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Topics - matt88222

Pages: [1]
Offtopic / Fun with Google
« on: November 03, 2011, 07:10:46 pm »
Do a google search for "do a barrel roll".

Some other fun ones:

Google search: "Tilt"
Google search: "Recursion"

Lastly, if you do a search for "gullible" you get 0 results.

Offtopic / New Playstation Commercial
« on: October 05, 2011, 06:19:58 pm »
It's probably one of the best gaming commercials I've seen. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mdWkKKSckNk

I'm not a big fan of Sony but this was awesome :)

Offtopic / Wouldn't this be cool?
« on: September 17, 2011, 01:38:11 am »

Offtopic / Leaving..
« on: August 17, 2011, 07:26:05 pm »
Sorry everyone

I'm asking to be demoted back to builder rank.  I've been quite inactive recently and it's only going to get worse as school starts back up soon and just before that I'll be helping my brother move into his apartment.  I'll be too inactive to justify keeping the rank while being unable to help.

In the past I've allowed myself to fail courses because I didn't do my work and I'm determined not to let that happen again.  I'm already going to have to go an extra year more than I should, and I'm not going to let it get any worse.  I'll still stick around the forums here and there, and I'll be in the IRC since I leave my computer on all the time anyways.. but you probably won't see me in-game at all.

Thanks everyone for the fun times!

TL;DR: An iguana can stay under water for 28 minutes.

Helpful articles / A Tool for Sprites
« on: July 29, 2011, 12:34:23 am »
So a while back I made a little tool to assist in the creation of sprites.  I've decided to share it here with everyone with the small chance that someone finds it useful.  If enough people get some use out of it I may try to update it on suggestions ;)

Link: http://uppit.com/wzc5psa98um2/Minecraft_Image_to_Text.jar

Funcion: So what does this program do anyways? Basically it'll take an image that was converted to use only colors available in Minecraft (Using a photo editing program such as GIMP or Photoshop and a palatte) and display all of the colors in a text file.  See: http://www.opticraft.net/index.php/topic,2085.0.html on how to do that!  Once the image has been converted it is to be saved as a .ppm file (GIMP allows this, I'm assuming Photoshop does as well!)

Please note, when you save the .ppm file you MUST save it in Ascii form, not Raw form!


What you'll need:
  • The image you wish to convert (Saved as a .PPM)
  • A palatte file you used to convert the image (For now, only .gpl files work!)

So, once you've downloaded the .jar file, simply double click it to run the program. (If the program does not start for some reason, try right-clicking it and selecting "Open With -> Java"

1.) Read the description then press "OK"
2.) Read the prompt, press "OK"
3.) Select the .gpl file you used to convert the image.
4.) Read the prompt, press "OK"
5.) Select the .PPM file you'll be using.
6.) Read the prompt, press "OK"
7.) Choose the name and location of the .txt file that will be created.  Click Save
8.) Finished :)

The .txt file created will have a key at the bottom.  Each row of the text file corresponds to one line in the sprite.  The last line in the text file is the bottom of the sprite, the first line the top.  Simply read each line left to right and place the blocks of that row left to right.

For Example: A sprite like this:

Would be a text file like this:

Code: [Select]
Red, Green, BlueX2, Red
Blue, Green, RedX3

The point of this program is to (hopefully) make things a bit easier than trying to click on the colors with a color selector tool to see what they are and switching back and forth between your image editor and minecraft.  Yes, I know there are other ways of using image editors (Selecting all pixels of once color and doing them all at once) but this just offers an alternative method.

Let me know what you think :)

Offtopic / Troll Minecraft Day?
« on: July 16, 2011, 02:05:07 am »
Anyone know what's going on? A bunch of people trolling? A glitch?

If you check out the minecraft classic server list it's flooded with "Minecraft Server" servers:


Opticraft got pushed down pretty far :\ only like 30 some people on ;(

Rejected / Operator Application - matt88222
« on: May 23, 2011, 10:31:19 pm »
Name: Matt / Matt88222

Age: 21

Location: Pennsylvania, USA

Timezone: Eastern Standard Time (GMT -4:00)

Join date: April 9, 2011

Forum Join date: April 17, 2011

Current rank: Builder

Reason for application: There are quite a few times I've been on where there were none or only one operator online who was swamped with people asking for help.  I feel as though I could help a lot if I became an op and I would be a valuable member of the operating team.  I would do my best to help everyone that that needed assistance and help keep the server running free of griefers/spammers.

Why you should become an operator: I believe that I am helpful and responsible person.  If given the role of op I think I would be able to fully help anyone on the server who needed it.  I have been spending quite a bit of time trying my best to help with guests in any way I could in addition to answering any questions they may have about various things. 

Have you been temp-op before?: Unfortunately no, the opportunity never presented itself.

Extra information: Although I am a builder, I feel as though I'd be better suited to the role of operator.  I rarely have any inspiration to build anymore and to be quite frank I think my skills as a builder are unimpressive.  I get much more enjoyment out of being helpful.

Creations / Samus Sprite
« on: May 22, 2011, 06:47:21 pm »
Finally finished the samus sprite I started in TallArt. Some pictures, taken at different angles/distances:

Original Picture:
http://i.imgur.com/TC9yF.jpg (Pretty big so I'm linking it) 

Helpful articles / Using ImageMagick
« on: May 15, 2011, 02:21:20 am »
Requested by toxic:

A short guide on using ImageMagick, an image editing program that works through the command line.
Here I'll show you how to remap images, useful for making sprites with a palette larger than 256 colors.

ImageMagick can be found here: www.imagemagick.org

Download and install ImageMagick from their website.

First make a folder somewhere and put into it the image you wish to remap and an image containing all the colors you wish to use (the color palette)
Then open up the command prompt, and change directory to this folder you created.

Code: [Select]
cd {directory}
The line used to convert the image takes the following format:

Code: [Select]
convert {image to be converted} -remap {image containing colors (color palette)} {new image to be created}
Then in the folder, the new image will be created.

For changing dithering methods other than the default Riemersma method:

Code: [Select]
convert {image to be converted} -dither {method} -remap {image containing colors (color palette)} {new image to be created}
The methods available for dithering are: none, riemersma, and floydsteinberg

I made a video demonstrating all of this if you'd like to see it done:


Hope this helps :)

Creations / Gears of War Sprite
« on: May 08, 2011, 12:18:32 am »
So I decided to make a gears of war sprite as my first sprite. It's not a big deal but I think it turned out pretty good thought maybe some others might like to see it :)

From pretty far away:

A little closer:

Up close to show some detail:

This sprite is 79x64x3

Original Picture:

Thanks monkey for creating that palette, it helped a lot with this :-)

General Discussion / Laptop Broke
« on: April 26, 2011, 09:53:20 pm »
So my laptop decided to break on me.  I think the graphics card on it is shot.  I won't be on minecraft for a couple of days until I'm able to get it fixed. (I think it's still under warranty thankfully)

I'll still pop on the forums and maybe get into IRC here and there but this old desktop can't run minecraft without me turning fog on all the way (even then it still laggs).

See ya 'round guys :(

Accepted / [Builder] matt88222
« on: April 20, 2011, 02:41:38 pm »
Ingame name: matt88222

Join date: Not entirely sure, I'm going to say 4/10/11 as a guess

Briefly describe all your creations: I did a bit of real simple pixel art, I built a commercial airplane, an enormous Pac-Man Arcade machine, and a palace/castle.

What worlds are the creations on: My airplane is on an old guest world (Guest84? I think), the pixel art is on an even older guest world, no clue which one, and the arcade machine and palace are on WorldOfRecruits.

Links to screenshots of the creation: Pixel Art: http://i.imgur.com/hYfoS.png
                                                      Airplane: http://imgur.com/a/GUaDA#adGNs
                                                      Pac-Man Arcade Machine: http://imgur.com/a/1FFuM#FXfR8
                                                      Palace: http://imgur.com/a/fr7nc#yQ8a3

Names of players who helped contribute: The_Pyrox_115 Helped a bit in smoothing out the sides of the arcade machine, and Dejong was kind
                                                            enough to fill in the roof and floor of the palace :)

What is your current rank in Opticraft ?: Recruit

Extra (Anything else you want to mention): Although it's not pictured, the airplane had seats on the inside. I've also helped build many other structures including a large ship, two different castles, and a house and pub. (Picture of the ship I took part in building (http://i.imgur.com/TYqQx.png)

Do you agree with our terms(http://www.opticraft.net/index.php?topic=3.0) ?: Yes

Introductions / Hello
« on: April 18, 2011, 03:58:11 pm »
Hi everyone! I've been playing on opticraft for a few days now, I think some of you have probably seen me already (maybe) but I figured I'd actually post and say hello.

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