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Topics - Kascas

Pages: 1 2 [3]
Projects / KascasMaze
« on: June 05, 2011, 11:53:24 am »
after 22 weeks being offline, this map is probably hidden somewhere  

i was playing in recruits making mazes all over the place, inviting ppl to do them, until i invited hannotje who gaved me a map
the idee was, to make a world with only mazes, 1 huge long epic maze :o
idee was aproved and my own world was made, making a epic starting treehouse already with some help
underground swamps, bridges, and alot other stuf planned
i got interested in other games and left this world, and now im finely back

can i continue on this project of awsomeness? is it even possible to restore? ???
and if so, i heard alot ppl had build on my map aswell, is it possible to relocate the other ppls builds?

thx in advance

Rejected / Crafter - Kascas
« on: June 05, 2011, 07:59:14 am »
as i said, i will remove if rejected, remove post?
kinda disapointed in you morten, as usual tho like when u had your own map after i had mine...
ima try recovering my old map, and continue working on it, if i didnt amazed u yet, then i will try now cya soon

Accepted / [Builder] Kascas
« on: January 04, 2011, 03:07:33 pm »
Hey i was rejected for having no pics, i now got pics and lots more awsome work

Ingame name: Kascas12
Join date: 23 december
Briefly describe all your creations: I created lots of underground rooms, underground puzzles, mazes ( new added huge colloful spawn)
What worlds are the creations on: guest map, worldofrecruits, worldofrecruits3 (recruits, recruits2)
Where abouts can they be found?: there all hidden bases so i cant remember alot of em (i did the spawn)
here are the reasontly created: worldofrecruits3-> RIP symbol-> dig in at the back for secret entrance
                                           worldofrecruits -> walk to supermario->to plane->to hospital-> my black building with lava, maze inside

my dungeons are not very amazing to look at(exept for the black lava building start)
but they are very entertaining to play in so if you want screen shots go take a took inside if you dare Shocked
then you will see why i should become a builder as im not only creating art Shocked
EDIT: well now i do check out the new pics:O

Names of players who helped contribute: HipFire helped me at a couple of dungeons
What is your current rank in Opticraft ?: Recruit
Extra (Anything else you want to mention):I've helped make to much to other things, such as to much. I would really like to work on more creative ways like making maze's, puzzle's or even games instead of the regular art Cool, (EPIC huge collored things

Do you agree with our terms (http://www.opticraft.net/index.php?topic=3.0) ?:

Here are the pics, ive made 14 screenshots including 2 of my dungeons


:O 4lines of url

well ima continue building the biggest maze ever^^ gl @ not getting lost

EDIT: well i figured out they stil prove sprites and big buildings worthy while the underground gets rejected so i made a sprite today
and ofc added a screenshot of it at the site
p.s. i dont use any kind of hax to fly around so its been alot of work

EDIT: a new day, what shall i build:O, after seaching all recruit worlds i dicided that there was no space on any of them to create something huge
i decided to redisign the recruits and recruits2 spawns as they are a mess and look like guest worlds
first a black floor with some collorfull patterns in it but that was not cool enough
i digged in a part of it place it lower and the outer parts higher creating a 3d collorfield
and ofc its never good enough so i added a reversed version on top of it, looks amazing:O pics uploaded

EDIT: atm going for a twise as big one already had positive reactions from anyone passing by, pics of that one comming soon
or just check it out yourself?:P
EDIT: its done its looks to awsome for anyone to compare lol world: recruits2 behind the huge grey castle, pics uploaded

Rejected / [Builder] Kascas12
« on: January 03, 2011, 01:45:26 am »
Ingame name: Kascas12
Join date: 23 december
Briefly describe all your creations: I created lots of underground rooms, underground puzzles, mazes
What worlds are the creations on: guest map, worldofrecruits, worldofrecruits3
Where abouts can they be found?: there all hidden bases so i cant remember alot of em
here are the reasontly created: worldofrecruits3-> RIP symbol-> dig in at the back for secret entrance
                                           worldofrecruits -> walk to supermario->to plane->to hospital-> my black building with lava, maze inside
my dungeons are not very amazing to look at(exept for the black lava building start)
but they are very entertaining to play in so if you want screen shots go take a took inside if you dare :o
then you will see why i should become a builder as im not only creating art :o

Names of players who helped contribute: HipFire helped me at a couple of dungeons
What is your current rank in Opticraft ?: Recruit
Extra (Anything else you want to mention):I've helped make to much to other things, such as to much. I would really like to work on more creative ways like making maze's, puzzle's or even games instead of the regular art 8)

Do you agree with our terms (http://www.opticraft.net/index.php?topic=3.0) ?:

Here are the pics, ive made 14 screenshots including 2 of my dungeons


:O 4lines of url

well ima continue building the biggest maze ever^^ gl @ not getting lost

EDIT: well i figured out they stil prove sprites and big buildings worthy while the underground gets rejected so i made a sprite today
and ofc added a screenshot of it at the site
p.s. i dont use any kind of hax to fly around so its been alot of work

EDIT: a new day, what shall i build:O, after seaching all recruit worlds i dicided that there was no space on any of them to create something huge
i decided to redisign the recruits and recruits2 spawns as they are a mess and look like guest worlds
first a black floor with some collorfull patterns in it but that was not cool enough
i digged in a part of it place it lower and the outer parts higher creating a 3d collorfield
and ofc its never good enough so i added a reversed version on top of it, looks amazing:O pics uploaded

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