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Messages - bry_l

Pages: [1]
Ban Appeals / Ban Appeal Shadcw
« on: April 06, 2015, 08:12:29 pm »
I'm shadcw, i used to be Cookie950 but i changed my name. I was banned for disrespecting staff a few years ago and I had already posted an appeal back in november 2014. 2Crazy4uall responded saying that he would pardon me but sadly, I haven't been unbanned. Thank you for reading this -shadcw (aka cookie950)

Of course, you have my word! Thank you so much  :D


I got banned over a year ago, April 15th 2013.
I understand what I did to get banned was horrid, but I was young and I regret it. I hope the admins/mods/etc. are forgiving because I promise I would never do it again. It was immature and not okay. This server meant so much to me; it was my first real minecraft server. After I got banned, I didn't care that I got banned. A few months later, I look back and I realize that I miss it. I get that if I knew I would miss it, I wouldn't have said what I said. But I just hope the admins/moderators/etc. are as forgiving as I was to myself.

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