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Topics - proush600563

Pages: [1] 2
Support / Minecart Problems
« on: May 24, 2013, 06:38:04 pm »
not sure what is wrong and this is kind of a weird problem to explain. In my city and the neighboring City there is a minecart system.
In my city near the gate there is a Central station for my city, and there are several other stations throughout the two cities.
I can succesfully travel from any stop, and can succesfully go and arive at every station exept Central Station.
I can leave from any station but if i arive at Central and try to get out it sends me back to my previous location when i was last not in the cart.
we have also tested this problem with other users and i have tried to relog, it is only me who has this bug. My player is physically telleported to its last location, although the cart stays at Central Station.
If i use the /back command after being sent to my previous location it will teleport me to where I tried to exit the minecart at in central station.
this problem only happens when ARIVING at this ONE station. departing from it works fine.
let me know if you need anymore information on the bug, or if it may be something that i am doing wrong.


p.s. some of my responses may be slow because I am limited on time this week and will not be as active as normal.

Accepted - Project/HOF Applications / Capitol City: Golden Nations
« on: May 13, 2013, 03:06:23 am »
City name: Capitol City

City location (Live map link, coordinates, not biome, include world name): http://smp.opticraft.net/map/#/-4421/64/4991/-2/0/0 cords x: -4466 z:4986 (new guest world)

Contributors: Felix_De_Kat, rambo116229, Italian_Crafter, and other small doantations

Mayor (Only one - this is the zone owner): Proush600563

Approximate dimensions:over 200x200

Number of active residents: none yet I wanted CP first

Number of completed, decorated and furnished buildings: around 42 buildings including a self created ncp village

What state is the project in, and what are your plans for its future, if any: I'd say it is 95% done it is at a stage where I am ready to open it to the pubic but do not want to without city protection.

Why should we grant this city protection? I would like protection because the city is in the guest world and I would like to prevent grief as it grows and becomes harder to monitor.
Also as you may have seen on the live map New Arenae City (a protected city) directly borders Capitol City and this was not an accident. Also a new city is moving in very soon. There is an underground tram system that connects all of the cities making this area very important to protect. it is simply very large and difficult to cover with just ps. I have put a lot of time and effort into this city and hope you will consider me for city protection. Thank you :)

Also a note the 110x20 NCP village is underground and part of it can be viewed via a glass roof in the desert that I have not yet grassed over.

(some pictures may be old)

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(click to show/hide)

Roughly where I would like the border

Golden Nations capitol city

Also if this app looks similar it is because I have applied before and was told to finish the farms and reapply.
Thank you :)

Rejected / Capitol City
« on: February 17, 2013, 04:55:21 am »
City name: Capitol City

City location (Live map link, coordinates, not biome, include world name): http://smp.opticraft.net/map/#/-4421/64/4991/-2/0/0 cords x: -4466 z:4986 (new guest world)

Contributors: Felix_De_Kat, rambo116229, Italian_Crafter, and other small doantations

Mayor (Only one - this is the zone owner): Proush600563

Approximate dimensions:over 200x200 if you include the land that will be built on next

Number of active residents: none yet I wanted CP first

Number of completed, decorated and furnished buildings: 12+ an NCP village I built with several good quality buildings

What state is the project in, and what are your plans for its future, if any: I'd say it is 60% done it is at a stage where I am ready to open it to the pubic but do not want to without city protection.

Why should we grant this city protection? I would like protection because the city is in the guest world and I would like to prevent grief as it grows and becomes harder to monitor.
Also as you may have seen on the live map New Arenae City (a protected city) directly borders Capitol City and this was not an accident. There will soon be another city moving in again bordering the two cities.  The Goal is to make a super city divided into small cities and I feel it would simply be safer to have city protection even if it just to avoid confusion among building borders. Also this city will soon be the new Capitol of the Golden Nations (link provided below) a very large group of cities so it is important that this city remain grief free. I have put a lot of time and effort into this city and hope you will consider me for city protection. Thank you :)

Also a note the 110x20 NCP village is underground and part of it can be viewed via a glass roof in the desert that I have not yet grassed over.

(click to show/hide)

(click to show/hide)

Roughly where I would like the border

Golden Nations capitol city

Support / Does live map still work in the old world?
« on: January 19, 2013, 05:00:19 am »
I have been building in the old guest world and my structures are not showing up on the live map.

There are also structures nearby that have been in the same place for several days and have not shown up.

Never mind I figured it out

Support / Payment
« on: November 28, 2012, 04:18:23 am »
can you pay a player money (/pay) while they are not in-game (logged in)?
I know I should know this but I can't remember  :-\

Thanks for the help

Offtopic / Crazy idea, what's your opinion?
« on: October 03, 2012, 03:18:51 am »
So this really could go into suggestions however I know I would get slaughtered in seconds so I just thought I'd see how it faired in off topic,

So me and a few people have just randomly discussed some stuff like this lately:
What if we were to forget /backs and maybe even /homes and could use things that are in mods like the zeppelin mod

(If your not  familiar with this it's a mod where you can build and design your own ship out of almost any blocks and then fly it) if we had these flying ships and even sailing ships we could explore with them and I doubt greifers would ever go to far locations on the edge of the map.
Think of the docks and other water creations we could make around these and the sky cities to harbor the airships, I just think it would be neat, and then you'd have to actually explore the world instead of just /home-ing or/warp-ing

Realistically I know this will never happen because
A. /homes are such a good luxury
B.lag would be awful
C.opticraft doesn't use mods
D.well I just think a lotta people would reject

Again since I know it wouldn't go through I'm not putting it in suggestions, but I thought I'd have fun in offtopic and see what everyone thought, or what your opinions or suggestions were

And btw I am not promoting the zeppelin mod I have never used it, I just used it as an example idea
I do not recommend posting this in the suggestions area even if you like it, I highly doubt opti would want to employ this, and if he did, it would probably be a lot of work.
Thanks guys :D

Suggestions / Live map slabs and stairs
« on: October 02, 2012, 07:52:54 pm »
This might be able to go into support too  however,
Is it possible to make it so that half slabs and stairs are viewable on live map? Some of the older ones are I think, however, in my newer builds it will not show either of stairs or slabs, and it really effects the look of some of my builds from live map.

Introductions / Proush
« on: September 18, 2012, 07:45:35 pm »
I didn't know this existed?  ;D

I'll post.. Even though I've been here a while lol

I'm proush600563
Trusted SMP
Joined in February(2012)
I'm older than 17 but not 18
Live in US but don't ask for the state cuz if I haven't already told ya I probably won't lol

I own a city in game called Paratopia it's a floating sky city (it's at my /home if you wanna see)
Opticraft is flipping awesome I played 2 servers before it and totally switched to opti when I found it.
For all those out there who think I seem uneducated in computers it's because I only play one game on any gaming system and that is minecraft on opticraft. (and occasionally COD but very rarely)So.. Lol

Any questions? Ask away! :)

Fun facts:
-don't believe I was ever a guest on SMP, registered before I played

-didn't read signs at spawn until about two months into playing

-played classic for about a week before joining SMP

-lost my starter coal protection stone because I died as soon as I left spawn and thought it was just coal... So I didn't go back for it.

-I remember when the areas around spawn looked nice..

-Quote from SnapetheSnipe "you are one of the original trusted" lol thank you snape

Rejected / The City of Paratopia
« on: September 17, 2012, 11:06:54 pm »
I would like to Re-apply i have done a lot of expanding recently (even since it was looked at a few days ago)

with that said here is the app please take us into consideration :)

City name: Paratopia

City location (coordinates, not biome, include world name):
Guest world
x: -949.72153
y: 210.000
z: 325.30947
f: 3

Contributors:There are many, some of the bigger ones include: rambo116220, Taros10, sparrowstar, and some smaller money contributions that are not listed.

Mayor (Only one - this is the zone owner): proush600563

Approximate dimensions: 200x150 (not a perfect square) (i plan on continuing to build a lot)

Number of active residents:16 (and growing)

Number of completed, decorated and furnished buildings:47 (2 coming soon for sure, plots were just purchased)

What state is the project in, and what are your plans for its future, if any: The City is fully functional and many people say that they like it. Although it is at a point where i could just leave it i intend to expand it as much as possible as time goes on.

Why should we grant this city protection: The city is getting larger and i want to prevent griefs. Paratopia has been around for a while now and i want it to be the best that it can be. I hope that you will consider
also It is a founding city in the Golden Nations a province Taros10 and I started This is a group of cities dedicated to doing the best the can on their upkeep and function. Paratopia being the capitol should have City protection so that it always represents the clean, well built, and amazing server that is opticraft

Edit- also the city is entirely floating (roughly 120 blocks from ground level) so building platforms and attempting to protect them is expensive. And not to mention griefs are dangerous, since the floor is only one or two deep a grief could create a hole in the city floor.

(click to show/hide)
For more info on Paratopia CLICK HERE
For more info on the Golden Nations CLICK HERE
To see on live map CLICK HERE (it is hard to see the boundries  because the city is floating, I recomend visiting the city at /home proush600563)



I have also created a colony in the member world that is still considered a part of the city
It is well over 200x217 but it is not very developed yet(border is the cactus wall), I would like protection for it to but understand if it is too small/undeveloped. It's info is below:

City Name: (Paratopia) Bay Colony

Member World
Z: -2166.70000

Contributors:no major ones since it is just a colony, but I have had help from rambo116220, that's about it.

Approximate dimensions: 204x217

Residents: 3 just moved in

Completed buildings:9 (they are small but the city has been decorated it was originally just desert, it will not have many community buildings because it is under control of Paratopia)

State of project and future plans: expect it to expand but not past the border because this is only part of the city and I intend to continue expanding Paratopia, many buildings will hopefully be built within the boarder though

Why should we grant this?: I would like to have this protected because it is a large area and is not directly connected to the city.

( if this needs to be a separate post please let me know, but it is considered the same city)

Click here to see on the map

Again the cactus is the border for the city limits

Information on the area is on the Paratopia page

Support / Griefs
« on: August 31, 2012, 03:18:43 pm »
What is the URL to view griefs? A mod or maybe an op (don't remember who it was) told me there was a site you could go to to check it out.

-I mean bans

Projects and Creations / The Golden Nations: opticraft cities
« on: August 23, 2012, 02:20:59 am »
Looking for a city to live in?
You've come to the right place, the Golden Nations is full of great cities that are consistently active, up kept, and virtually grief free. At the bottom of the post you will find the rankings of the cities in the nations(cities are ranked based on quality and activity). Directly below is our list of cities and their information. [this is not an official opticraft page, nor is our ranking scale related to anything created within the server. It is used solely by The Golden Nations
(click to show/hide)


Capitol City
click here to view updates and information
click here to see on live map

click here to view
click here to see on live map
click here for Paratopia member world

Shroom City
click here to view
click here to see on live map

Arenae City
click here to view
Owner: Felix_De_Kat
click here to see on live map

Italian City
click here to view
Owner: Italian_Crafter
click here to see on live map

click here to view
Owner: OzzyKP
click here to see on live map

New Arenae City
click here to view
Owner: Felix_De_Kat
click here to see on live map

Terror Town
click here to view
Owner: Terror_TD
click here to see on live map

click here to view
click here to see on live map

click here to view
Owner: Nhataley
click here to see on live map

Silver City
click here to view
Owner: Jaybrute
click here to see on live map

The Kingdom of Camoria
click here to view
Owner: Hammysandwhich
click here to see on live map

Vault 102
click here to view
Owner: FNVcorierjon
no live map

The Golden Nations are a league of cities helping one another out. Each city maintains its full independence, and in no way is totally influenced by a centralized government. The city's are all run individually however stay connected through trade and similar means. A note that I would like to make clear, if you own the city and join, you will still maintain full ownership of your city, nothing will change in your government or ownership.
We will always be ready to accept new members.
Benefits of the league included
-better advertisement for your city
-more readily available trade
-Many people in The Golden Nations are trusted and can place water for you if needed
-creative help
-and much much more!

Acceptance comes at no cost but you must be aprooved
To be approved and added to The Golden Nation please fill out this template below and post it to this thread :)

City name:
Link to city page:
City owner and their in game rank(only one please):
Has the owner ever been banned?:
If so what for?:
How to reach the city in game:
Is the city registered on Tabooti's list?:
Do you have city protection?:
What are your city's x and z coordinates?(helpful for live map but not required):
You understand that if your city is removed from the city registry sheet or you are banned in game I have permission to remove your city from The Golden Nations?:

(If you wish add a little info about your city below your application this could include co-owners, biome, themes, anything about your city)

Feel free to comment or ask any question on the page :)

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Golden Nation Constitution
(Click spoiler below)

(click to show/hide)

Wanna Live here?
Residency rules and applications will very from city to city. These cities will all be great to live in and well maintained. They will all offer everything you need to get your start, enjoy your time, or socialize in minecraft.

    Keep in mind that due to the fact that there is no strong central government no town will be exactly alike.
Best way to find out about these cities is to click their link and check them out :)
Have fun,
And come see The Golden Nations! :)

Support / Protection issue
« on: August 20, 2012, 09:46:01 pm »
So I already asked an op about this (and I don't want to mention their name incase they don't want me to) and they said that I could try it just to see what happened. But I wanted some more opinions before I do that.
I was rejected for city protection but the thing is the majority of my city is under ps already. I was wondering if it would be a bad idea to apply for a large unprotected wing of my city as a project. Because I intend on building some taller buildings and can not come near affording the protection stones it would take to continue this build. A very important thing is though that I do not want to annoy nick if he sees that I've re applied under the project area. I reaaaallly need protection though.

General Discussion / Protection stones needed
« on: August 19, 2012, 08:35:55 pm »
Really need protection stones for city build, I don't normally ask for things but if you wish to read more visit "the city of Paratopia" under projects and creations forum information on this subject will be under "donations needed" in the Paratopia thread.

*p.s. if any mods+ find this to be a repost I'm sorry I did not intend for it to be. It was kinda close so but a bit different so I was hoping it wasn't

Suggestions / City list
« on: August 15, 2012, 08:38:49 pm »
I would like to suggest moving the list of active cities to is own section (ex. Suggestions, general, etc.) instead of having it under projects.
This being because I think it is hard for new members to find and I think it is most useful to new players looking for a start.
I feel if it had its own section on the forums it would be easy to access and a great recourse for new players.
Thanks for consideration,

Rejected / City protection: Paratopia
« on: August 14, 2012, 08:56:12 pm »
City name: Paratopia

City location (coordinates, not biome, include world name):
X: -967.20640
Y: 209.000
Z: 356.87813
F: 3
Guest world

Contributors: sparrowstar, rambo116220, hotshotbuckiv,and a few small things from other people.

Mayor (Only one - this is the zone owner): proush600563

Approximate dimensions: the city is probably around 110x110... Give or take

Number of active residents: 14 (hoping for city protection before I move to many people in many people say they would like to move in or build a business though)

Number of completed, decorated and furnished buildings: 31 give or take one or two (two of these are fully furnaced multi level housing, one contains 6 homes and another fills a 21x 21 ps area)

What state is the project in, and what are your plans for its future, if any: It is in a useable state but I would like city protection to be able to build much more.

Why should we grant this city protection: I personally purchase all of the ps myself and as you can imagine when building a sky city that has become extremely costly along with my material expenses. Also some people have said they wish there were some bigger homes however when buying 11x11 ps stones and building a city border it is hard to go over a 9x9 house size. I also like to have things protected before I develop them due to a fear of being griefed which I have had many problems with. I was hoping I could have city protection to eliminate my enormous cost and focus the city budget on building and expanding. The reason I have asked for such a big protection area is because I intend to do a lot of expanding once I receive protection I have already purchased 64 stacks of wood in preparation and have begun some minor framework construction. I am a responsible trusted member and am hoping you will consider me thank you very much. *

I'm not totally sure how it works but I would like to request protection to world hight. Just because I'm in a sky city and the easiest place to expand is up.
Also I only need protection down to one block below my floor because I doubt I will be digging down too much.
Thank you :)

The expansion is complete I am now building structures on it. I would really appreciate city protection so that I could begin opening this area.
Thanks again,

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