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Topics - Dalei

Pages: 1 [2] 3
Rejected / Moderator Application - DaleJr2148
« on: June 20, 2013, 01:38:33 pm »
Location: Indianapolis, Indiana (USA)
Timezone: EST (Eastern Standard Time)
Join Date: My member join date was June 19, 2012
Were you recommended by anyone?: No [Feel free to add your name if you do]
Why you should become a moderator: First off, I have been in this community for a really long time and I would like to make my time and my ability to work flexibly with the community might pay off as a moderator. As I moderator, I can help fix grief, kick spammers, and ban advertisers. Although because of my young age, I may not be "perfectly" fit for the position, I can however try my best throughout the community to make opticraft the best place possible.

Thanks for taking the time to read my application.

Support / Mumble down?
« on: June 02, 2013, 01:01:19 pm »
When I go on mumble, (note that I updated mumble) it says "Connection Failed, server connection refused" I am not the only one having this particular problem. Is there a relevant explanation to this problem?

Support / IRC Crashing randomly on my computer
« on: April 14, 2013, 02:55:13 pm »
I've had some occaisons where IRC has been crashing on me, is there a specific reason why it keeps crashing?  Several times it crashes just after I make a chat post. (not that it does that all the time) Any reason it keeps crashing would be appreciated!

Rejected / Moderator Application - DaleJr2148
« on: April 01, 2013, 09:52:15 pm »
My previous Moderator Applications.

Moderator Application 1

Moderator Application 2

Age: 12
Location: Indiana, USA
Timezone: Eastern Standard Time
Join Date: My join date on the forums was on June 19, 2012,
Were you recommended by anyone?: No
Why you should become a moderator: One of the reasons why I want to hold the Moderator position is because I like the server so much that I come on here each time I finish with my always-present school work. Therefore, I am very active.  I am willing to put in the time as a Moderator to help those that are in need.

When a person is seeking water placement or an item donation on Global Chat, I enjoy racing to their aid.  In fact, at times when there are no staff currently on the server, I've received several messages in-game requesting water placement or an item they need that I am able to help them with.  I am pleased to help them, and I normally reply to their message with “where do you need it placed?”  Once I have directions and offer to help, everyone leaves happy- and I love it when everyone is happy!  

I have received one server ban that has lasted for 12 hours.  I learned from this mistake and have never made that same error  I decided to learn from my issue and not repeat anything like it.  Since I have had no problems, and in fact am a very strong advocate for the server's rules, as they are important- without them, we all fall into chaos!

To briefly summarize, I am a loyal and kind player that likes to help people whenever I can. I am active and I learn from my mistakes. I will see you all later in the beautiful world of blocks which is known as Minecraft. ;)

Thank you for your consideration.


Edit: Made it less confuzing.

One day Dale and Swansil were wandering about when the come upon a huge group of dogs. They breed them instantly and they start training them with creepers and zombies. Soon, they are strong. With jaws that can kill many men and legs that can run for miles upon request or given the situation to do so. Now, they all seem to agree to take the cutest photos ever

Here they are!

They are the bravest things ever. Hope you enjoyed.

Offtopic / What instrument do you play?
« on: February 20, 2013, 10:12:14 pm »
Title says it all. I play the violin... What 'bout you?

Projects and Creations / [Updated] Cobblerock Castle!
« on: February 19, 2013, 07:01:36 pm »
     Instead of necroposting the original thread, I decided to make a "continued" version of the original thread.

One day, me and Dasherdog01 were walking around when I said over skype, "Hey dude, wanna build a castle?" The idea went all the way into a great castle. Here are the details before I show you some epic pictures!

We are located at /home dalejr2148 cobblerock. When you get there, you will see yourself in a protected wooden box! This box is for the castle's safety because we dont have the weath to buy a Diamond Protection Stone to protect the entire castle.

We used a shit ton of stuff, but it looks great! Donations of pstones would be greatly appreciated!

The Dimensions of the castle is 40x40x25 at the moment, but the towers might go another 10 blocks higher.

This castle is intended to be used as a future hotel!

Now, it's time for some PICTURES!!!!

(click to show/hide)

If you are wondering, "What texture pack are you using?" It is the 32x32 A'therys Ascended texture pack! Click the hyperlink to download it!

If you have any questions or comments please leave them as a reply to this thread!

Thank you for reading and I hope you ALL have a great day!

Note: This is a project currently in progress!

General Discussion / Donation
« on: February 05, 2013, 12:21:12 pm »
Hi guys!

As you can probably tell, my parents are considering of doing a donation to Opticraft! Since I want to donate for something useful/ fun, what should it be?  Please vote in the poll above (the items in the poll are what I want most, lol) and I would dearly appreciate your feedback! Thanks!

Yo' bud,

General Discussion / I need to you tell this before I explode....
« on: February 04, 2013, 12:08:53 am »
Please stop making fun of my young age (you know who you are.)! I really don't like it and it makes me get REALLY frustrated and nobody wants to be made fun of about something about them that they can't control anyway! :(

Thank you to any whom may concern.

Rejected / Moderator Application- DaleJr2148
« on: January 30, 2013, 10:03:42 pm »
Timezone:Eastern Standard Time
Join Date:I was a member in late July.
Were you recommended by anyone?:Not that I've heard.
Why you should become a moderator:The reason why I think I should become a Moderator has a variety of reasons.

-I have heard that being a moderator is very tough. Being a moderator means stoping what you are doing to go help others. Since I don't have a ton of things to do, I am 100% willing to do that. I am also a multitasker ingame and I'm able to jump between doing things ingame.

-I am very friendly to others and I am able to work with almost anyone. I also have had previous experience on a different multiplayer enviorment and I know what I am applying for.

-I am rather mature for my age, and because of that, I won't goof off when it's not time to goof off.

-I am also very active, weather that means being on IRC or ingame, I am still potentially active.

Thanks for reading this and I hope you all have a bright future with Opticraft!

From your friend,


General Discussion / Opticraft Song!
« on: January 22, 2013, 09:00:11 pm »
Hey guys, As you see in the poll above, do you want to have an Opticraft Song that we could make either from scratch or we can make a parody of a song! Show off your ideas in the replies and vote your opinion in the poll!  :D

Support / Quick Question
« on: January 13, 2013, 10:22:59 pm »
I have a question. Is it allowed to chat on IRC while you are banned from the server?

Ban Appeals / [techdude] DaleJr2148 Ban Appeal
« on: January 13, 2013, 10:02:20 pm »
Ban link: http://www.opticraft.net/index.php/page,BanLookup.html?username=dalejr2148

Just now, I got banned for posting porn in Global.

Now, i did not know that the porn i posted was a real website, but im sorry for what i did, and i will NOT do it again. not even if the joke that was started when the incedent started.

I realize that my Trusted Rank may be taken away, and i fully understand.

Thanks for reading this.


User Events / Pip 'n Dale Birthday Party!
« on: January 13, 2013, 06:49:55 pm »
Hey guys! As you see in the title, piplup and I are hosting Birthday Party! Here are our bday dates, they are pretty close :P

Piplupdude: Feb 13

DaleJr2148: Feb 14

Here is what our current plan is:

Time: around 4:30 Eastern Standard Time (EST) on February 14th, 2013

Place: /home piplupdude party. The partyroom is complete.

We will have free melons and such.

We also will have cake.

Games: Spleef.

We also have a pool!

If you have any questions or ideas about the party, please feel free to reply below or you can pm one of us!

Projects and Creations / Awesome Blaze Grinder!
« on: January 05, 2013, 04:26:46 pm »
Hi guys I finnally got to show you this! Like the title says, I have a blaze Grinder! Its located at /home coolcrab88 nether that includes our moderate prices! Here are the features of the Grinder!

(click to show/hide)

Well, I hoped you liked the screenshots, this project was contributed by Coolcrabb88, Tiggy26668 (a little), and SalsaInABowl (who gets free permana acsess to the farm for his extremely helpful contibutions) and of course, me myself!

Please note that this project isn't fully protected, so please use common sense and dont grief it.

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