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Topics - kagarium

Pages: 1 2 [3]
Rejected / city application: sandlands and extension
« on: September 10, 2012, 12:07:46 am »
Hello, kag1999 here, SMP trusted. I am applying for a protection for my town, sandlands.

This is my town banner here:

(click to show/hide)

City name: sandlands, town of the forsaken desert

City location:
lc:79b b:Desert bl:4 sl:15 rl:15

or /home kag1999

Extension location:
y:64.000(feet pos, 65.620 eyes pos)
lc:79 b:plains bl:8 sl:15 rl:15
ws: 0.100, fs:0.047, g:true

or /home kag1999 2

(btw, the locations are basically a copy of the screen you getwhen you press 'F3')

(click to show/hide)

Mayor (Only one - this is the zone owner): kag1999

Approximate dimensions: a decent size, my estimate is about 100x200 or somthing like that, to become larger

Number of active residents: somewhere around 20-25 residents, increasing rather quickly...

Number of completed, decorated and furnished buildings: about 30-40, more to come

What state is the project in, and what are your plans for its future, if any: large expansion, underground holtel and other stuff

Why should we grant this city protection? It is onstantly griefed, and have actually had some complaints from residents because they constantly get griefed.

Screenshots of grief:

(click to show/hide)

anywho... i have some screenshots of the town in general to 'show off' so SIT BACK AND REEEELAX...

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Also, there are the people who ALWAYS dont listen.... NO EXCUSE!

(click to show/hide)

Also, the link to my town's main page

See city on live map
See extension on live map

Thank you for your time, and please do consider granting my town a protection!

(to people who aren't admins, please support, it helps lots, thanks)

                                                                              Bye for now,
                                                                                        kag1999, SMP opticraft trusted


« on: September 01, 2012, 11:30:16 am »
Hi, im kag1999

          This is a post on my town, sandlands. It is located in the desert, not far from southwest town on the guestworld map. Feel free to come to '/home kag1999' to look around the town, as it is open to everyone. If you have any suggestions for me, or the town, please do post it here.

I have a few pics of the town i would like to show, and i will update them every once in a while.

(click to show/hide)

And, the ranks of the town:

ADMIN-billybob5443, haq1
BUILDER-skywarrior5599, mcshatters
RESIDENT-will be listed later
VISITOR-no need to list, as they come and go and come... etc.


for applying to admin/merchant/builder

   in-game name:
   what rank are you apllying for:
   what is your current TOWN rank:
   what is your current SERVER rank:
   have you ever been banned on opticraft:
      if yes to above, paste link to ban history:
   why do you want to step up to <insert rank here>:

for applying to be a resident

   in-game name:
   what is your rank on opticraft:
   have you ever been banned:
      if yes to above, paste link to ban history:
   where did you hear about sandlands:
   how often are you on opticraft:
   would you like a plot or a pre-built house:

just copy the template you need, paste it ino your reply, and fill it out. I will look at is ASAP, and accept or deny it. Do understand that if you are denied, you may apply again after 3 weeks.

Well, there you go, that is the current state of sandlands, and i will have updates occasionaly, so keep watching! Feel free to visit the town, and post suggestions, comments, questions, or concerns, and i will be more than happy to reply.



Support / i cant use any commands...
« on: August 09, 2012, 02:29:26 pm »
Just a few minutes ago, i got stuck in the fountain in the member spawn, and i couldn't get out. I tried to use /home, but it said 'you do not have acess to that command'. Can someone help? I live in guest world, and im stuck in the member spawn.

Support / On some of the pages on opticraft.net are screwed up
« on: August 08, 2012, 08:04:38 pm »
On some of the pages on website (opticraft.net) are screwed up. For example, on the change profile page, the words run right of the side of the screen, and theres no scroll bar. If it is of any importance, im using internet explorer, the latest version.

Ban Appeals / [SOLVED] Why was Notch banned??
« on: July 22, 2012, 01:41:25 am »
Why would someone ban Notch? He is the one who made it possible for you all to play this game! I think Notch deserves another chance!

Support / How do I put screenshots on the forums?
« on: July 22, 2012, 01:27:14 am »
I need a DETAILED explanation on how to upload screenshots onto this forum onto my town app in the moderator and city applications board.

ViperZeroOne, if you read this, i created an album on imgur.com, how do i put the pics on the post? Copy and paste doesn't seem to work.

I'd like to get a response soon, as I am using a temporary computer, and all the shots are on the hard-drive.

                                                                              kag1999, ultimate computer failing-geek-person

Support / Im having a weird bug...
« on: July 18, 2012, 11:08:35 am »
On the website, all of the topics have the newest posts at the top, and i don't think this is normal. Could someone please reply, as i don't know what is going on.

Rejected / City Application - sand lands
« on: July 15, 2012, 04:20:53 pm »
City name: sand lands

City location (coordinates, not biome, include world name):
lc:79b b:Desert bl:4 sl:15 rl:15

Contributors: kag1999, wiles151, skywarrior5599, billybob4553

Mayor (Only one - this is the zone owner):kag1999

Approximate dimensions:80x50

Number of active residents: about 25

Number of completed, decorated and furnished buildings; somewhat around 30

What state is the project in, and what are your plans for its future, if any: large expansion, possibly into the neighboring jungle biome, located near SouthWest town, guestworld.

Why should we grant this city protection? It is constantly greifed due to some nice buildings and my redstone circuits OFTEN get greifed at least once a week.

1: For the location, i pretty much copied the screen you get when you press F3, cause I'm not sure which of the coordinates you wanted, and the coordinates were taken at the entrance to the town.

2:The number of residents and building have recently increased quite rapidly, so by the time this is read it may have increased a bit.

3:The town is constantly changing, as the residents often give me, wiles151, and skywarrior5599 ideas on how to improve the town, and billybob4553 has made a neighboring town that does not have to be included in the protection, but it can if you want it to.

4:All 4 of us would like it very much if our town is accepted.

5:Thanks for reading this, and i hope you consider granting sand lands a protection!


Support / I cant login to the server and i dont know why
« on: July 14, 2012, 12:15:11 pm »
Every time i try to log in to the server, it tells me 'Connection Lost, Failed to login: bad login'. i have no idea what this means, but i would like to know why i cant login. Please respond and/or try to solve it.
I'm also POSITIVE that I am NOT banned, i checked the bans with the new link in the ban appeals.
I also had a similar problem with the website that we are using now, so i find it interesting that once I FINALLY get to login to the website, i cant login to the server.
I think i found a problem. my router has red lights flashing all over it, so im going to reset it, then see if that works.
Didn't work.
Can someone PLEASE respond! This post is feeling VERY one-sided right now!!

Ban Appeals / why was i banned?
« on: April 10, 2012, 11:10:01 pm »
i just went on and minecraft told me "the ban hammer has spoken" if this was for griefing, a mod talked to me and i haven't griefed AT ALL since. more or less, i get griefed a LOT. i really enjoy this server, and its actuaaly the only server that i have people i know on and people that i can trust. can a mod please respond to my mesage asap? thanks

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