June 15, 2024, 09:31:20 pm

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Topics - Warhead

Pages: [1]
I would like to know what is up with your classic server on the multiplayer list.

It appears that you guys have cheated the system to keep your server hours from being reset along with everyone elses.

I hope you understand that the uptime hours are reset for a reason: to keep the playing field level for all servers so the same ones are not always at the top.

I am disappointed that you guys have lowered yourselves to this level just to get decent traffic on minecraft classic. The fact that you dont even have the moderators to handle that number of people is a whole other story.

Regardless, I have notified everyone at mojang that I can to look into the issue.

But seriously, the quality of your guest world stuns me every time I join. If you are going to steal all of the guests from other servers, at least give them a nice server to play on...


This is not meant to be me ranting about how opticraft sucks. You treat your ranked players very well, but I think that this issue of the multiplayer list has pissed a LOT of other servers off, and we will not let it slip by unnoticed any longer.

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