those 2 little gold stars.

If you have any comments, possitive or negative please reply to this thread :)

Thanks for reading, bhoughton

Offtopic / How to pronounce your name
« on: June 28, 2012, 07:42:32 am »
This is a very simple topic on how to pronounce your minecraft name,

I'll start us off:

bhoughton, pronounced Bee-How-Ton

Title says it all

Starting price is: 25k

this auction will end in 2 days

Have fun :D

EDIT: bids must be 1k apart.

General Discussion / Something strange
« on: May 22, 2012, 11:27:10 am »
Sorry i didn't get a pick

I just went onto the forums just them and the "forum tab" the Little ore at the top was completely different, it was a cube shape that was orange and this symbol ( http://www.tldm.org/News10/Hammer3.png ) was black, i don't know if it was deliberate or it was a mistake of some sort, but im not kidding something about the ore changed :O

Rejected / Moderator Application - Bhoughton
« on: May 21, 2012, 01:43:52 pm »
Age : 16

Location: Sydney
Timezone : GMT +10 i think =)
Join Date : March 31st is the exact date i joined :D
Were you recommended by anyone? : MissMedu, Ianhalmond, Tabooti, Wildone234, Mini25252525, Chip, Deweymeister
Why you should become a moderator : There are several reasons why i believe i should be come a moderator
As some of you may know I am a fairly regular player on opticraft. i play on average of around 4-7 hours a day (On weekdays). On weekends I would be able to stay on for more than 4-7 hours depending on my real life schedule.

In conclusion i wish to become a moderator to help the community and make opticraft a more enjoyable place to be on! to make everyone feel welcomed to the server. To keep keep peace among the community. For players to have someone to lean on for support. I'd like to help people a bit more, but being trusted doesn't give me this advantage of helping the player community in a greater way, thus u think becoming a moderator will greatly help me support the community.

Thank you very much for reading.
Bhoughton =)

Suggestions / I'll get my head bitten off from this
« on: May 16, 2012, 01:03:51 am »
Hello fellow "opticrafters" I just want to say this, and I think i might get my head bitten off for saying this. But i Believe that opticraft NEEDS more moderators. its 11pm in sydney and there is over 100 people on, not one of them is a moderator. i have seen numerous people asking for assistance and help, i can only provide little with water. But I feel helpless because people have greifers...

Opticraft you NEED more moderators and yes, i know you can't trust everyone on this but really... come'on there is over 100 people on and none of them are moderators.

i know this is a very short post, but i pretty much did cut most the crap and went straight to the point and i will do so again, opticraft you NEED more moderators or OP's on.

Thank you for reading =)


Projects and Creations / Opticraft Promo Video
« on: May 06, 2012, 05:22:32 am »
Hello, I was just thinking, its just an idea. Outside of opticraft I make fairly professional videos and it is the career I want to get into.
So this topic is about a promotional video that I might be planning to make, but I would need some help

What I require:
 -  Some decent places to film footage (so in the comments put down your home /home bhoughton [that's an example xP])
 -  Possible time lapse (sitting afk for about an hour+ while others build and then speed it up)
 -  Some back ground people
 -  someone suggest a decent texture pack
 -  if you have any of your own footage and would like to share it, I would love to use it, I will give you the credit at the end xP
 -  Need some decent builders (around 10) to build for time lapse

What I will be doing:
 -  Filming
 -  Editing (I use final cut pro 7 for my time lapses [because it is easier] then import it into final cut pro x for most of the other editing)
 -  finally exporting

Yeah, let me know on your thoughts, I take every bit of criticism into account.



P.s. I live in Sydney just to let you know :)
And if you doubt my work look up my youtube channel, i haven't updated in a while xP but i still got some videos (there isn't many due to that i can't up load videos of other companies) http://www.youtube.com/user/MrBhoughton/videos

Thanks again haha 

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