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Topics - Corza82

Pages: [1]
Ban Appeals / Why am I banned??
« on: July 29, 2015, 10:51:02 am »
I went to join and it said I was banned??? I tried going to www.opticraft.net/banned but nothing comes up for some reason?? Any reply would be great, thanks.

General Discussion / Problems with grief related bans
« on: March 29, 2015, 06:15:51 am »
Ive (Corza82) been banned again for "griefing". As its temporary I dont really mind but Im certain this has happened to others. In the area I was walking through there was a hill. To climb it I needed to break some blocks. I was then banned for griefing. How is this fair? Can we please send a message to everyone saying to protect land in some way. I remember there used to be protection stones what happened to them? Its annoying that walking through and breaking a block can count as griefing. It would be much easier if it just didnt allow players to not break the certain block and say that its inside someones protection or, someone has claimed this.

Bring back protection stones
Have a /kit protection to get one so everyone can get one
If something without a protection is broken it should not count as griefing

Thanks for reading. Hopfully this helps people in the future and the server in general

Ban Appeals / [Operator] Corza82 - Unban because of accident
« on: March 28, 2015, 09:52:23 am »
Hey Im Corza82, I was banned about 3 years ago and recently Ive taken interest in the server again. I was banned for griefing, my friend, we both know it was a joke but my attempts to become unbanned have led me here. My friend is oogaman32 and he will agree that Im not lying

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