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Topics - zxSM1FFYzx

Pages: 1 2 3 [4]
Suggestions / I have a few ideas
« on: April 15, 2012, 12:08:50 am »
First, I think there should be a bigger market with more stuff like Obsidian, Pistons, Blaze rods Sticky Pistons because ive seen people spam the chat board asking for these sort of things.

Other things like Town Teleport so a leader of a town buys a warp for there town so they do no have to keep continue spamming saying "type /home ______ for a town".

And last of all to do with last idea real towns so a town would be like when you walk into a towns area it would come up with "Welcome To _______ Feel free to join" So on.

Thanks For Reading my Ideas.

Ban Appeals / What have i Done?
« on: April 14, 2012, 09:14:02 am »
I was banned last night and i don't know why, i tryed to get on server this morning. I Don't know why i was banned last thing i remember i was mining i went off then i was Banned can please someone help me??

Ban Appeals / Banned
« on: April 07, 2012, 06:07:05 pm »
I did take the Table but i didn't know because it was under ground in the middle of no were so i had taken it for a mate as a welcome gift i got him to join today, the reason i should get unbanned is because i get people to join the server everyday and i try to get people to stay on witch they do. Please unbann me i have done what i can to make a town i have been working on for ages pleasee un bann me  :(

Support / Grief And Staff
« on: March 18, 2012, 10:27:16 pm »
>:( i'm making this topic because of prices on protection blocks and staff members, today at 22:20 i was griefed they stole redstone and my sticky piston witch i went though hell to get, any way i think most people who spend there time should not have to pay 1,500 for 1 tiny protection i think prices should be lowered and more mods made i was calling for a mod for 5 minutes and nothing this is just my opinions of what i think is wrong with the server apart from that it is fun and i was wondering if somebody could fix my house?

Ban Appeals / I can't get on server!
« on: March 15, 2012, 06:59:34 pm »
Hey, I don't know if anybody can help but when I try and get on server it says "you are connecting to a known proxy" I don't know what it is have I been ban?

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