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Topics - tiggy26668

Pages: 1 [2] 3 4
Trade Central / [Auction] 1 Stack of Slimeballs
« on: June 17, 2013, 03:55:52 pm »
item: 1  stack of slimeballs
starting price: 2000
bid increment: 500
buyout: 6400
end date: Thursday June 20th 2013 @8:00 pm EST (GMT-5)

Trade Central / [Auction] God Pickaxe
« on: June 13, 2013, 02:29:01 am »
Item: Efficiency 5 unbreaking 3 fortune 3 pickaxe
Starting Price: 10k
Buyout Price: 20k
Increment: 1k
End Date: Saturday 6/15/2013 8:00 EST (Gmt-5)

User Events / Tiggy's Deadly Pigman Arena
« on: June 02, 2013, 07:06:21 am »
So I took the overwhelming abundance of pigmen my portal farm produces and decided to make an event out of it......

above my gold farm i created this spooky and dangerous castle encased in a shell of netherack  

and with the flip of a lever i can continuously fill it with zombie pigmen  ;D

but, while a castle full with an army of pigmen is awesome, it's not quite an event......

so for the event I've decided to stick a chest at the top of this castle with a prize book, then I'm going to flood the castle with pigmen, piss one off, and see who can make it to the top.  :o

the person who successfully returns the prize book to me wins.

1 ) chances are you will die at least once, so,don't bring anything you don't want to lose!
2 ) on that note, the only items you can carry are a sword, one set of armor ( nothing can be enchanted, for fairness ) and some form of food that doesn't give buffs.
3 ) since you can only carry a sword and armor and food this means you CANNOT use enderpearls, potions or other benificial items.
4 ) you also cannot abuse commands to give yourself an advantage, ie: using /home to heal and port back.
5 ) Any form of glitching to gain an advantage is prohibited.
6 ) No Teams, the winner is not required to share his/her winnings regardless of any deals they may make. It's meant to be a free for all.
7 ) If you die you must start over from the beginning.
8 ) There's 16 open spots on a first to sign up basis, if you don't show up for the event you forfeit the spot.
9 ) You will not hold myself (Tiggy26668), or any competitors responsibly for any death, injury, lost, or stolen items during this event.
10 ) you must read and agree to all these rules to sign up.

It costs $500 per person all of which goes into the prize pool.
The fee must be paid prior to the event

day: this Sunday (6/9) was gonna do it Saturday but something came up
time: 5:00 pm EST (GMT-5)

$10,000 + entrance fees.
+ $5,000 from gavin.

Entrants: (Open)
(click to show/hide)

This is a dangerous event and chances are you will die at least once if not multiple times. By participating in this event you agree to hold no one accountable but yourself for any death, lost items, experience or money.

1 )It takes about 15 mins to spawn the necessary pigmen and allow them to spread throughout the castle so show up on time and be prepared to spend about 30 mins on the event depending on how long claiming the book takes.

2 ) I'll try to provide iron swords and iron armor to people re-spawning after death while supplies last.

3 ) Please look to this thread for updates

Application Form:
(click to show/hide)

Are you a mod/op interested in helping with this event? I could really use one or two of you to monitor the event and check peoples inventory to make sure no ones cheating.
comes with a $1000 paycheck  ;) lemme know down below.

mod/op 1 ) igenerator
mod/op 2 )

Other Other:
Are you a random person that wants to help out and doesn't mind afking in place for 30ish mins? I could really use you to as i'm looking for one person to sit at the farm spawning pigmen during the event, also comes with a $1000 paycheck  ;) lemme know down below.

random person 1 ) mopar23

If this goes well then hopefully there will be more events like it in the future.  :D

Projects and Creations / Public Iron Farm!
« on: May 26, 2013, 08:56:51 pm »
So i had this completely original idea that i definitely didn't steal from chief as seen here http://www.opticraft.net/index.php/topic,17626.0.html to turn my iron farm that i haven't been using into a public farm that works off obsidian  ;D

so if you wanna trade obsidian for lots of iron come to /home tiggy26668 iron

Currently I'm in the testing phase for my prototype design so if any bugs happen contact me here or in game and i'll try to resolve them.

What to do:

1) Come to /home tiggy26668 iron.
2) Walk through the door on your right. (if door is closed, farm is in use)
3) Place your desired amount of obsidian into the dispenser.
- 1 block of obsidian is approx 1 min of farm time, i recommend using at least 10 obsidian to allow golems to get up to their peek spawn rates.
4) A minecart will be dispensed and the door will be locked so no one else may enter. get into the minecart and press the button on the wall.
5) Ride the minecart until your time runs out. when the time expires you will be redirected to the collection room.
6) Break the minecart and deposit in the hopper on the floor (if it doesn't get sucked up already).
7) Collect your iron from the chest and exit through the door.
8) Profit

1) If you intend to use the farm for more than 15 mins you must type something into chat to avoid being afk kicked.

2) There shouldn't be any weird teleport or death glitches with the minecarts, if this does occur for some reason alert me so i can try to resolve it.

Trade Central / [Auction] Stack of Gold Blocks
« on: April 13, 2013, 03:02:53 am »
Item: 1 Stack of (64) Gold Blocks
Starting Price: 45,000
Bid Increment: 1000
Buyout: 150,000
End of Auction: April 17, 2013 8:00 EST (GMT-5)

Trade Central / Buying obsidian!
« on: April 03, 2013, 11:21:26 pm »
buying any obsidian you have!

$125 for 16
$250 for 32
$500 for 64

msg me in game or toss a reply here, i'll take any you have, need a couple double chests full all together.

Support / Is Farming nether portals kosher?
« on: April 02, 2013, 04:34:08 am »
so yea like the subject says is farming nether portals alright to do? (i mean of course your own portals, not random ones you find) i need a bunch of obsidian, and i know for a fact obsidian generators are against the rules, but this isn't really an obsidian generator, tis y im asking.

for clarity, i mean
1) make portal A
2) go through portal A
3) harvest portal B on other side
4) go back to portal A
5) go through portal A
6) harvest portal B on other side
rinse and repeat

mind you this uses natural smp portal generation and it's not that far fetched to have a 3rd+4th portal to return to portal A and continue generating portals for obsidian, not like it requires /homes or something outside vanilla, it's in no way glitching or something since that's how portals are intended to work, just a nifty way to farm obsidian

just would hate to have someone tp to me and go "you're duping portals /ban"

so yea.... can i get some clarity on the subject since it's not in the rule book thanks!  ;D

Support / Yay! An annoying new bug!
« on: March 16, 2013, 08:50:50 pm »
so i found a new little quirk with the server along with 1.5.... Mostly just information for the next person to deal with it....

apparently if you ride a minecart up any kinda incline and exit the minecart (breaking/right clicking) it will teleport you back to where you got into the minecart.

oddly it doesn't apply to going downhill or across a flat surface, but if you travel up hill (i tested with 2 blocks) you will get teleported back.

Doesn't happen on vanilla 1.5 either (tested that to) so it must be related to one of the plugins on the server,my first guess was one of the anti cheat ones, just seemed to fit, but could be anything. searching google for the bug didn't get any results.

it's also not some kind of lag or a case of "never actually got in the minecart and moved" as when you exit the minecart the item/cart stays at the spot you left it while you get teleported.

so pretty much.....
figured it was worth mentioning for the next person thinking they're crazy teleporting back randomly over and over.

and if you don't wanna waste time ridding a minecart don't go uphill till this bug is squashed by whoever is responsible for the plugin causing it  :P

Trade Central / Who wants to dig a tunnel? (it pays!)
« on: March 08, 2013, 01:01:08 am »
Making a subway..... need 3-6 diggers.... who wants a job?

Gotta be trusted+
It's down at bedrock, the floor is at y:6
The tunnel you need to dig is an 11x9 rectangle give or take 2000 blocks long. It basically goes from the member world border to the spawn.
You get $100 for each 11x9 section you dig out for you're tunnel.
So you can make $100*2000 sections = $200,000 if you complete the entire tunnel.
But if you can't finish the whole thing that's fine you make $100 * however many sections you clear.
Don't want this to take forever so if you decide to stop lemme know so i can get someone else on it.
to get to your tunnel use /home tiggy26668 tunnel#, where # = your tunnel number (see current workers below)

I can provide u with as many iron pick axes as it takes, but if u wanna do it faster you gotta use your own.

You can keep any ore you find, same with cobble. I will stick a drop chest there and if you don't want the cobble i'll take it for my castle.

I'll stick a home at each of the tunnels for easy access.

if you feel like digging out a tunnel post below.

I already have half the first tunnel done and this is what it looks like =P
(click to show/hide)

Current Workers.
(click to show/hide)

Suggestions / [Suggestion] Bulk iron ore sale sign?
« on: February 24, 2013, 04:21:53 am »
seeing as it's now less efficient to sell iron blocks and blocks were the preferred way to sell since u do 9 ingots at a time instead of 1 ingot...

just thought it'd b cool if there was a second sell sign for iron ore that did either 16/32/64 at a time to save having to click 500 times wen i go to unload my iron. the chat spamming is quite annoying....

Trade Central / [Selling] Stacks of Iron ingots
« on: February 20, 2013, 12:10:38 am »
Item: 1 Stack of iron ingots
Price: $3200/stack

Special: 1 Stack of iron blocks (9 stacks of ingots) for $25,000

Have 49 stacks left (More Always Coming)

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Trade Central / [Auction] 18 Cell Iron Golem Farm
« on: February 12, 2013, 06:20:36 pm »
Item: Iron Golem Farm with 18 cells
Starting Price: 500k
Buyout Price: 1.5mil
Bid Increment: 5k
Auction Ends: Feb 19, 2013 8:00pm EST (GMT-5)

Current Bid: Chief149 500k

Yield: approx 1 stack of iron blocks per hour ($28800/hr)

Has a built in crusher and security system to keep people from abusing the farm.

live map link (member world): http://smp.opticraft.net/map/#/3236/64/1546/-2/2/0

Note: i'm only selling this one because i have a new 27 cell design (can be seen adjacent to this one) and have no further use for it.

if you think it's expensive well.... it costs a finite number, and u can make infinite money, any finite number divided by an infinite number is as near to nothing as makes no odds, so in all reality you're paying 0.00% of what it's worth....

Happy Bidding!  ;D

Rejected / moderator application - <tiggy26668>
« on: February 01, 2013, 12:19:13 am »
Timezone:EST (GMT-5)
Join Date:May 10, 2012
Were you recommended by anyone?:doubt it.....
Why you should become a moderator:
so i can fly, kick random people with the reason "you've been AFK too long", haz all the powerz, tp around, lurk in the staff channels, and stalk the kodaks facebookz. oh and i suppose i could help people and do the whole "moderate" thing while im on....

so, after i get yelled at for:
1)"we don't need more blocks in the market"
2)"it's not obtainable, this is survival"
3)"the server isn't about building"

I hope this can get considered seriously...

I discovered this interesting block that apparently most people aren't aware of.
it can only be obtained via the /give or similar command, and is block id 44:7
Basically it's just a stone half slab.
But this particular half slab has a special attribute to it.
instead of connecting in the usual line through the middle way, it more so resembles an iron block with a stone texture.

this block is one of the coolest things I've found and is just sitting there with tons of building potential being underutilized
and is there really any harm in adding a block that has no destructive power, it's no worse than the mob heads.....

here's what it looks like compared to the normal one:
(click to show/hide)


Suggestions / let everyone use colors on signs
« on: January 04, 2013, 07:10:18 pm »
so.... pretty much just think everyone should be able to use colors on signs..... and i'm guessing you just need to change the rank permission....

colors are helpful for making things stand out and easier to read.... and it's cooler... i don't really have much of a reason it'd just be nice to have...

also i'm just not seeing any reason not to give everyone access to the colors....

so yea.... how bout them colors?

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