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Topics - Xeadin

Pages: 1 2 [3] 4
Suggestions / Opticraft promotional video/ pictures?
« on: January 17, 2012, 12:51:23 am »
Some of you may have mixed feelings about this idea, but I was thinking about having some sort of a short video of the SMP (and maybe the Classic) server or several pictures of the server, since we're starting to gain in popularity a little bit each day.

I was thinking somewhere around a 1-2 minute video of server highlights and what we have to offer. If a video isn't suitable, maybe a collage or album of several screenshots of said features and highlights.

Anyway, this is just an idea I had in mind.

Discussion forum / This had to be said somehow...
« on: January 16, 2012, 06:53:07 pm »
I read this article from the Team9000 Classic forum, and the way he had put it pretty much reflects many other large Minecraft communities (I see this happening here as well). I don't think I would've said this any better, so here you go.

Ranks: An editorial by Crane (from Team9000)

Projects and Creations / Helm's Fissure [City/ Project Proposal]
« on: January 16, 2012, 01:01:08 am »
Hello, all. It's been a while since I had last done a major project, but I thought I'd get into a little discussion about this construction idea-- maybe get some advice/ help on this.

So, to get to the topic at hand, I have found a few ravines underneath the landscape where I have been mining in.

City Name: Helm's Fissure
City Location: S/SW of spawn near my place (underground, in between bedrock and layer 60)
City Them: Antique/ Modern (Concept Reference)
Common/ most used materials: Stone (cobble, smooth), wood, obsidian, lava, glass, sandstone

Players Involved: Xeadin

This is the ravine in which I had discovered...

There is another ravine in which has been discovered by another party (that I had fell into on accident)
Here is a hole to access that ravine...

And a couple pics of that ravine.

So, my proposal that I could create a city out of these two ravines (there is a third ravine, but that one is a part of the Main Spawn). As always, it'd be much appreciated to get help/ support from other people as well.

It will be hard work, but the rewards (I will guarantee) will be worthwhile :)

Projects and Creations / Rockshore condos
« on: January 15, 2012, 10:16:12 am »
Here's a project I've just finished up with :)

I made this for the 'trusted' players since I might not always be around my humble abode because of my new duties, but it was a fun, little project to say the least.

Okay, here's some more info on the place:
-- It has three rooms (one on each floor), plus an attic space on the 4th floor (the roof)
-- Each room has a chest with one workbench and furnace (just to start with)
-- Each room can be customized to the player's needs, but do not modify the structure's walls, floors, or ceilings (that counts as griefing)
-- Each room has 3 windows (one large bay window facing East)
-- I may do rental prices soon ("xx" credits/ night or week)
-- Max occupancy I will allow for each room is 3 players (If you want roommates or want your friends to tag along)

More pics:

Sits behind my humble abode:

Support / Not a Member in the SMP server? Look here!
« on: January 14, 2012, 12:08:56 am »
If you are an existing member and you are a [Guest] in the SMP server, Do NOT make/ create a new thread.
You need to update your account to sync with the SMP member registration script. To update your account, click here.

This ONLY applies to members which have registered on or before January 7th, 2012 (The day which the server upgraded to 1.0).
New members that have registered after the 7th do not need to go through this process.

If you are still having member registration issues or you haven't received the Member rank yet, please see this thread for assistance/ troubleshooting info

Rejected / [Moderator Application] Xeadin
« on: January 13, 2012, 08:23:43 pm »
Ah, what the heck? I guess I'll try my hand at this.

Age: 20
Location: Shoreline, WA; USA
Timezone: GMT -8
Join Date: November 1st, 2011
Were you recommended by anyone? Nick3306, Tobs74
Why you should become a moderator: I am a fairly active contributer to the community as well as to the servers, and I feel that I can offer more of myself in the new SMP server. One of the things I do enjoy the most is helping people get to where they need to be or find out what info they may be missing. It's nice to learn new ways to manage and moderate since you become a more reliable player when you know how the more complicated servers work and know what to expect and what to look for. In hind sight, being ambidextrous is a good skill to have, because when help is needed, it's nice to have somebody with the experience and the know-how.

I have had lots of moderating experience by operating the Opticraft Classic server (as well as a couple others), but nothing is as more complicated as a Survival Multi-Player server. This is new territory, but I am willing to give it my best.

Offtopic / VA Tech... Again??
« on: December 08, 2011, 08:44:05 pm »
Title says it all

This just proves that very few individuals never learn from previous events. Why did this have to happen... AGAIN?

General Discussion / Funny Moments Opticraft Classic
« on: November 19, 2011, 10:17:02 am »
Found something funny built in the server and want to show it to the community? Did something entertaining happen in the chat? This is the place to discuss the things that shape the community in "interesting" ways.

To start us off...

Chat says it all. Fail trollface is fail :D

Creations / Operator world Airship
« on: November 06, 2011, 04:48:45 am »
Hello all. It's been a while since I was last able to create something on a grand scale, but here's something I was able to pull off in the Operator's world. A great big airship afloat in the skies.


(I know people have mixed feelings about texture packs, but PLEASE DO NOT CRITICIZE MY USE OF TEXTURE PACKS! I am sick and tired of people saying my texture pack sucks or is bad. I have to put this out because I have been criticized in the past and I do not tolerate that. Everyone has their personal preferences)

Offtopic / This is interesting
« on: November 04, 2011, 07:46:31 pm »
What do you think about this? Minecraft and Education in one?

Ban Appeals / [UPDATED JULY 7] Ban Guide (SMP)
« on: November 01, 2011, 01:18:04 am »
Check why you were banned here: Ban Lookup

When to make a ban appeal

Before even thinking about making a ban appeal, ask yourself these questions:

- Did you break any of the rules?
- Did you grief another players work?
- Did you swear excessively?
- Did you upset an operator/ moderator or cause general disrespect to other members/ players on the server?
- Did you draw hateful symbols or say hateful remarks?

If the answer to any of these questions is Yes, definitely, then your chances of creating a successful ban appeal is severely hindered.

If you truly believe your ban was:

1) Not warranted
2) Not appropriate
3) Handled badly by a moderator or operator
4) Not correctly entered (sometimes a moderator will mistype the ban command and accidentally make a ban permanent)
5) A miscommunication

or any other potentially valid scenario, you should make a Ban Appeal. Do note that we are not robots; sometimes mistakes happen, and we will be sympathetic in dealing with your appeal.


If you were banned by CONSOLE with the reason "Automatic grief detection"

You were banned for triggering one of many Automatic Grief Traps

Antigrief is a system designed to efficiently and automatically ban griefers. Multiple buildings have been placed in undisclosed locations around the world. If you break several blocks within those buildings, the antigrief is triggered and issues an automatic 7-day ban.

This system is highly successful and under most circumstances, a ban appeal should not be posted for such bans.


If you are receiving a message from the server saying something along the lines of You are connecting from a known proxy:

This is a security precaution. Please make an appeal here if you are getting this message and we will do what we can to make sure that you can play again.

Again, this is only a security precaution to protect the server from spambots and hackers.


If you were banned by BanImport with the reason Compromised account. Change password before unban.:

You must change your password immediately. Your account has been found to be on a publicly available list of "grief accounts" and is no longer secure. Malicious users may log into your account and wreak havoc upon the server under YOUR name.

To be unbanned, please make a Ban Appeal containing a screenshot proving that you've changed your password. Here's an example of an acceptable screenshot that would allow us to unban you:


What NOT to do in a ban appeal topic

  • Post while angry. Simply don't do it. You will look stupid, and you will not be unbanned. Abusive language does not make us want to unban you. Calm, well-reasoned posts are the key to being unbanned in a timely manner.
  • Please do not post More Than One appeal per user per ban. Multiples will be deleted, and you will lower your chances of a successful appeal.
  • Do not hijack other user's threads (posting in an already active appeal). The person who opened up the appeal is the one that uses that thread, so don't solicit in other's appeals unless you are DIRECTLY involved in that appeal.

How to format your ban appeal

  • Your topic title should contain the name of the moderator that banned you and your SMP username, preferrably in the format "[cschurz] RandomUser123 Appeal". The moderator who banned you can be found on your ban information page.
  • Your post MUST contain a link to the ban information page that contains the relevant ban information (ie: http://www.opticraft.net/index.php/page,BanLookup.html?username=cschurz )
    If your name is not on the list, use the "search ban history by username". If your name does not show up even after a search, make this known in the topic. That should not happen. Please note that it may take up to 5 minutes for your name to become visible.

Your post should also contain:

  • All relevant circumstances surrounding your ban. Help us help you. If you leave it up to the memory of the moderator to remember what happened and don't provide your side of the story, you shouldn't expect to be unbanned.
  • Why you think you should be unbanned

There is no strict guideline for what your ban appeal shound contain besides the link to the ban information page. Show us that you can be reasonable, and you may be unbanned.

If you've read all of the above and would like to create a Ban Appeal topic, please click here

General Discussion / Project planning (Old-world Village)
« on: August 10, 2011, 12:40:57 am »
I am planning on a world project-- not very big-- focusing on landscaping and city-building. I know that we have had a lot of city worlds in the past, but I think it's time for me to step up to the plate for something like this.

As I have said, I am not looking into a very big world, but large enough to make a fair-sized city or town with landscaping elements included in it.

The map size I am looking to build on is 256x256x128, though it may change depending on what others think on what to build if they don't want to make a cityscape or want a bigger area.

I am aiming towards the aspect that the whole map (or at least a majority of it) to be oriented with the select theme.

If anyone else agrees or has a project suggestion, don't hesitate to voice your comments/ opinions here ;)

I didn't want to post this in the Projects section until I have a select theme chosen for the world.

Offtopic / New updates -- 1.7.1
« on: June 30, 2011, 08:44:00 pm »
So, who's excited about the new Minecraft Beta updates? ;D

Pistons, Shears, and modified TNT triggers-- oh my!

Offtopic / Achievement get!
« on: May 27, 2011, 10:10:53 am »
I was playing around with this site earlier and made some funny 'Achievement Get!' pics :D

<--- Wouldn't that be epic... :P

The site is http://mag.racked.eu

Events / Event: Spleef Tournaments
« on: May 25, 2011, 06:03:47 am »
~~ Approved by Relkeb (5-24-11) ~~

It is about that time of year again, when all spleef fans reunite in what is to be the most epic minigame on Minecraft. That's right, MinrCon's around the corner, and to honor that tradition, I am going to be hosting a series of Spleef games on this server.

Some of you may not know what spleef is, but don't worry-- below is a video on Spleef gameplay (the game itself is pretty self-explanitory). The video is also an example of multiplayer/ team spleef: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=N-RmS-bn3LQ&feature=related

This thread is for sign-ups for the spleef games. Progress of spleef games, once sign-ups have been finalized, will be recorded via google spreadsheets.

Rules for Spleef games:
- NO HACKS (which includes WoM)
- If you are spectating or watching any games in progress, do not interrupt the game by going into the arena. If you are pushed off by accident, respawn as soon as you can.
- If you cannot reach a player or you get cornered and have no way to advance on any of the players, you may build UP TO 3 BLOCKS to continue gameplay.

Gameplay mechanics of Spleef:
- The objective of the game is to grief the arena floor-- causing the opposing players to fall through and be the Last One Standing (or group if you play in teams).
- The winners of each round will advance to the top, where the competition may get rougher.
- Good reflexes and acute judgement is a must in order to overcome the challenges in Spleef. Some arenas may be flat, while some may be pre-griefed to add an extra challenge to gameplay

In order to be involved in Spleef, you must be a Member+ rank to play 2-4 player spleef, and Recruit+ rank to play multiplayer (team) spleef

Tournaments will take place beginning on May 28th for some people (might be earlier or later depending on where you live), ending with the grand finale of the champion of champions on MineCon day-- June 1st. Before the tourneys start, there will be several practice/ training sessions where spleef contestants-- new and improved-- can join the fun before the big events start up.

Again, progress will be recorded on google spreadsheets: https://spreadsheets.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0Aq09ITJ1L3YOdE52Y3ZReXIzQ0ZrMDQ5U3c4czZ1TlE&hl=en_US&authkey=CP6w-qwL (spreadsheets are still in progress, as is sign-ups)

Good luck, fellow spleefers!

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8ayha6B79dA&feature=related <-- Here is last year's MineCon Spleef tourneys (2-player spleef)

Depending on the number of players, tournaments may be shorter or longer and will vary in the number of rounds played to compensate for time.

Free-for-all Member+ rank
[none currently]

[none currently]

Teams Recruit+ rank
---Two-team--- Red and blue teams
[none currently]

---Multiplayer--- Red, yellow, green, and blue teams. Hook up with anyone you want, but remember whom your teammates are.
[none currently]

Interests: Jett301, Xaxer, --More Members?--
tyler2803, pilot10334, --More Recruits?--
zoogoo40, matt88222, liquidcool24, Mr_Mr_Mr, grand_chill, Quaddel97, Rallag7, Implosions, Julfire123, Jexdane, Jyer, corourke70, Gurjot0, gurgonis,
Spartan_Rain, --More Crafters?--
Xeadin (Host), clawstrider, raul7legend, Ramkitty, davioo, PsYk0Wo1F, Turtleman918,

~~ Approved by Relkeb (5-24-11) ~~

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