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Topics - bantam2

Pages: 1 [2]
General Discussion / New Recruit World
« on: March 28, 2012, 08:44:48 pm »
Hi, I just got Recruit last night and I tried to go building in the world dedicated to Recruit but there is absolutely no room to build. I was wondering if a new Recruit map could be created.


Rejected / Moderator Application - bantam2
« on: March 20, 2012, 12:48:05 am »
Age: 17 years old

Location: Boston, Massachusetts

Timezone: Eastern Standard Time

Join Date: March 7th 2012

Were you recommended by anyone?:No

Why you should become a moderator: After being on this Minecraft SMP server for a few weeks and having been on for almost 4 to 6 hours a day, I have seen how often the Moderators and Operators become overwhelmed by the growing population on this popular sever. Every day I see how many people join and many a time I have seen that people are quitting due to griefing and theft and it breaks my heart to see those players miss out on the awesome experience that is Opticraft. As a Trusted member of this server I have tried my hardest to help everyone in any way possible. In my experience with moderator plugins on bukkit servers, I have become very good at certain things such as LogBlock, Essentials, WorldGuard, WorldEdit and BigBrother. In addition to that, I am very good at the social part of being in a position of staff such as being polite to everyone and making sure that each persons needs are fulfilled without paying attention to one person for too long. Overall I hope that you help me help this wonderful server.

Thank You,


General Discussion / Abundance of Spammers
« on: March 11, 2012, 04:05:24 am »
On the server lately there seem to have been an excessive amount of people on guest accounts spamming and at the moment on the server, there is nobody there to ban people. If I may suggest the SpamHammer plugin. This may help tto reduce the amount of spammers.


General Discussion / Bantam2's New Town: Bantonia
« on: March 10, 2012, 12:51:36 am »
A New Town has sprouted up in the Opticraft World, Bantonia!!

Bantonia currently has only 6 plots due to the fact that I am building them myself from my own materials. Bantonian plots are priced at $450 in-game currency. Bantonian plots are also perfectly sized to hold Basic Protection Stones.

For protection purposes, Bantonia is not open yet. If any Admin or above sees this post please contact me about Worldguarding my town and I am willing to pay any amount.

Projects and Creations / Bantam2's New Town: Bantonia
« on: March 10, 2012, 12:38:51 am »

Bantonia is practical Minecraft town with all of the utilities you could imagine, including free chest, furnace, and workbench, a sugarcane farm, a pubic mine, and a tree farm! Bantonia has an increasing amount of 11x11 square plots due the to high popularity. Even though Bantonia's main focus is self built home, pre made houses can be requested.  

Plots are available for $650 and prices can be negotiated but saying, "I Will Work For You" is unacceptable.

The rules for Bantonia are the following:
1. NO Griefing
2. Do Not Mine Inside of the Plot, Use Public Mine
3. Always Re-Plant Sugarcane and Tree Farms
4. Do Not Destroy Netherrack Boundary around Plot
5. ........
6. Do Not Build Any Ugly 1x1 Structures, Houses Only
7. Never Build Anythink Outside The 11x11 Plot Without Permission



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