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Topics - TheWholeLoaf

Pages: 1 [2] 3
General Discussion / Loaf's Second Treasure Hunt!!!
« on: May 02, 2014, 02:32:22 am »
     For all of you who remember, I held a treasure hunt in the past. It consisted of finding six signs around the three worlds the were there, each giving hints as to where to go. It took someone about two months or so to find if I remember correctly. Sounds like a long time and it is lol, but the reward was over 200k worth of stuff.

     For this hunt, I will say that the reward is at least 200k if not more (reward is in items and money). Regarding hints, all I will say is that you should start looking in one of the old guest world warps (East, West, North, South).

     This hunt is for all ranks but guest. Please Staff members.... If you are joining in the hunt, do not use your commands to your advantage. This includes flying. Respectfully play the game.

     Good Luck Too You All.

Here is my first treasure post:


Here is the post from Claw, who found my last treasure:


Offtopic / A little scary story
« on: April 29, 2014, 04:34:03 am »
Hey all, I saw that pinkey posted a story here and I thought that was a good idea. It's late now, just after midnight, and I read about some pretty interesting things but I'll get to those later. This little short story was written after a friend of mine briefly explained the actual story and after writing, I read the actual account. Enjoy.

Would not suggest reading this if scare easily!

     - Sirens rang. The whole park stopped, all that continued was the eerily happy music. Lights flashed yellow words 'Bomb, take shelter' and staff members still in costume came out of the hundreds of hidden doors around the park. Everyone began to panic, pushing past one another to get through the doors the staff had opened, leading down to the shelter, Room Zero. The little girl watched, frightened by the commotion. A hand grabbed her arm and yanked her toward he doors, leading down to the dark tunnels. It was her mother. Upon passing through the hidden doorway, they were both given crudely made gas masks symbolizing the parks charaters. The masks frightened the little girl more. The deeper they went into the tunnels, the dimmer it got, leaving behind the bright light on the surface. The tunnels smelled musty and as if they had just poured fresh concrete that was still wet.
     Deeper and deeper, down one... two.... three flights of stairs. The crowd around the girl and her mother kept bumping into them and pushing them aside. The walls began to shake and everyone staggered for a moment as the first of the blasts fell. Dust came free from the ceiling and drifted down on them. Chaos broke out and people started climbing over one and other to reach the bunker in time. A set of large metal doors lay before the people and they eagerly threw them open and pilled inside. The room was enormous, a few football fields deep. Others were running in from other tunnels and the room was already half full.
     The crowd behind the girl and her mother swept passed them and they lost touch. The little girl, looking around for her mother, could only see masked people pushing about. Another blast fell and screams erupted from all corners of the room. The lights flickered, then went out. Fear sunk in deep into every living being n there and shear pandamonium broke out. The little girl retraced her steps to the door and walked out with a few others, opting out of the madness in that room. They climbed the first staircase and another blast hit, throwing the little girl to the ground. Pitch black, she tried reaching for the hand rail to pull herself up. Everything was quite. The few of them stood on top of the stairs looking into the blackness. The little girl, crying now, went back down to the room for her mother. She reached out infront of her for the doors. Pulling them open, the creeking rang throughout the space. Not a single other sound. What had once been a thousand screaming voices was now nothingness. She stood there waiting for anything. A voice moaned, "Close the door sweety, you're letting in the cold." And she did so and walked away...

This is based off the stories of Room Zero in Dinseyland. You can find the actual story at creepypastaindex.com and search Room Zero. It's very interesting and creepy. If scared easily, I would not suggest reading at night!

I posted this here because I like creative writing, not simply to scare you. As well as giving you an interesting story I learned about today.

Btw, I'm not looking for corrections or editing of any kind so please don't comment saying something of the like.

Accepted - Mod Applications / Moderator Application - TheWholeLoaf
« on: April 21, 2014, 04:33:28 pm »
Moderator Application - TheWholeLoaf

Age: 18
Location: Indiana, United States
Timezone: Eastern Time Zone (UCT -5:00)
Join Date: January, 2012
Were you recommended by anyone?: FNVcourierjon xNuzzy, daniblue182, VoreReznor
Why you should become a moderator:
     Upon careful consideration, and a constant nudge and push from a few select members, I have decided to throw my name into this hat.
     The opticraft community is a special one, and I would love to return to the staff to contribute to the workings of this server once again. Previously, I have been busy with school, trying to get into college, and I've also been working on my "business" for a while now. However, the end of the school year is coming up and I'm in good shape and my "business" is all straightened out so I've been able to be on a whole lot more.
     As always, I shall be fair and strict when need be as well as a friend to the community and new comers. I would like nothing more than to keep new players playing and will help them with anything to do so.
     Thank you for your consideration.

This is my name
                                  |          |
                                  |          |
                                  ----------   This is a hat.

General Discussion / Challenge
« on: April 12, 2014, 01:54:17 am »
    I disagree completely, no offense. We all are not going to go to another server holding each others hands. The thought behind it is nice but there are no other servers like opticraft as far as I've seen. If opticraft does end and is taken down then people will drift apart and some will stay in touch but that's how life is, and it goes on.
     However, I doubt the time of taking the server down will come anytime soon. There are still things that can be done and things that will be done. If everybody says its going to die in the next few weeks and they all leave then it will. But whether it dies or not is completely up to us, the players. If we want it to stay around then it will but we have to do our part as well. Asking other players to abandon ship right now and go to another server means you have have no more hope left for Opti.
     I challenge every player to go to some website or some social media page and post about opticraft, what it is, how it was a while ago, what it is now, and how it could be once more. I'll be adding a page to my website for it soon enough.

I posted this in another post about how opticraft was dying and I've already expressed my thoughts about that above. But near the end, I challenged every player to post something about opticraft in a place where people would see it. I would like this thread to be focused only on what YOU have done to complete this challenge.

     As I said in my post, I have added a section to my website about opticraft and included both the promo videos under it. My website gets on average 120 people viewing it a week and they are all minecraft players. I invite you to take a look at what I did but please don't look at it too much just for that since that throws my views off base. I will continue to look at where I can post about this as should you all.


     If you would like, you can easily make you own weebly website about this. It's free and extremely easy to navigate.

Projects and Creations / House I wanted to share
« on: April 11, 2014, 03:14:09 am »

This is a house I made on another server for a first creation. It's a 2 story with huge basement house. rooms include: Living room, hallway to bedrooms, 2 guest rooms, master bedroom, a study room with 2 desks, a kitchen with outdoor balcony, a library with hidden study, an entertainment room, a gaming room, an outdoor patio with pool and hot tub, a theater and a garage. Every room has its own working lighting. It took me about 5 days to complete.

Trade Central / Selling Freshly Made Beach House
« on: April 11, 2014, 03:08:52 am »

This house was something I just made to practice this style. Its surrounded by water on three sides and has a very lovely back patio with a pool and hot tub, grill, dock, fire pit, and sitting area. The inside has a living room with tv, bedroom with a study and a kitchen. The front gravel path warps around to both sides of the back patio.

You can come see it at /home TheWholeLoaf house



The Bids start at 35k and it does not come with a /home.
You guys have until the 16th.

Bid away!

Rejected / Moderator App - TheWholeLoaf
« on: November 30, 2013, 01:10:19 am »
Moderator Application - TheWholeLoaf
Demoted upon request

Location: IN, United States
Timezone: Central

Join Date: Around January 24, 2012/March 06, 2012 for the forums

Were you recommended by anyone?: pew1998, FNVcourierjon,2crzy4uall, Italian_Crafter, Kodak28 Zeradeth_, GirlLuvzerMac

Why you should become a moderator:
     I'm once again going out for moderator. I've been a moderator twice in the past and left both times due to lack of interest in minecraft. But I always come back to it, its too addicting lol. Since I've come back, I'd like to do more than just build by helping out other players. Coming back to the team would be a great pleasure.
     These are my past applications:

General Discussion / Leaving for a bit: find my treasure :P
« on: March 13, 2013, 01:04:41 am »
I've decided to put minecraft down for a little bit to focus more on school and life.
I will most likely be back in june for the summer, if not ill be sure to visit.

Anyway, I've left quite a gift to anyone who happens to find it. There are 3 large chests with very valuble items in it that anyone can use. I will not say where it is, nor give you clues. However there are 6 clues on signs spreadout around the 3 worlds of opticraft. Most are on things that I have made and everyone can see them, I privatized them so no one can destroy them. None of them right out tell you where it is and combinding all of them will help you get close but not all the way there.

You have you have a few months to find this, that is if you accually do find it. I will not be supprised if no one does. Who ever finds it must follow the guildlines of what to do after finding it. I left them in a book with the treasure.

Staff no cheating or using things that regular players dont have.

Happy Hunting!!!

I'll see you all in June.

Im also locking this.

Trade Central / Witch hut - sold to pew1998
« on: February 20, 2013, 03:25:13 pm »
Selling witch hut I bought from johekl awhile back. I got what I wanted from it but I keep forgetting to visit it now and then :p. Someone else can probably do more with it than me.

Live map link: http://smp.opticraft.net/map/#/-2874/64/747/-2/0/0

The surrounding surface is already lit so no mobs spawn but the caves still need to be lit.

Starting Price: 15k
Bid Increase 1k
Buy Out: 50k
Auction End: 3 days after last bid

Projects and Creations / House #7 for Opticraft Completed
« on: February 16, 2013, 04:12:25 am »
Hey Guys, I bring you another one of my houses :D at Nhataley's /home
This one has been a huge challange and drained my wallet :p but I was able to finish so here it is....


(click to show/hide)

(click to show/hide)

(click to show/hide)

Main Floor

(click to show/hide)

(click to show/hide)

Living Room
(click to show/hide)

(click to show/hide)

Guest Bath
(click to show/hide)

Guest Bedroom
(click to show/hide)

Top Floor

Master Bedroom
(click to show/hide)

(click to show/hide)

Basement Level

(click to show/hide)

Outside Patio
(click to show/hide)
yes my texture pack is broken at the moment :/

Theater Entrance Room
(click to show/hide)

(click to show/hide)
(click to show/hide)

Lots of pictures :D

This is by far one of the hardest projects of done and took me about 1-2 months on it.

I need to give a shout out to nhataley for giving me the land,
and 2crzy4uall for loaning me money at the very end :p

Enjoy Guys!!

Trade Central / Selling A House Design
« on: January 23, 2013, 02:45:58 am »
The player I had made a house for doesnt want it anymore, so instead of having my time waisted I'll put it up for auction.
This is a house that I made after getting a house application, so it is not on opticraft. It is in a singleplayer world. If you buy it, I will send it to you.


(click to show/hide)

Starting Price: 50k
Buyout: 150k
Auction End Time: 4 days after last bid

Projects and Creations / Latest House I've Made
« on: January 16, 2013, 11:33:52 am »
As I said I would, Im posting the latest house ive made.

This is the house I've made for loltation. He wanted a version of a log cabin in a snow biome, so this is what I came up with.

Front of the house...
(click to show/hide)

(click to show/hide)

(click to show/hide)

(click to show/hide)

Master Bath...
(click to show/hide)

Master Bedroom...
(click to show/hide)

I believe he plans to build this on opticraft.
Please do not try to copy the build.



Projects and Creations / New city
« on: December 17, 2012, 07:56:17 pm »
Hey guys, I'm going to be making a new city when the new guest world is up.
I'd like to know what buildings you guys would like to see.
You can be as specific as The Library Of Alexandria to just a simple appartment building.

Builds I'm already planning on making.....

Gladiator arena
Iron forge gate - for mine
The Golden Gate Bridge
A creeper temple
The globe theater
A clock tower
A hotel
An architecture building - will be simply amazing
Small airport
*Possibly the Indy 500 track

Areas I'm going to add.....

High standard modern housing
Farm lands
A secret town within the city

Also I need ideas for the name too :P

Please post new and exciting things that you would want to see!!

Projects and Creations / House design apps
« on: December 14, 2012, 03:43:50 am »
I am no longer making house on the server for people, as I used to with my house apps House apps

I will still design a house for anyone who would like me to.

Reasons for doing this:
  • It took to much of my time up and the people I built for we're waiting a while for me to build it.
  • It's much cheaper for the buyer now, since I don't have to buy the materials.

If you would like to have me design a house for youpost your name, and only your name on this topic. Both your in-game name and forum name. I will then send you an application to fill out and you'll send it back to me. I will then make your house in a single player map and send you the map.

I've just come to learn to use this process and it works great.

Pics of my first single player map....

I will then give you the price and upload it to a website, where you will then download it. I will not upload it and give you the website until i get paid, and no one else will get the map because i will take it down after you get it.

Offtopic / What's your favorite?
« on: December 13, 2012, 03:02:26 pm »
Name something that's ur favorite. Favorite activity, game, food, sport, ect.

I'll go first :p

Sketching houses
Crab legs and salmon
Marching band :D

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