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Topics - blubberdud

Pages: [1]
Ban Appeals / Ban appeal
« on: April 19, 2012, 11:56:29 am »
I was banned for using an X-RAY mod...and yes I will admit to HAVING one...I didn't use it because I new I would be banned and I LOVE this server...bit my idiot little bro (monkeymania1) logged on to me and used it... I have changed my password so that he cannot get on again. I do not expect not to get punished for this (obviously I don't want to though) and some of you might not even believe me...but monkeymania1is real and he has a set home in opticraft...check it out if you don't believe me..I really would never do this and I love this server, I have helped many people I jave built 2 people homes, and helped many more out. Please do not perminant ban me I love this server and if there is anything that I can do to make up for it I will do it, please believe me  :'(

Ban Appeals / Ban Appeal
« on: March 23, 2012, 11:45:14 pm »
This Is My Ban Appeal
I was on the sever a couple of nights ago and I crafted a boat and set sail...i foud a house in the middle of nowhere and some people had broken the house so i thought it was abandoned. so i went in and took some stuff out...i am really soory and i am REALLY sorry to the person who built it. i really like this server and i would like to come back on..
Also, my friend plays on it and we built a house together and we both really want to go on together..and he needs some stuff that is in my cheast but i cant give it to him

PLEASE let me go back on. i am begging you

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