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Topics - corourke70

Pages: 1 [2] 3
Offtopic / Change one word in the sentence.
« on: April 17, 2011, 08:13:28 pm »
You change one word from the sentence above you. You cannot remove a word, only replace. You cannot replace a word that was just replaced. Ill start out the sentence.

Griefers destroyed my house.

Now somebody change one word in the sentence.

Creations / Guest Spawn
« on: April 17, 2011, 01:39:31 am »
I don't know if i was really allowed to do this but i changed the new guest spawn because the same old red towers was bothering me.
Can you also tell me if i am allowed to do this again?

General Discussion / Guest Spawn Problems
« on: April 16, 2011, 11:23:24 pm »
The boundary needs to be larger, i have already deleted a couple of sky platforms throughout the day that hover over the spawn. This is a really nice looking spawn that is ruined by ugly sky platforms. Here is one of them...

Sorry for the fog, i didn't realize i had it on when i took the picture. Something needs to be done about this.

Rejected / Operator Application - Corourke70
« on: April 12, 2011, 07:42:35 pm »
Name: Corourke70
Age: 13
Location: New Jersey, USA
Timezone: GMT -4 hours
Join date: March 22, 2011
Forum Join date: March 27, 2011
Current rank: Builder
Reason for application: Every app goes like this "Ther iz like nooo OPz online at my server time". Well it is true, I will usually see maximum of 2 operators online at the same time a week. Usually, guests are saying "OMG hes destroying ma shit", even though I am not an OP i will usually teleport to them and try to tell them that an OP will fix their problems when they come online. When there are no OPs online, i will usually say the normal stuff that OPs say such as "Press r if you are stuck" etc. I usually answer the questions of many guests and explain to them how the ranking system works and tell them why they can't do this or that.
Why you should become an operator: I feel the server would run well with a few more operators.
Have you been temp-op before?: No
Extra information: I got a lucky guess when i started playing minecraft. This is the first server i chose! I haven't even visited any other classic servers since i started playing. I really hope my age doesn't hold me back here. Thank you for your consideration! ;D

Offtopic / Funniest Cartoon Character Quote
« on: April 11, 2011, 12:17:11 am »
Some of mine are: (these are all from family guy)

Guy on Airplane: Oh great, I always end up sitting next to a damn baby.
Stewie: What did you just say?
Lois: Stewie, stop fussing.
Stewie: Pipe down Lois. (Slaps guy on head.) Hey big man, turn around. Oh you can't hear me now. I was going to watch the movie, but forget it. For the next 5 hours, you're my bitch.

Stewie: Well, I'd love to stay and chat, but you're a total bitch.

Chris: Hey little dude, how about some ice cream?
Stewie: Yes I could go for a frozen treat right about now. But no sprinkles. And for every sprinkle I find, I shall kill you.

Stewie: Oh damn! Jeremy is still in the trunk! How long has it been, two weeks? Yeah, he's dead.

Quagmire (running through mall and accidentally into the camera room): Where am I, am I dead?
Security Guard: No, this is where we monitor all the dressing rooms in the mall so we can keep an eye out for shoplifters.
(Woman on Monitor has heart attack)
Quagmire: Oh my God! That one's having a heart attack! (Runs to womans dressing room.)
Quagmire: (Rubs womans chest and breathes in her mouth. Woman becomes conscious.)
Woman#2: That was amazing!
Woman#3: You saved her life!
Woman#4: Thank God you know CPR!
Quagmire: What the hell is CPR?

Offtopic / Hayabusa!
« on: April 10, 2011, 04:24:21 pm »
I am planning to make this sprite from halo 3. I cannot find enough room for it though. It is going to be 185 x 185. If anybody knows of a spot that big on a wall please let me know....

Creations / Pika! Pika!
« on: April 10, 2011, 05:17:44 am »
Yes, Pikachu indeed. I made it myself with the help of monkeh's palette.
*Facepalm* I forgot the right cheek...here is the finished version

Can you tell me which pokemon i should make next?

Edit: Height - 89 blocks
       Width - 83 blocks

Introductions / Hello!
« on: April 09, 2011, 07:47:49 pm »
I think i should introduce myself because well, i haven't yet. My name is Corourke70 and i like making irl things into minecraft. I am terrible at sprites and i make way too many suggestions! I love the community, thank you to all.

Offtopic / Laptop or Desktop?
« on: April 04, 2011, 04:19:25 am »
I play on a laptop. I'm just curious as to what you people play on.  8)

Accepted / Corourke70 - Builder Application
« on: April 03, 2011, 02:44:34 pm »
Ingame name:Corourke70
Join date: Joined the server 3/23/11. Joined the website 3/28/11
Briefly describe all your creations:Grassy underground House, something my imagination came up with, purple polkadot lava lounge, Sears Tower Remade, Western Town, Giant Evil Kitty (dont ask me why i made it), Ship, Volcano/mansion, Devil's Pitchfork,
What worlds are the creations on: "worldofrecruits" For all of them
What is your current rank in Opticraft?: Recruit
People who helped me: Hobag178, E1ectik, ZeroSpectrum, and another recruit that helped me but i can't remember the name (helped me over a week ago)
I agree with your terms.

Rejected / Builder Application - Corourke70
« on: April 02, 2011, 04:32:43 pm »
Ingame name:Corourke70
Join date: Joined the server 3/23/11. Joined the website 3/28/11
Briefly describe all your creations:something my imagination came up with, purple polkadot lava lounge, Sears Tower Remade, Western Town, Giant Evil Kitty (dont ask me why i made it), Ship, Volcano/mansion, Devil's Pitchfork,
What worlds are the creations on: "worldofrecruits" For all of them
What is your current rank in Opticraft?: Recruit
I agree with your terms.
Special Thanks to Hobag178 for helping me with alot of the framework.

Creations / Sears Tower
« on: April 02, 2011, 04:05:59 am »
Today i finished my Sears Tower in World of Recruits.
Sadly it wasn't enough to get promoted though.
From Bedrock to Sky-limit.

Rejected / Builder Application - Corourke70
« on: April 02, 2011, 03:27:29 am »
After being rejected (x3) i realized that it takes time to get something done. So i decided to remake the Sears Tower in Chicago, Illinois in the USA. From Bedrock to Sky limit.
Ingame name:Corourke70
Join date: Joined the server 3/23/11. Joined the website 3/28/11
Briefly describe all your creations:Sears Tower Remade, Western Town, Giant Evil Kitty (dont ask me why i made it), Ship, Volcano/mansion, Devil's Pitchfork,
What worlds are the creations on: "worldofrecruits" For all of them
What is your current rank in Opticraft?: Recruit
I agree with your terms.

Rejected / Builder Application - Corourke70
« on: March 30, 2011, 01:14:56 am »
You probably hate me because this is my third today. I am pretty confident though....and persistent.
Ingame name:Corourke70
Join date: Joined the server 3/23/11. Joined the website 3/28/11
Briefly describe all your creations: Western Town, Giant Evil Kitty (dont ask me why i made it), Ship, Volcano/mansion, Devil's Pitchfork, Kings Castle, Space Ship
What worlds are the creations on: "worldofrecruits" For all of them
What is your current rank in Opticraft?: Recruit
I agree with your terms.

Here are the pictures

Rejected / Corourke70 - Builder Application
« on: March 29, 2011, 10:46:09 pm »
Take 2!
Ingame name:Corourke70
Join date: Joined the server 3/23/11. Joined the website 3/28/11
Briefly describe all your creations: Western Town, Giant Evil Kitty (dont ask me why i made it), Ship, Volcano/mansion, Devil's Pitchfork, Stick Man with Rocket Launcher, R700 Sniper
What worlds are the creations on: "worldofrecruits" For all of them
What is your current rank in Opticraft?: Recruit
I agree with your terms.

Here are the pictures

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