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Topics - Spamarian

Pages: [1] 2 3
Offtopic / Hello from an old friend!
« on: May 21, 2015, 05:01:46 pm »
As the title says, Hello to All.

Hello Opticrafters!!!!

I was searching the internet, and I just thought about Opticraft!
So, I entered.
The password was still in my mind, and the fingers typed it in a sec, even after a leave of 3 years.

I took a small tour on the main page and I realized the 'upgrade' of Tobs to Admin.
Congrats dude!

Its been a loooong time since my last visit. I was a student back then and excited of being a member of this community.
I would like to say that my time here, could never be characterized as a waste.

I would like to inform you that my 'pleasure' here was a great factor to get my first job one month after graduation.
Being a Moderator and Operator, combined with my degree and my skills, did it.

Thank you all for supporting me back then, and for giving me the chance to contribute more.

I would like to hear from you all, and if any player who knows me, is still around!!


Offtopic / My Leave..
« on: August 19, 2012, 06:06:19 pm »
Hello Opticrafters,

There has been a year and about 3 weeks since I entered into Minecraft and Opticraft community. I loved that game and I spent countless hours on building, helping and chatting with wonderful people here.
Opticraft was my only server on my Minecraft career, if I might say.

I have my resit exam on August 28, for my first fail ever, and I need to study. My current summer job( Waiter for a 5* Resort Hotel), and my limited (on purpose) interest for that game, made me spend less time online and helping people.

So, I want to announce to everyone, my request for resignation from all my priviledged ranks(Classic Operator, SMP Moderator). I hope I helped both servers a lot, even if the SMP captured my interest the last 6 months.

I want to thank you all guys. The owner, for being so cool. The Admins, for being awesome, and the players that I met in here, for the help, the discussions and the jokes that I had with them.
I believe that I will remember you, when I join again, if that happen in the future.

Have a nice life.

R.N: Fanis Tsakoumakis

Trade Central / NPC VIllage, Co-parter is searched!
« on: July 03, 2012, 11:11:24 am »
Hello guys,

I hear the last days, the conversations and worries about NPC villages.
Therefore, I decided, that I could share my NPC village which is at 90% protected with a diamond protection stone, with a co-partner.
I will give him the 50% of the ownership for $25,000.
The price is low, if you consider the benefits you will get when 1.3 will be out, which I heard is the next week.

I ask for a reliable person, which will help me protect at 100% the village since it will be an investment.
I will provide the protection stones and the sand, for a box around the village made by glass.

So, if you are interested, write below.

Trade Central / STICKY PISTONS! Auction
« on: June 30, 2012, 10:44:23 pm »
As the title says, I will auction 20 pistons.
2 Sticky =$4,000
2 Sticky =$4,000
2 Sticky =$4,000
4 sticky =$7,500
4 sticky =$7,500
6 Sticky =$11,000

I reserve the right to withdraw the items from the auction.
Happy bidding!

Trade Central / Auction for 2 close enough spawners!
« on: June 29, 2012, 09:37:13 am »
As the title says, I found yesterday 2 spawners close to Member's world spawn, about 300-400 blocks.
One skeleton and one spider I think.
Their distance difference is 20 blocks and 3 blocks height.
So, you can consider it as a double spawner.

I set the starting bid at $4,000.
Each bid must be 500$ higher than the previous.
The Auction will close soon, or when I feel that I want to give it away.

Rejected / Moderator Application - Spamarian
« on: June 16, 2012, 06:42:20 pm »
Age: 22
Location: Greece
Timezone: GMT+2
Join Date: SMP server One day before Minecon.
Were you recommended by anyone?: I didn't ask recommendation. Some mods, ex-mods have told me to apply, or why I havent done it all this time that I play. Logan5353, bhoughton
Why you should become a moderator: Actually, I just finished with my college semester's exams. Its summer with a lot of free time almost 24/7. Since I have played a lot on the server as a Trusted, and seeing that Member+ world will come up later that I expected, I request for a trial as a moderator, to see how is the experience of helping others as a duty mostly and not as a favor (while someone is trusted), would be in my eyes.
I know how to deal with griefing or any other abusive/offencive attitude that probably I will face as a possible moderator.
I am from my nature helpful person, I give instructions and I like mostly help beginners.

Thank you for reading

Trade Central / 2 Ocelot Eggs-Auction
« on: June 10, 2012, 01:36:12 pm »
Hello guys.
As the title says, 2 Ocelot Eggs set for auction.
Starting Bid: $30,000 for each egg.

Each bid must be $1,000 higher than the previous.

Thank you.

*I reserve the right to remove the auction if the price don't satisfy me.
*Spam comments will be removed. Only bids.

Offtopic / Politicians and conflicts
« on: June 07, 2012, 03:45:39 pm »
Hello guys.
Some of you may have heard it already and some no.
Today, at almost 10 am, during a Live conversation in TV, something strange happened.
A man frm the party of "Golden Dawn" hit a woman from Communist party.

Take a look.


Trade Central / -Diamond Enchanted Pickaxes- Auction
« on: June 03, 2012, 09:30:05 am »
Hello guys.

Tool: Diamond Pick
Enchantment(s): Efficiency II
Condition: Brand New
Starting Price: $4,000
Price between each bid: $500
End Of Auction:

Tool: Diamond Pick
Enchantment(s): Efficiency III
Condition: Brand New
Starting Price: $6,000
Price between each bid: $500

Tool: Diamond Pick
Enchantment(s): Efficiency II Unbreakable III
Condition: Brand New
Starting Price: $8,000
Price between each bid: $500

End Of Auction: In 24 hours approximately.

Place your bids.

Offtopic / What's your sport!
« on: May 31, 2012, 09:13:22 am »
As the title says, what are the sports you have ever played, and what's the sport you are good at, or you do training on.

I will start by saying that I have played football(US soccer), basketball, and I like swimming.
The sea is near my home, and I swim a lot.

My current sport is water polo.

So, what's yours?

Support / Question
« on: May 30, 2012, 08:01:54 pm »

I want to ask, if the mods+ are allowed to see what players write to others in PM.


General Discussion / --Diamond Armor parts for SALE!--
« on: May 27, 2012, 12:13:59 pm »
Hello guys.
I enchanted some diamond armor parts that you proabaly are interested on.

A. Diamond Helmets:
1. Projectile Protection III        700$
2. Protection II(Dual Enchant)   750$
   Respiration II
3. Protection I                        550$

B. Diamond Chestplates
1. Protection II                      1000$
2. Protection II                      1000$
3. Blast Protection III             1100$
4. Fire protection II                1100$

C. Diamond Leggings
1. Protection I                       750$
2. Projectile Protection II         850$
3. Blast Protection III              950$

D. Diamond Boots
1. Protection II                      550$
2. Blast Protection III              650$
3. Projectile Protection IV        700$

Items like this are sold.
Post by choosing Section (A-D) and number (1-4).

General Discussion / ***Auto Blaze Farm*** Rent for Access
« on: May 19, 2012, 10:22:12 am »
Hello guys,
I want to inform you that, I own a blaze farm (AUTO) which is located in my home.
So, I give some access packages for you guys.

Access for a week: $10,000.

(Consider that in 40 minutes you get 40+ lvl. A 40+lvl enchantment costs more than 10k.)

Access for a month: $35,000.
(A good enchantment gives you immediately your money Back!)

~No infinite use provided~

Those that are interested, post here and the next coming Friday, or Saturday, your period will start.

Picture from just a spawning:
(click to show/hide)

Get your access now!

Support / Bug on Allowed(protection Stones)
« on: May 15, 2012, 04:29:24 pm »
I found out that there is not "BUG Report" in SMP so, I post it here.

I found out 2 days ago, that when you have someone allowed in your protection stone, then you cannot remove him/her from the allowance.
IF they are off-line, then the players is not found by pressing /ps removeall or /ps remove <name>.
So, I want to ask if this is a proper thing, because the only reason to react on that, is to remove completely the P.s. and then to place it again and to /ps allow <name(s)>.

General Discussion / Mob Arenas
« on: May 09, 2012, 06:35:35 am »
Hello everyone,

I was looking couple days ago in the server lists, and I found a server(no name remember) that had written in its label Mob arenas.
I can understand what it is. But I want ask, could that be implemented in the server? Or it takes it into MMO-RPG style?

*I dont post in suggestions, since I am not sure for its purpose*


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