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Topics - iTz_Smurf

Pages: [1]
Rejected / Moderator Application - iTz_Smurf
« on: August 20, 2012, 03:46:08 pm »
Age: 14
Location: USA
Timezone: EST
Join Date: March 15, 2012
Were you recommended by anyone? Nope
Why should you become a moderator?

I believe the responsibilty of being a staff member, in this case a moderator, is an extreme honor to have ahold of. It takes lots of effort and work, and I believe that I will fit well being one. I love to help out around, and I am always available, even if I'm in the middle of my biggest Minecraft project ever, whatever it may be. I have much experience being a moderator, as I am one on a few other servers. And yes, quality is better than quantity, and I'll tell you that the servers I am moderator on, have great staff members. While I'm online and realize that there is an issue, I try to contact the staff before things get out of hand. It's those-rapid response moments that are very important, and that I would be willing to do myself. I also believe that I "know the ropes" of Opticraft, as I have been on this great server since March. Overall, the honesty and work ethic that is in the job of moderator would suit a great job for me, and I hope the rest of the staff agrees.

Thank you for reading,
iTz_Smurf ;D

Trade Central / Enchanted Diamond Pickaxe - Unbreaking III
« on: August 15, 2012, 06:19:02 pm »
Item: Diamond Pickaxe
Enchantment(s): Unbreaking III
Condition: Used on one block
Level Enchanted On: 30
Starting Price: $4,000
Increase bid by: $1,000
Buyout Price: $15,000
End of Auction: August 17, 2012 3:00pm EST

These pickaxes are great, they last 4 times the amount of a normal pickaxe. I have a few of them, so here is one up for grabs. Happy bidding!

Support / Picture for Signature
« on: April 25, 2012, 11:29:19 pm »
Hey Opticraft people, how do I make it so that a picture shows up on the bottom (signature) area? Also, how would I create a picture like most people have done?

~Thanks for the help

Rejected / Moderator Application - iTz_Smurf
« on: April 22, 2012, 11:05:55 pm »
Age: 14
Location: Ohio, USA
Timezone: EST
Join Date: 15 March 2012
Were you recommended by anyone?: Nope
Why you should become a moderator:
I feel that I should be a moderator, because I am known to be very helpful. I love to help people out, and people yelling at me to help them really doesn't bother me, haha. I am a moderator on a few other servers, and the owners of the servers say that I do a great job at it. If I were to become a moderator, there's no doubt that I would help anyone and everyone out. My minecraft experience is fantastic, so this would be a great server to become a "helping hand". I am a hard worker, and a very responsible person. I commit to my work, and I put effort into it aswell. 

Ban Appeals / Ban Appeal iTz_Smurf
« on: April 09, 2012, 10:27:05 pm »
Hey, I was banned for no reason. I did no greifing, spamming, etc. I heard there was a glitch in the system.  If I could be pardoned that'd be greatly appreciated. Thanks for the help!


Pages: [1]