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Topics - Afro_

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Support / Guests Posting
« on: October 06, 2013, 07:05:46 pm »
So sometimes instead of what you see there <---
You have a name and it says "guest"
no post count or anything...
And uh... Victor[something] would be an example

Offtopic / LEAVIN
« on: October 01, 2013, 11:45:25 pm »
I will be leaving for about 2 weeks I'll miss you but see you guys soon :D

Offtopic / Your worst enchant for 30 xp?
« on: September 30, 2013, 08:03:57 pm »
Bane of athropods 4. Diamond sword.

Suggestions / /stat command
« on: September 28, 2013, 07:46:02 pm »
/stat <player name> gives the stats like date joined, rank! last active etc.

Forum Games / War of Opticraft(No staff) Version 2
« on: September 28, 2013, 07:11:10 pm »
Link to first: http://www.opticraft.net/index.php/topic,16013.0.html
I got bored D:
Trusteds Vs. Members!

The story:
After years of peace between the Members and Trusteds, the Members got bloodthirsty and started the war again. They seeked revenge for their loss 19 years ago, and fought harder than ever...

Support / Votes not updating
« on: September 27, 2013, 08:47:12 pm »
Hey I've voted like, uh 20 times. And my thing says I've voted 9 times... Is the thing not updating for some reason?

Trade Central / Durr enchanted tools and armor on sale
« on: September 27, 2013, 08:39:01 pm »
Afro's Tools and Armor Forum Shop
Discount for Canadian Thanksgiving! 25% off

Swords and bows
1. Looting 2 Bane of Athropods 4 $1700
(No stone or Wood offered)
1. Sharpness 4 Knockback 2 $2005
2. Smite 2 $0.1
3. Knockback 2 Bane of Athropods 4 $900
4. Bane of Athropods 543

1. Power 3 $1000
2. Punch 1 Power 4 $1456
3. Punch 1 Power 3 $1544
4. Flame 1 Power 3 $1500



1. Aqua Affinity 1 $195

Blast Protection 2 Respiration 1 $710


Other Tools

Diamond Axe Eff. 4 Unbreaking 3 $1500(Nhataley)
(click to show/hide)
1. Diamond Shovel Eff. 1 $145

Offtopic / Sky, Fluffy and Etho?
« on: September 22, 2013, 04:35:58 pm »

It's too big but look to the right  you'll see the names.
EDIT: Oh yah forgot to add think it's real?

Offtopic / Just some stuff...
« on: September 18, 2013, 11:46:33 pm »
Just some pics I made for fun  ;D

(click to show/hide)

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Enjoy, if you have some tell me :D

Support / Kevin91978 not being able to connect
« on: September 18, 2013, 10:35:49 pm »
So in the tits, that's the situation. Mr pardoned him a few days ago and he can't connect... He says. Can someone double check? Thanks!

EDIT: just checked /banned/ it says he's still banned, please do it mods/ops  :)

Introductions / Well looks like my actual intro
« on: September 15, 2013, 10:34:31 pm »
So hey there guys, Afro hea. So I've been in smp since November 12, 2012. Never played on classic, failing to upgrade adobe. So, to start off I'm Canadian for a small city about an hour from Toronto. I've been playing minecraft for... Wait... 5 years and 3 days! But I played classic single player for 3 years :P so, if you haven't seen me ingame I'm trusted, with an IGN of "Afro_Rick". My fav food is cheesecake and ME NO LIKE BRUSHING TEETH. My birthday is July the 6th and I am classified as a "ram". I play piano and I'm currently on the 4th grade repertoire, here's the song I'm learning ATM: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NEk7zze2gMQ . Whoops I have just looked at the ridiculous length of this t
Intro so I'm leaving now bye.

Offtopic / Is it real?
« on: September 15, 2013, 05:49:26 pm »
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Did the skeleton shoot it into my head?

Projects and Creations / PorkVille- My not-so-new town! Apps open!
« on: September 04, 2013, 08:22:48 am »
Village News:

-Feel free to donate lots of protection stones! There have been about, maybe 10 major griefs over the past... 2 months. Please contribute!
-Large quarry to be built soon
-Spleef arena to be built soon
- PV Spawner is up and running! Visit by doing /home Afro_Rick ingame.
(click to show/hide)

 PorkVille was started January 3, 2013 by Afro_Rick and lilly_coco. Together they built one house that now marks the center of the town. You can get there by doing /home Afro_rick. Now the town has expanded greatly and more and more builds are being built such as PorkVille Underground, and the 80x80 block spleef arena. Donations are greatly appreciated!

Live map link

 Citizens and Government

PorkVille Town Committee
 Cory_S[PRO Contributor]
MSG me ingame to join, or post below :)


Everyone that has a name above,

. Afro_Rick
. AJMRulez
. Cory_S
. Jack91978
. king_prankstar
. kevin91978
. lilly_coco
. PerfectlyOrdinary(I think..)
. Ruthlesstomato
. shortgeorge
. Shroomboom1000

And of course, there is the hobo house :)

For residents:
You will be banned if you grief one's build. You do have access to some places that others aren't, please do not let them in, you will also be banned from the village... Being banned means: You are no longer considered resident, meaning all your privileges, stripped. You will also be taken note of and must reapply to join. No creating obscene structures, and follow ALL server rules.
Note: We have the right to change these at any time.


Good at building?
Pictures of some of your builds(in a spoiler pls):
What is your payment/build?:
What are you planning on building?(in spoiler, please mark spot on live map):

IG Rank:
Why you want to join:
Copy paste the app and reply  :)

For residents:
You will be banned if you grief one's build. You do have access to some places that others aren't, please do not let them in, you will also be banned from the village... Being banned means: You are no longer considered resident, meaning all your privileges, stripped. You will also be taken note of and must reapply to join. No creating obscene structures, and follow ALL server rules.
Note: We have the right to change these at any time.

Houses available:

10x10 $10 1 left
15x15 $15 0 left
12x12 $10 1 left
Oak house:
12x12 2 stories $45 0 left
12x12 free
15x15 free
20x20 $1
More to be added very soon!

Opticraft fact of the month: /hoem works ingame for /home!

Suggestions / Opticraft dance/party/user-event tracker
« on: August 25, 2013, 12:37:34 pm »
So, there have been a lot of dances and parties etc. happening lately, and

Exactly, at this rate we're gonna have a dance every week. It was fine when it was an annual event or as such not so often occuring, now it's ridiculous.

That's quite correct, so I though it would be better to organize something to do, maybe every 4 months 1 dance, since these are all crowded around celebration times and people go crazy trying to attend all of them. Maybe make an agenda?

Forum Games / Riddle time!
« on: August 24, 2013, 01:56:01 pm »
Ok, I'll start:

You are in a world completely made of concrete. You have a glass bottle and you throw it in the air remember, glass breaks when it falls and touches the concrete. So... You throw it, but the glass bottle survives the fall. Why?

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