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Topics - proush600563

Pages: 1 [2]
Support / City protection
« on: August 14, 2012, 08:22:01 pm »
Ok so one last question about city protection. If I already have ps in some areas where I want city protection do I have to remove them? or will it be okay?
Thanks Proush

Support / city protection
« on: August 13, 2012, 08:36:13 pm »
well im not sure where to put this
but i have a city that is a small amount over 50x50 it meets requirements for city protection

I have been purchasing ps and creating protection for the city. I wanted to know if i were to build an undeveloped part of the city to be developed in the future, could I get protection on it? instead of buying a ton more ps?

General Discussion / Members+ only
« on: August 13, 2012, 04:48:23 pm »

Projects and Creations / The City of Paratopia: All aps are closed
« on: August 13, 2012, 02:41:59 pm »

City in the sky

Welcome!                     To the city of Paratopia!                                                   City in the sky.                                         Homes of all sizes and styles.                                         Prices starting at only $25!                                                             Any style of home you like!                                                                      Plots are also available!     Read the "city plot" section for More information.                                                                  We sell markets in the town!                                                      Paratopia's name means: More than (or beyond) a place.              City owner proush600563.                                                             Founding member of the Golden Nations.                                 Please comment below :) the support is appreciated                                                                                   City founded March 22, 2012.                                  Thank you for visiting                                         Check out the rest of the page.                        

A small town that has quickly grown in popularity. Built on 03-22-2012 the city started accepting members around June and has been loved by many who live there. The city offers all sized homes, also condos, and food markets. Houses range from $25 to over $1000 dollars. The city offers many biome types and many housing styles. I try to keep coming up with new ideas so that everyone likes a home in the city. The entire Central town is protected by protection stones because it was built before city protection. Its location is at my /home (/home proush600563 paratopia) if you wish to come check it out. Available homes will have thier price written beside the door along with what area of town the house is in. If you wish to purchase a home please contact me. Paratopia is an amazing sky city, loved by all who live there.
  Purchasing a home: when you purchase a home here you will recieve access to the town wizard room (enchanting table and brewstand) and the town blacksmith (2 furnaces). I maintain ownership of all protection stones (that I have placed) to ensure that houses are not griefed but I will place aproved blocks for you and trusteds may ask to recieve a temporary pass onto the stone to build an approved project without altering their building. Also an important note furnaces will now be placed inside of larger homes (you can still opt to use the city blacksmith along with your furnace).
    Lastly the protection issue: Just to let all buyers know before they purchase, as of now, I will still maintain ownership of all chests doors furnaces etc. but will allow you onto the items. You will not be taken off I assure you and I will not snoop through your chests. Feel free to ask city members, there have been no problems with any type of theft all of your items are safe in the village. THIS IS JUST TO ENSURE THAT NO ONE WILL GRIEF INSIDE OF THE VILLAGE.
    Feel free to come look at the city anytime, since it is all protected it is open to everyone. Just come to my /home.
The town lastly offers a high ratio of trusted players including myself, so please if you have any questions about the town or opticraft in general feel free to ask us or a mod.
thank you,

(click to show/hide)

Have a general size and price idea? Even a style idea?
Comment below and include
*your in-game name
*a size, price, or style (even all three)
And I will let you know what is available, Paratopia homes vary widely
So I'm sure there is something you'll like.
If not, and you comment I will probably try to build it :)

The main city was built on 11x11 protection stones, one section at a time.

Current stores:
(click to show/hide)

City Districts (suburbs)

(click to show/hide)

we currently have housing, (food) markets, Enchanting room with full bookshelves (free to city members), a community blacksmith (free to city members), and a town hall, feel free to suggest new building ideas.

Also I'm not sure if i mentioned it but this city (although it is in the guest world) only allows opticraft members+ to purchase homes.
Thank you

The Charleston in Paratopia

City Plots

(click to show/hide)

Some pictures of Paratopia

(click to show/hide)

North Point Progress

(click to show/hide)

Please provide feedback!
It keeps the city alive :)
Thank you

Founding Member of the Golden Nations
To Vote for the city click here

Question to everyone:
(click to show/hide)

(click to show/hide)


This is

the end
of the city info page.
All city information will be posted above this post
Comments and responses will be below and on following pages


Support / city protection
« on: August 09, 2012, 06:58:34 pm »
I am a trusted and i was wondering how city protection works
is it like a large ps stone? or is it just an area like spawn where the blocks are protected

thank you Proush   

Support / Just a question
« on: August 09, 2012, 06:13:42 pm »
I am a trusted and i was wondering how city protection works
is it like a large ps stone? or is it just an area like spawn where the blocks are protected

thank you Proush   :D

General Discussion / trouble loging in
« on: August 09, 2012, 06:03:59 pm »
I cant tell whats going on but i cant log onto opticraft.. it still shows a signal though and other people are having this problem to. i just logged in an hour or two ago perfectly fine so idk whats goin on.

General Discussion / server down?
« on: April 18, 2012, 11:43:09 pm »
Did the server crash? i was in the middle of sumthin kinda big -_-

General Discussion / Trade market
« on: March 06, 2012, 10:37:15 pm »
New Trade Center Created allthough my orrigional safe trade station idea did not work, i have created  a trade/ market center that can be used by all players. This will not be open 24/7 but it is up and running and will be open soon. It is still on the small scale due to budgiting (and the loss of money in the crashes) and the question of its success. But feel free to set up a boothe or trade with other players. thanks
fuded- darkcreeper911
located at the end of the path in front of castle spawn

Projects and Creations / Trade market
« on: March 06, 2012, 10:34:30 pm »
New Trade Center Created allthough my orrigional safe trade station idea did not work, i have created  a trade/ market center that can be used by all players. This will not be open 24/7 but it is up and running and will be open soon. It is still on the small scale due to budgiting (and the loss of money in the crashes) and the question of its success. But feel free to set up a boothe or trade with other players. thanks
fuded- darkcreeper911

General Discussion / crash?
« on: March 04, 2012, 11:48:07 pm »
did the server crash?

Suggestions / Trade center
« on: March 02, 2012, 04:28:20 am »
I think along with the market there should be a trade center, some place where everyone could go to get trade and sell anything they have. I made an attempt to build a pretty mediocre one but It didn really even catch on escpecially since I don't have many connections. Just a thought though. 

General Discussion / cant log on
« on: March 02, 2012, 03:25:36 am »
Can anyone else not log onto the server? its not cuzza the update. is the server offline?

General Discussion / opticraft needs to update
« on: March 01, 2012, 08:01:40 pm »
If youve switched over to 1.2 your probably getting a java error like me.. so unless were all gonna have to backdate.. please hurry and update opticraft -_-

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