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Messages - NUNG221

Pages: [1]
Ban Appeals / BAN APPEAL!
« on: September 21, 2017, 10:27:49 pm »
Hello! 4 years ago I was banned for being an idiot. I was very immature at the time and regret doing the things I did, the specifics I cannot say as i do not remember. I would like to enjoy this community once more if I could please!

I forgot to put my ban appeal song, so here it is! https://youtu.be/STmfFZijJaQ


Ban Appeals / Re: Ban
« on: June 06, 2013, 02:45:41 pm »
Did I say no I'm not changing the skin, no I didn't. I did change it also and you shouldn't be able to ban me for testing my skin since you told me to change it and I did

Also I can't test in singleplayer because when I change it, it doesn't change unless I go on multiplayer, and it doesn't work unless you log in and out a few times, it's glitches that's not my fault nor yours so there's no reason for the message saying that

Do not double post. Use the modify button--it's there for a reason.

Ban Appeals / Re: Ban
« on: June 06, 2013, 02:42:00 pm »
Did I say no I'm not changing the skin, no I didn't. I did change it also and you shouldn't be able to ban me for testing my skin since you told me to change it and I did

Ban Appeals / Re: Ban
« on: June 06, 2013, 03:03:41 am »
Well i will start by saying i play fairly on this server. I'v played like i said to a admin for like a year now. Ok if this ban is not fake tell me whats your proof i was refusing to change it. I did and like i said i was TESTING. You didnt tell me 3 time to change it. Also in all my time on playing on this server why was i not told to change my skin?????????? Even you the first time you came to help me and klace17 you didnt say anything. Why didnt you tell me then? i personally think this is a bs way of getting banned. I ask for help and you ban me. your a good person helping people on this server. And your wrong its not fairly earned because you are lying in your post because you didnt tell me 3 times and i changed my skin so its your fault not mine.

Ban Appeals / Re: Ban
« on: June 06, 2013, 02:51:47 am »
Ok, well tell me why im banned anyway from the server!
You didnt tell me to take off my other skins, either way i was TESTING my skin!!!!
You tell me to change it i was going to untill you banned me for no reason

Ban Appeals / BANNED
« on: June 06, 2013, 02:43:25 am »
inappropriate skins; told to remove, refused 4th ban perm 
The admins that were standing around me didnt tell me to take off the hitler skin. Either way i was on the server for about
3 seconds testing to see what skin i had on. I was told to remove my pedobear skin so i did. I WAS NEVER TOLD TO REMOVE ANY OTHER SKINS!
No one told me, i didnt see anything. So this is a fake ban. I did what they told me to do and they should be happy, instead im banned for something that no one told me to do.

Ban Appeals / Ban
« on: June 06, 2013, 02:33:28 am »
I got banned for using a Hitler minecraft skin, when i was trying to find a skin that would work. ALL my skins in my "skin folder" are just numbers NOT LETTERS. That is the reason i had a hitler skin on. Either way i didnt download the skin on my computer anyway. Just letting you know and hope you will agree and let me change my skin and come back on this WONDERFUL server.

Pages: [1]