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Topics - Alber_Oliva

Pages: [1]
Offtopic / Villager Preservation
« on: July 04, 2012, 01:49:44 am »
The Villager Preservation Society (also know as VPS), was a the name of a club I had come up with about a month ago. This club was thought up after I had finished encasing my village. The purpose of this is to get players to find a NPC village and to save at least a few of Opticraft's natives for the future. The only prerequisite for joining this club is simple; Find and protect a a village and it's inhabitants from any harm. Once this is done, you are automatically in the club! The perks of this is you can get support from other players that have their own village, and either trade emeralds or NPCs among other things with each other.

So far this is just a concept, what do you guys think?
 Any suggetions, comments or concerns are welcome.  ;)

Projects and Creations / Papa Alber's xp Emporium
« on: June 02, 2012, 08:11:14 pm »
Hey guys,

I've had an Blaze xp farm for a while now, and recently it's been remodeled. So a friend suggested to advertise it on the forums, and here it is! ;D  I sell Blaze rods for $12 each and Nether wart for $7 each. I also sell time at my spawner, and carry a few enchanted diamond items (level 45 and up). If you are interested or just curious go to my in-game home at: /home albero If I'm online, or /home alberoliva if I'm not.

(p.s. I'm only going to advertise this in-game rarely and this is the first and last "official" advertisement of my farm, so only a few people might see this.)

Suggestions / Bottle o' Enchanting
« on: May 29, 2012, 05:13:57 pm »
I didn't know where to post this or even if there was something similar to this, so I placed it here. Anyway, I had an idea as I was using my Xp farm. What if we could "Bottle" xp like we would water? For example; I just got ready to kill a few blazes, I kill them and equip a glass bottle. Instead of the xp going towards my xp bar, it fills up my bottle? Afterwards it tells you the current xp in the bottle and you can continue to fill or you can store it or sell it or give it away. This could be a legitmate way of having an "xp bank/store" and eliminate the need to go AFK or pay to rent time in a xp farm. This is just something that popped in my mind. I'm only spit-balling here and seeing what sticks, so to speak. Thanks :P

Support / Deadlylead's melon farm
« on: May 28, 2012, 02:52:17 am »
Hey guys,
 had a question reguarding Deadlylead's melon farm. Does anyone know if she had help (If any?) to build it, and where I could find a tutorial or something similar on how to build it? I am planning on mirroring her farm when the new world comes out, but haven't been able to find the a design like hers anywhere. Help? ???

P.S. Any link or username would help, thanks. ;P

General Discussion / "I died, can i haz refund?"
« on: May 17, 2012, 04:34:46 pm »
Ok, hypothetically speaking;
 A person buys an enchanted sword from me for, say 5k. This person decides to test it out on Blazes and ends up getting destroyed by them. Then he/she tells me they died and proceeds to ask for a refund or another enchanted blade for free.
 I am to be held accountable for the loss of this players item because of their decision, or is it their loss and fault?  ???

Support / Enchanting
« on: April 18, 2012, 12:26:26 pm »
I have a question for those who've owned Xp farms for a while now.
What would be a good level to enchant anything? Yesterday some one told me @ level 32+ was good enough to getting better enchants. Could I get a second opinion... Or third, on this? @ what level do YOU enchant? ???

Support / Protection stone help/question.
« on: April 05, 2012, 12:15:32 am »
So I was at the server's market, buying a couple things and I decided to buy a PS. When I right clicked on it, it told me "That sign is locked with a magical spell". So I asked dedly and she told me to click a bit higher on the sign, so I did and now it tells me "That coal ore is locked with a magical spell". What the hell? I'm able to use every other sign just fine, its just the Coal PS. Advice?  ???

General Discussion / Huge land claim
« on: April 04, 2012, 02:21:15 pm »
I was wondering if it would be allowed to claim an entire island, if no one else lives on it or has set foot on it?

Projects and Creations / A few personal project ideas.
« on: March 11, 2012, 05:34:40 pm »
While I was building my melon farm, I had a few build ideas I could do. The first one I had was to build a storage "bank" for players. This bank would have many rooms (each with its own set of double chests, and their own protection stone.) Even though this seem like a bad idea, I'm just spit-balling here. Another idea I had was to build a Musem dedicated to all things Minecraft, for this I would display blocks, paintings, and other things. The last idea was, building a botanical garden with all of the flora in the game so far. That's about it, just putting my ideas on paper, so to speak.  ;D

Suggestions / Other ways to stay in touch
« on: March 06, 2012, 04:29:48 am »
While the website and server went down, I realized that we should have alternate ways to stay in touch. We could, for example; start a facebook page, or twitter (or both?) Either way I think it would be a good way to stay updated on all things Opticraft.

General Discussion / Jungle biome location
« on: March 05, 2012, 01:55:43 am »
So I've noticed on the South-Eastern part of the Live map, that a large chunk has been added. I'm assuming this new area is the recently added Jungle biome. I have been really busy with my own build to explore this place, but could someone confirm or deny what I'm asking? ???

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