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Topics - Raiden-of-Gilead

Pages: [1]
Offtopic / My Apology
« on: April 26, 2011, 11:32:24 am »
Okay, if you don't remember or just weren't their, a few weeks ago at my party I decided to troll (trick) Opticraft into believing I was a female. I understand this was wrong but it was merely a party prank however that is no excuse for the immaturity and stupidity of my actions. I am sorry Opticraft, especially ToxicStriker91 who I seemed to have lost the friendship of due to my idiocy and childishness. I know you may find it hard to forgive me but I hope you do. They say it takes 10 years to gain someone's trust, and 10 seconds to ruin it. Opticraft and Toxic especially, I am very sorry for my actions.


Rejected / Operator Application - Raiden14
« on: April 25, 2011, 04:52:57 am »
Name: Raiden14

Age: 14

Location: Brisbane, Queensland, Australia

TimeZone: GMT+9 (Will change back to +10 in a few months)

Join Date: April 1st

Forum Join Date: 11th of April

Current Rank: Builder

Reason for Application: I write this application in the hope that I shall be granted the rank of Operator. Many guests cry out for help, "Griefers!" they cry, but their calls are in vein, as they reach the ears of no Operator, I think I can change this.

Why should I become an Operator: The reason I believe I should be promoted to the rank of Operator is as follows; The life of building has grown tiresome to myself, I have moved on to checking griefed buildings for guests, looking at guest or recruit buildings and providing them with advice and using my resources, eg. Lava, Water blocks, if guests wish to use them. With the /destroytower command I do my utmost to rid the guest worlds of the awful one block towers and keep them clean and respectable.

Have you been a temporary operator before: No.

Extra Information: I play for over 30+ hours per week so I can be very active and dedicated.

Offtopic / OptiCraft Theme Song
« on: April 23, 2011, 07:24:03 am »
So, Relkeb told me I was allowed to write a Theme song for Opticraft.

How about...

We wanna' be the very best
Like no Minecrafter ever was
To build the coolest stuff is my test
To become an OP is my cause

Accepted / Builder Application - Raiden14
« on: April 19, 2011, 06:07:38 am »
InGame Name: Raiden14

Join Date: 1st of April

Briefly Describe All Your Creations: My first and original creation was "The Clean Raul". It was a night club which contained within it's golden walls; A lap dance room, theatre, soccer field, stripper poles, cinema, dance floor, hot tub, bar and a "Lava Lounge". My second creation was a sprite of each Bulbusaur, Charmander and Squirtle. My 3rd Creation took a lot of skill and time. It was a replica of the Empire State Building in NYC. My next creation is a fancy wool tower with rather large and daunting Lava bowls atop it's amazing woolen roof. I have also made a Spleef stadium based around Pokemon. The spleef arena floor is a pokeball and has golden seats for spectators. 2 Dressing rooms, 1 for each team and a commentary box just like in real life sports. I have also made a Goku from DBZ in WoR. My latest creation is a Very Detailed and Large replica of the Petronas Twin Towers

What Worlds Are These Creations On: The Clean Raul was located on world "Guest65", though sadly, this world no longer exists. The three pokemon sprites can be found on "WolrdofRecruits4". The Empire State Building can be found in the far reaches of Guest 77. And the Tower of Wool is located near the spawn of Recruits2. The Pokemon Spleef Stadium is in WorldofRecruits6. Goku is located in World of Recruits. The Petronas Towers are located in Recruits 2.

Links to Screenshots: http://raiden14.imgur.com/58320#1hyTK

Names of players who Helped Contribute: Floppy_Dawg, Moopoo250

What is your Current rank in Opticraft: Recruit

Extra: This is my 6th application. Please consider this well.

Do I Agree: Yep!

My 3 Favourites... ^^^^

Rejected / Builder Application - Raiden14
« on: April 17, 2011, 09:19:24 am »
InGame Name: Raiden14

Join Date: 1st of April

Briefly Describe All Your Creations: My first and original creation was "The Clean Raul". It was a night club which contained within it's golden walls; A lap dance room, theatre, soccer field, stripper poles, cinema, dance floor, hot tub, bar and a "Lava Lounge". My second creation was a sprite of each Bulbusaur, Charmander and Squirtle. My 3rd Creation took a lot of skill and time. It was a replica of the Empire State Building in NYC. My latest creation is a fancy wool tower with rather large and daunting Lava bowls atop it's amazing woolen roof. I have also made a Spleef stadium based around Pokemon. The spleef arena floor is a pokeball and has golden seats for spectators. 2 Dressing rooms, 1 for each team and a commentary box just like in real life sports. I have also made a Goku from DBZ in WoR.

What Worlds Are These Creations On: The Clean Raul was located on world "Guest65", though sadly, this world no longer exists. The three pokemon sprites can be found on "WolrdofRecruits4". The Empire State Building can be found in the far reaches of Guest 77. And the Tower of Wool is located near the spawn of Recruits2. The Pokemon Spleef Stadium is in WorldofRecruits6.

Links to Screenshots: http://raiden14.imgur.com/58320#1hyTK

Names of players who Helped Contribute: Floppy_Dawg, Moopoo250

What is your Current rank in Opticraft: Recruit

Extra: I am very hard working and determined. I like to meet new people and am loving this server. I always lend a helping hand to guests who require assistance.

Do I Agree: Yep!

Rejected / Builder Application - Raiden14
« on: April 16, 2011, 01:18:19 am »
InGame Name: Raiden14

Join Date: 1st of April

Briefly Describe All Your Creations: My first and original creation was "The Clean Raul". It was a night club which contained within it's golden walls; A lap dance room, theatre, soccer field, stripper poles, cinema, dance floor, hot tub, bar and a "Lava Lounge". My second creation was a sprite of each Bulbusaur, Charmander and Squirtle. My 3rd Creation took a lot of skill and time. It was a replica of the Empire State Building in NYC. My latest creation is a fancy wool tower with rather large and daunting Lava bowls atop it's amazing woolen roof. I have also made a Spleef stadium based around Pokemon. The spleef arena floor is a pokeball and has golden seats for spectators. 2 Dressing rooms, 1 for each team and a commentary box just like in real life sports.

What Worlds Are These Creations On: The Clean Raul was located on world "Guest65", though sadly, this world no longer exists. The three pokemon sprites can be found on "WolrdofRecruits4". The Empire State Building can be found in the far reaches of Guest 77. And the Tower of Wool is located near the spawn of Recruits2. The Pokemon Spleef Stadium is in WorldofRecruits6.

Links to Screenshots: http://raiden14.imgur.com/58320#1hyTK

Names of players who Helped Contribute: Floppy_Dawg, Moopoo250

What is your Current rank in Opticraft: Recruit

Extra: I am very hard working and determined. I like to meet new people and am loving this server. I always lend a helping hand to guests who require assistance.

Do I Agree: Yep!

Rejected / Builder Application - Raiden14
« on: April 14, 2011, 12:55:18 pm »
InGame Name: Raiden14

Join Date: 1st of April

Briefly Describe All Your Creations: My first and original creation was "The Clean Raul". It was a night club which contained within it's golden walls; A lap dance room, theatre, soccer field, stripper poles, cinema, dance floor, hot tub, bar and a "Lava Lounge". My second creation was a sprite of each Bulbusaur, Charmander and Squirtle. My 3rd Creation took a lot of skill and time. It was a replica of the Empire State Building in NYC. My latest creation is a fancy wool tower with rather large and daunting Lava bowls atop it's amazing woolen roof.

What Worlds Are These Creations On: The Clean Raul was located on world "Guest65", though sadly, this world no longer exists. The three pokemon sprites can be found on "WolrdofRecruits4". The Empire State Building can be found in the far reaches of Guest 77. And the Tower of Wool is located near the spawn of Recruits2.

Links to Screenshots: http://img816.imageshack.us/g/thewhoreroom.jpg/

Names of players who Helped Contribute: Floppy_Dawg, Moopoo250

What is your Current rank in Opticraft: Recruit

Extra: I am very hard working and determined. I like to meet new people and am loving this server. I always lend a helping hand to guests who require assistance. I am very friendly to other members of the server.

Do I Agree: Yep!

Rejected / Builder Application - Raiden14
« on: April 13, 2011, 06:33:00 am »
In Game Name: Raiden14

Join Date: April 1st

Briefly Describe All Your Creations: I have created a Brotherl/Movies/Theater/Sports Ground/Dance Club/Pub named "The Clean Raul" with great detail and functionality. Also, Bulbasaur, Charmander and Squirtle. Now I have made an Eiffel Tower too.

What Worlds Are These Creations On: The "Clean Raul" Is on Guest65 located on the edge of the spawn. The three starter pokemon are located on Guest. My Eiffel Tower replica can be found, (with some difficulty) in Guest 77.

Links To Images: All Images Can Be Found Here: http://img816.imageshack.us/g/thewhoreroom.jpg/

Names of Players Who Helped to Contribute: Floppy_Dawg

Current Rank On Opticraft: Recruit

Extra Info: I would like to request for his amazing amount of contribution. Floppy_Dawg is promoted to Recruit.

Do You Agree With Our Terms: Yes I Do.

The Eiffel Tower!

General Discussion / Guest 65
« on: April 13, 2011, 06:09:25 am »
Well guys. I log into the server. About to head to my brothel, "The Clean Raul", I enter /j guest65. Only to discover this world no longer exists? Why not!

Rejected / Builder Application - Raiden14
« on: April 12, 2011, 06:06:07 am »
In Game Name: Raiden14

Join Date: April 1st

Briefly Describe All Your Creations: I have created a Brotherl/Movies/Theater/Sports Ground/Dance Club/Pub named "The Clean Raul" with great detail and functionality. Also, Bulbasaur, Charmander and Squirtle.

What Worlds Are These Creations On: The "Clean Raul" Is on Guest65 located on the edge of the spawn. The three starter pokemon are located on Guest.

Links To Images: All Images Can Be Found Here: http://img852.imageshack.us/g/cinema.jpg/

Names of Players Who Helped to Contribute: Floppy_Dawg

Current Rank On Opticraft: Recruit

Extra Info: I would like to request for his amazing amount of contribution. Floppy_Dawg is promoted to Recruit.

Do You Agree With Our Terms: Yes I Do.

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