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Topics - Caanite.

Pages: 1 2 [3]
Hey there I have started a new world in Yogcraft and was wondering what mod i should start off with?

Note: Other could be a combination of mods (etc. Buildcraft + IndustrialCraft)

Helpful articles / How to Make an Automatic Melon or Pumpkin Farm
« on: April 05, 2013, 01:53:57 am »
1. Find a small flat area to build
2. Place a water source (if not trusted request for a mod to do it for you)
3. Use a hoe to till the grass nearby
(click to show/hide)
4. Block of all but one side of the melon or pumpkin seeds off
5.Place a Sticky Piston 2 blocks under S in the spoiler
6.Place a Block 2 blocks away from S.
7.Place a Redstone Torch on the block
(click to show/hide)
8. Place a Repeater at full delay in between T and S
9.Make a loop of redstone with a repeater
10. (Optional) Place a note block connected to the circuit
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11. Now Just Connect to a Canal using your preferred methods and your done
Note: I'll release screenshots once I make them

Introductions / A SUPER LATE Introduction
« on: April 02, 2013, 08:58:31 pm »
Hi, my IGN is Caanite and I'm from NZ. I created an account twice because I sent my first one to the wrong email address.
I'm just a casual player normally playing 1-3 hours a day.

Trade Central / Enchanted diamond pickaxe for sale (SOLD)
« on: April 02, 2013, 08:05:54 pm »
Item: Diamond Pickaxe
Enchants: Unbreaking III, Fortune III
Condition: Untouched
(click to show/hide)
Level Enchanted On: Level 30
Starting Price: $2700
Price Increase: $300
Buyout Price: $6000
End of Auction: Date:11/04/13 Time: 9:05am NZST

Notes: Special thanks to jhood13 for his skeleton spawner.

Trade Central / Enchanted diamond pickaxe for sale
« on: March 29, 2013, 03:05:50 am »
Item: Diamond Pickaxe
Enchantments: Efficiency IV
Condition: Untouched
(click to show/hide)
Enchanted On: Level 30
Startout Price: $1000
Price Increase: $500
End of Auction: 02/04/2013 16:00 UTC/GMT +12 hours

General Discussion / Opticrafts most secret easter egg
« on: March 28, 2013, 04:08:01 am »
i've found a ton of easter eggs.
I'll release pictures if people want me to.

by cheat i mean enderpearls!

General Discussion / weird wall i've found
« on: March 26, 2013, 08:11:34 pm »
Does anyone know who this belongs to?

Offtopic / Which update is better
« on: March 14, 2013, 08:58:20 pm »
What is your favourite update?

I'm making a city in which anyone can join.
People can set up their houses or shops there if they want.
There will also be work to be done. if you volunteer you can keep half of the things you collect and get money for it as well
That's all, Caanite
If you want to live on the ground go /home caanite, if you want to live in the sky go /home deathiswating
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Offtopic / What are your favourite mods
« on: March 12, 2013, 02:35:17 am »
I'm going to ask a question
What are your favourite mods
My top 3 are
Mo' Creatures

General Discussion / Does anyone remember the sky village
« on: March 06, 2013, 12:38:19 am »
Does anyone remember that little platform with building on it in the sky near the spawn of the old guest world?
Does anyone know if its still inhabited?
I would really love it if someone put it up for sale

Offtopic / Backstories
« on: February 25, 2013, 10:19:37 pm »
For some people I've spoken to, they tend to have a backstory. This is a place where you can tell that backstory to people. You can say anything. My one is that i was once a normal person then i got teleported into the opticraft universe.
Then i found hydrofrog and we made a village in the sky.

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