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Topics - bubblekiller

Pages: [1] 2 3
Support / Server down
« on: September 03, 2013, 09:40:14 pm »
Is the server down? I cant get on :(

Suggestions / mob killer plug in
« on: September 02, 2013, 07:39:17 am »
Hey guys, I would like to suggest that the mob killer plugin that removes extra mobs in 2x2 are be nerfed a little,my village had 20 or so villagers, and now with it, I'm stuck at 4 because at night they like to stay in the same corner, almost with the mob killer thing, its impossible too get simple things like leather or feathers do to them all hurding into the same corner, this is suppose to be a survival server, but we can have the main parts of survival with out these simple things such as more then 2 cows. My suggestion is to have it changed so we can have animals in a pen and not have to worried about them. Even if it was nerfed  to certain mobs only like aggressive mobs or have some any in a 1x1 maybe 4,  having a simple change will bring back more of a survival feeling because we won't have to go to the market for books, or food little things like that can make all the difference.

Thanks for reading , I hope you consider, and go pester an op+ to read this :)

Yours truly bubblekiller 

(Wrote this on a tablet, not the easiest to type with)

Rejected / Moderator application- bubblekiller
« on: April 02, 2013, 03:53:46 am »
Age: 15
Location: canada
Timezone: pasific
Join Date: febuary 27, 2012 ( played for a month or so before i signed up)
Were you recommended by anyone?:techdude98
Why you should become ?: i should be accepted, for mutliple reasons like, i love helping players, im very active, i have been on opticraft for over a year, im very mature, i have moderated servers before,and many more.

I should accepted, because i love helpin player, by placing water, doing a job quick, and much more.  I am a very actie player, being online daily, for over 2 hours a day. I have also been on opticraft for over a year now, longer then most players, being on the serer for so long i know, and have knone many players, and i know all the rules that have changed over time. I am also a very matured player, with no bans( my ban record is incorrect and if you ask the moderators, they would back me up).  I have also moderated, on a 2 servers before i joined opticraft, so i know how some of the comands work, and stuff, and how to deal with players, and problems.

I hope you consider my application to become moderator to become part of te amazing staff to furtherto  help keep the server running strong, for a better place for the whole server.

General Discussion / looking for the world border
« on: March 19, 2013, 01:59:18 am »
Hey guys, I am, looking for the world border in the member world,  if you have a home near there let me know

Trade Central / Mutilple blaze spawners for sale
« on: March 16, 2013, 02:23:33 pm »
He guys well i have found 5 blaZe spawners in an out chuck and 2 in a new chuck (with quartz) each spawner will be going for 20k each and the two in the quartz chunk will be 60k each or 110k together ( note they are close enuff for a double spawner so ya , this is first come first serve deal

Trade Central / Quartz for sale
« on: March 16, 2013, 04:13:04 am »
Now i got all this quartz ( 26 stacks to be exact) and am think of selling 1 to to the hight bidder because lets face it is mega hard to find, so the bid will start at 25k all bigs must go up by 500 and the buy out is 100k and the bid is over of 2 days after the last bidder, so happy bidding, and my the richest soul prosper :)

Support / Minecraft connecting problems
« on: March 16, 2013, 01:46:40 am »
Is the server down, or has my internet crapped out again, because its saying the same thing my LAN  did last friday (connection refused: connect)

Suggestions / Mob egg donation
« on: March 15, 2013, 02:43:54 pm »
Well this post has be lost in the ecos and i would like to start it back up again, the suggestion of bein able to buy spawn eegs as a donation, would make the server quit a bit more, and findin anamals are next to impissible again, so give some thos because theres a bug that anamals cant come to the end which they do in single player, so give me your thots on this

Trade Central / Buying NPC VILLAGERS
« on: February 04, 2013, 11:59:07 pm »
Hey guys, im in need of a pair of villagers for the member world i think, (not sure) to be transported to a discreet locations on the map, through me an offer if you have some villagers and we can talk location.

bubblekiller, over and out. :D

General Discussion / The ghost of the end
« on: January 01, 2013, 12:32:47 am »

Suggestions / a mod suggestion ( inventory tweeks)
« on: December 05, 2012, 12:39:19 am »
this mod with one click sorts your inventory and chest with a click of a button, it gives no advantage to the user, but its nice to sort chests and your inventory when its a complete mess.

here is the link:  http://www.minecraftforum.net/topic/323444-144145-inventory-tweaks-145-nov-16/

Rejected / moderator application- bubblekiller
« on: November 29, 2012, 04:50:47 am »
<in-game name> bubblekiller

Location : Canada
Timezone: pacific
Join Date: January i think (that's before i became a member)
Were you recommended by anyone?: (add your self in if you do) techdude98,
Why you should become a moderator:

   first of, i believe i should become a moderator because i have been on opticraft for almost a year now, and a trusted member for 4 months now (i think). i play for about 4-5 hours a day, and i'm always checking the forums to help out any one with questions and such. I enjoy helping players with building, placing water, and helping out in general. i have helped multiple guest get started and make them feel like they are at home so are community can thrive.

   I know i have have been banned once, ( the other 2 i was pardoned) i was immature and thought that moderators were to cater  to my every need which i'm deeply sorry for, but that is the past i have grown more mature and i feel ready to take on the rule of moderator ship to do better of this amazing server to help more players find this great server to call their home.

I would like to become a part of the staff to help make this server a better place, and a saver place for every one to life in harmony, save of cheaters.

 thanks for taking the time to read my application and hope you consider me.

Support / a little bad luck wit h a question for an admin
« on: November 22, 2012, 12:24:55 am »
hello, i recently settled of to look for a blaze spawner, after about 30 minutes i found a nether fortress that looked untouched so i started to explore it, i spotted that looked like a blaze spawner but as i walked over to it i was pushed back saying i have reached the servers borders. im asking if an admin would be willing to expand a part of the border so i could use the spawner. thanks


Ban Appeals / slayingkenny ( mods no longer a mod)
« on: November 18, 2012, 04:56:11 am »
hello, slayingekenny is my little brother who was banned for griefing, he griefed my town , my co-mayor got a mod to fix it and he was perma banned. he doesnt play minecraft much anymore but the reason im making the for him apeal is to recover my items i had given him when we had started and when he was helping us build the town. any ways


Trade Central / Blaze spawner acess
« on: November 14, 2012, 06:09:48 am »
I will be sell he selling perm acess to my blaze spawner.  It will start at 60k ( its a one hit kill with fist/ and gets about 35 exp in 10 min) message me ingame if you want to see it for your self :)

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