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Topics - Dagony(Nima_ilz)

Pages: 1 [2]
Ban Appeals / unban
« on: March 10, 2012, 10:20:33 pm »
Can i get unbanned.My ban repeat it self due a bug in the ban history.

Thank victino

Ban Appeals / There is something wrong.banned with no ression
« on: March 10, 2012, 01:38:12 pm »
I have been 5 min offline and i want to go online and its say the banhammer has spoken.I really sure i didn't anything wrong.Its like the same thing what by troddenostrich happend

Can i get more intel about this?

Projects and Creations / Tree of beginning(Biome tower)Talk Thread
« on: March 07, 2012, 09:35:06 pm »
This is for talk about the project and the progress of it

Link to survey thread:    http://www.opticraft.net/index.php/topic,7501.0.html


Underground biome:100%
Biome arms:6 of the 20 done
Internal structure:53%
Monster spawner:100%
Upper tower:7%
Defense spawner:100%

Projects and Creations / Tree of beginning(Biome tower)Survey Sector
« on: March 07, 2012, 09:33:54 pm »
Now im am back lets start a project.And with the new level height its time to make something high and big.Its based on biome's.In the center a huge tower of colble.In the middle of that i build already a biome(in the ground)When we finished the tower.We gona make massive biome arms on it like The community tower but only more natural in shape.The point of project is storing biome's in tree.One with a forrest.And the others with mushrooms,Swamp,Desserts,Plains,jungle....ect

Warning!!!!There is a place in the middle of the tower called the inner structure mob spawner
If you stand still 3min the place is over crowded with mobs.Also the defense spawner on the base of the tower.mobs will pop out from several holes in the spawner and the shadows of the biome arms don't burn them.Over the time 6 people are died inside.I don't want more deads there. 

Photo's not yet now will come.......

List of helping players:

50% clear now


Location my home

This Thread is only for players that want to join.

Support / I see grief at the livemap by my home
« on: February 29, 2012, 10:41:14 am »
Better or not.The livemap is very handy to check my place.But the mansion by my home is grieft my dome room(The west dome)is filled with stone and the 2 diamond blocks on the glass dome are also stolen.Can somebody check it out please?Its is behind TBPB's project(And the bridge well as know as The railway)

Suggestions / New SBT's?(Standard ban time's)
« on: February 10, 2012, 07:15:35 am »
every player need a change to learn his mistake's but they can't if they get a permaban the first time so i came with a SBT tabel...SBT means standard ban time.Maybe the next follow tabel will make players  not make the same mistake.


  • Grieffing

First heat(light damage)=4days Did you grief a second time it will count as a 3e grieff ban(2@4 weeks)

Second heat(Medium damage)=8days Did you grief on this height again a op can give a perma ban to this

Third heat(Large damage)=3weeks Again=Permaban

  • Cheating

This maybe change what for cheats the player using(X-ray,Spidermen,player rader,Kill aura,instamine and Nofall)

So i made 3 heats also_____________________

heat1: xray and radar=4days(and 1week if you mine with x-ray)Second time 2weeks(Depends on how long he was using it)

heat2:Killaura and spidermen=1/2 week,Second time the ops decide your ban

heat3:instamine and Nofall=4weeks(These cheats are heavy)Second time permaban

Note:The other common cheats that i not listed here will also you get a ban(length depends on the effect of the not listed cheat)

  • Evading of the PVP(Player VS Player)

Every type of killing a player(Sandkilling, drowning, pit-trap and lava killing(the player is pushed into the lava hard to track)Will result is a 4weeks ban and the second time a perma.

  • Displays(non-playerskins ect

Wearing a racist looking skin(Hitler style,Stalin ect)is forbidden.

First time=a warn to change it.If you not do its result in a=3day ban and multiply every time you wearing that skin..So removed.

Making racist looking build(Nazi logo's and other insulting builds)First time=A warn and the build will be undo it(Al items you spent in that build will be lost)Second time a= 4days ban that multiply's every time you breaking this rule

  • insulting of users

SBT time's....1e time=warn.2e time=1day.3e time=3days.4e time=7days.5e time=15days. 6e time=permaban

Note by heavy insults ops can decide the ban lenght

I hope that not missed some rule


Ban Appeals / Ban apeal 6/2/2012 :Victino
« on: February 06, 2012, 08:58:16 pm »
I know it i am wrong....

What happend:A player was moving and moving i get crazy he has nothing in his hand so i drop sand over him but shark was also there and then i was banned.But that player was very heavly moving i don't even why he was doing that but he had no items i his inventory and he just spawn there.But i had not put sand over him want i only get my self with it.So i have a nice week

Do not unban me just ban me for a week or 2weeks

sorry for that

and ask trodderostrich to watch my building if have been banned forever

Ban Appeals / What happend that i get a Ban?
« on: December 24, 2011, 04:01:08 pm »
Oh hello a good xmas night i wil say first.

Oké i want join the survival server but i am banned.

The ?'s

How long i am banned i don't now by myself?

For what i am banned?

And with Date was that ban started?


Support / Can't login with beta 1.8.1
« on: December 24, 2011, 02:05:56 pm »
I see that you have a normal minecraft server 1.8.1 i did to try.But i can't login the text say communication error
Can a op check it?

Projects / Project Gong Geng city
« on: December 19, 2011, 07:30:25 pm »
I design this project. a medium time ago to.

i have also some a preview of the mayor building

The main design is very huge so it take a serious time to build


1: I make the bottom 1 height walls of all the building

2: other player can build the rest of the smaller buildings

3: Big building are for Recruit or good players

4: the city will be color full so build  outside walls with wool blocks

5: the total buildings is 37.5 are big and 11 are medium size

6: leave a post to help or talk me ingame

extra: builders for the bottom of the buildings

Time: 20-12-2011 11:00 central europa time List of player wil show on 9:30 GTM

List of player that help:


and can a op create a temp world that 5 days exist because the guest world is get to full

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