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Topics - zxSM1FFYzx

Pages: 1 [2] 3 4
Support / Stuck in a Portal!
« on: February 02, 2013, 07:05:54 pm »
Kind of stuck in a Portal going to a the Nether can a staff member TP me out ive tryed /home etc and i cant ven ope ntalk bar :(

General Discussion / Just Like to inform everyone...
« on: February 01, 2013, 07:58:45 am »
Hi guys i just like to inform everyone that I might be leaving Opticraft Due to just because its not as loveable anymore, The only reason I have stayed on the server so far because of the hope of Achieving moderator status i cannot put up with the lag and have to reconnect every 3 - 10 minutes Its not my finale chocie I will maybe finish my Fort then pass ownership but i might stay and just try again but Applications are never open. So if I Don't show up online anymore i have proabally moved to a different server or more likely I have gone to Tekkit I love this server and the community but i don't feel like i belong here anymore because most of my Old friends have moved on. Everyones moved on i don't know if its my time.

- zxSM1FFYzx

Rejected / Moderator Application - zxSM1FFYzx
« on: January 30, 2013, 05:07:37 pm »
Age: 14 1/2
Location: United Kingdom, England
Timezone: GMT
Join Date: February 2012
Were you recommended by anyone?: Not sure but if so Edit here :)
Why you should become a moderator: I Think I should become a Moderator for smp.Opticraft.net because I have been a member of The communtiy for Nearly a year now, I understand and Obey all of the Rules set by the Admins. Even tho I am not a Moderator I use my abilities as a Trusted member to help In anything possible E.g. Help a user in building, Placing water & explaining how to vote, Use forums and a Few times how to Upload pictures to the Forum Etc...
I would like to extend my Responsibility on the Server To helping with Moderator Jobs, I have been inactive on the server for abit because my Computer has been broken but i have been active for the past 7 days since the repair and will be for alot longer. Opticraft is My Number 1 server and would like to become a bigger part of server and help in its evolution! Along the lines of me wanting to help i'm willing to stay on Opticraft to help when ever needed, Also i am not sure of To many British mod on the server so I will be there in a different time zone when over Moderators are not able. I also have Mumble so I will be able to communicate with other staff and members on the server as easy as possible. I do not tend to be going on Holiday much due to Exams etc so I will be active a lot more.
Also there are other things I do off minecraft, I have a Weekend job when i'm needed and during Summer I worked for abit and willing to get back to working towards something, Fun... I hope this application has shown The Admins that I am worthy & Ready for a place as an Opticraft Moderator.

Few points:
. Been a long time member
. I am helping and caring member of the Server
. I get along with as far as I know everybody on the server
. I understand the forums and I am active on the Forums alot of the
. I Hope to earn more respect of the members of Opticraft as one of the contrebuters towards the community
. I would like to Help in growth of the server
. I am a longtime lover of the server
. I have brought a Some members to the server
. I Understand leadership & Teamwork from owning a Free town in the guest world
. I have helped Guests become members when not understood
. I Vote for the server at every chance i get
. And I Overall love this server and ever body as if they are a second family with friends also making new friends

I would also like to add as one more note here: I understand i'm kind of young only being 14 1/2 but i'd like the chance to prove i am mature for my age; Even tho most mods are 16+ as i have seen in Accepted applications I would still like to prove to the Admins & Opticalza that i'm worthy of the role Moderator.

Thank you for your time


General Discussion / Free Skins!
« on: January 29, 2013, 09:14:55 pm »
Hey guys!
Getting used to making skins and need practice if anyone wants like there own skin or an edit of one already out (Mine is a edit of the Yogscast honeydew skin)
So if anyone wants one Leave a Reply below!

Projects and Creations / White Lance Help request
« on: January 28, 2013, 10:57:28 pm »
Hey everyone!
Everyone fav Dwarf here (Accept Honeydew)
I'm making fort or Small village called White Lance, I am running really low on Wood, Cobble, redstone 7 i have like $8
If anyone would be kind enough to donate and supplies or money it would be a big help (Need glow stone to :3)
This Town will be a Invite or Really Good application town only so via Donating you will improve chances of getting in if
you would like!
Or just some help will do with building the new spawn etc!
If anyone is willing to help this Dwarf Leave a reply thanks!!!


Trade Central / For Sale & Buying
« on: January 27, 2013, 12:25:24 pm »
Alright guys I'm selling my old city if anyone would like to check it out goto /home Mattyr2d2 (The 2nd Spawn) Due to myself working on a new project in the member world and needed the money to continue (Also i welcome donations :D) and also i'm buying sticky pistons for a possible drawbridge and castle type door thing so if you want to buy or sell or trade message me in game or leave a reply Thanks

Projects and Creations / Help Needed...
« on: January 26, 2013, 05:26:18 pm »
Heyy Opticraft! Well since I have been away for awhile my Town has been Griefed a bit from passing guests and rather going through ever building, With a Member of staff repairing every part of each building I have concluded if i can get enough help i'm going to try my best to move the Town to The Member world... also with other leaders apointed have moved on I am also looking for new members of the Leadership team. I'm willing to Donate blocks Etc towards helpers project also having no In game credit because of I spent it all on the town its self ill Give helpers a House in the town/City and give you leadership rights...
I will be greatful for donation towards this project or help in the moving and building.
To check out the town atm goto my home "/home zxSM1FFYzx"

General Discussion / Just like to say...
« on: January 19, 2013, 05:51:12 pm »
Just like to say, I'm Back  :-*

Offtopic / Opticraf Texture Pack - Made By - zxSM1FFYzx
« on: July 05, 2012, 10:34:23 pm »
30% done and uploaded to Planet minecraft please download and leave comments for feed back thanks guys.

Creaters -
Main blocks: zxSM1FFYzx
Mobs: WhatMyName

http://www.planetminecraft.com/member/zxsm1ffyzx/ <-- My Planet Minecraft Profiel look on there for it ;)


PM me to help with Texture Pack.

Offtopic / Texture Pack!
« on: July 01, 2012, 01:38:36 am »
Hey guys, I know how creative the opticraft community is so i thought i would ask if anyone would like to help design a texture pack, If you want to help just reply with what blocks, Items etc you would like to create

Cannot be rude
must have permission to update or make block
no passing the Texture pack around untill complete

Thats about it.
I have done a few blocks like Wood, Cobble, Ores, Stone, Grass etc but they can be updated (Problem with cobble)
i advise useing Paint.net.

it will be sent via PM and only one person working on it at time soo, Get posting!

- zxSM1FFYzx

Suggestions / /cpsinfo
« on: June 24, 2012, 01:20:16 pm »
I have tryed do not know if any other member has tryed /cinfo on a Protection Stone and it does not tell you the owner it would be good for a command that tells you who owns that Protection stone.

Thanks for reading ;)

Rejected / Moderator Application - zxSM1FFYzx
« on: June 24, 2012, 01:11:33 pm »
Age:13 (14 - July 31st 2012)
Location: United Kingdom, England
Timezone:GMT +1 Hour
Join Date: March 14th
Were you recommended by anyone?: Have not asked.
Why you should become a moderator:
The reason I should become a Moderator is because I like to help out the community alot even when I was not trusted I helped at the top of my Ability, I try and get on the server for at least 1 - 2 hours everyday,
I am also 13 Years old and have 2 weekend Jobs showing that i am a commited person and hard working. I Might be 13, but I am mature for my age and I enjoy helping as many people as I can and I hope I can prove this to the Opticraft staff members.

Another reason I would like to be considered for a Moderator is,
because the Population of the server has grown rapidy since I joined and the server sometimes does not have enough Moderators on at some point during the day, I try to spend at least an Hour on the server asking if anyone would need help.
I thought if I could become a moderator I could help in many other ways, other than placeing water and donating.
I would not abuse the commands and I always follow the rules word to word And inforce them to the best of my Ability.
Also I am active on the fourms alot, During Lunch Breaks etc, And will get to topics fast.

Also i'm easy to contact due to me checking fourms all the chances i get when i'm on Minecraft I am ushaly on Mumble at the same time, I love talking to people and getting to know people better. Also I try to bring more Members to the server about 20 or so friends have joined the server, Been In active due to the Minecraft Xbox Edition but I am still able to get more Members as i have done, I like to work and get along well with alot of people.

Thank you for reading my Moderator Application.

- zxSM1FFYzx

Support / Moderator Application help.
« on: June 24, 2012, 11:39:10 am »
Is there a Limited amount of time you have to be Trusted To put in a Moderator Application??

Offtopic / Suggestions On Movies
« on: June 21, 2012, 03:15:22 pm »
Ok guys, I'm pretty board of watching T.V And want to watch Harry potter films lol so post on
your ideas on what to watch here are the ones i have (Basicly all of them)

Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone
 Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets
 Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban
 Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire
 Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix
 Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince
 Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows
Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Part 2

Leave your posts ;)

Suggestions / /Home Private/Public
« on: June 19, 2012, 04:46:12 pm »
Hello Opticraft,
Well my idea is to upgrade the /home command because when i didn't want people to come to my house but still came it annoyed me so, This idea is to be able to /sethome then be able to do a comand like /sethome Private Or /sethome Public Even /sethome Password <Password> for lets say a secret service or something (of course MODS over come this).

Thanks for reading my idea.


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