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Messages - annaleaPlaysMC

Pages: [1]
Forum Games / Re: The Prediction Game!
« on: May 22, 2015, 11:50:00 pm »
Sorta! mines a cross between the two. (laptop and computer) I predict the next person is alive

Rejected / Builder Application- annaleaPlaysMC
« on: May 09, 2015, 02:43:13 pm »
Builder Application - annaleaPlaysMC

Ingame name: annaleaPlaysMC
Join date: 02-02-2015
Briefly describe all your creations: Project #1 is a church, and project #2 is a riverside cottage. I got the idea for a church from a picture online, of a St. Mathews church, and the idea for the cottage came from a park I live close to. The cottage is a waterfall, flowing into a river. The light is produced in this project by lanterns in the trees and river.  I would highly recommend visiting my projects, as it is hard to explain small details.
What world/s are the creations on: The projects are both on recruit6, and can be found by typing /home annaleaPlaysMC:builderbuild . If you need help finding them, please contact me.
Links to screenshots of the creation: http://imgur.com/a/8rUFM#0 (sorry if it's bad resolution)
Names of players who helped contribute: Veloticy gave me some advise along the way, and Mathew_BC helped design the tables in the church
Extra (Anything else you want to mention): I have never really been to a fancy church, or a church at all, so I filled the space with things I thought might be in a church, but they might not be.

                         Thank you for your consideration,

Suggestions / Stats idea for creative
« on: May 09, 2015, 01:09:30 pm »
My idea is, that rank should be shown in /stats. Like, say, you haven't been on for a while and you wanted to see if your friend got the rank they were hoping for.
       That's all,

Pages: [1]