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Messages - Irish

Pages: [1]
Offtopic / Re: 24Hour Event For the Server *
« on: July 12, 2012, 07:04:52 pm »
Staff ?

General Discussion / Re: Ready to be a Mod? Doubt it XD
« on: July 11, 2012, 02:30:46 am »
Bro the server staff are looking to recruit people with knowledge + maturity also some initiative making posts asking if you should isn't take initiative , just post an application and to hell what others think broski   

Offtopic / Re: Dear Justin Beiber Haters.
« on: July 11, 2012, 02:25:33 am »
He is a freaking boaster , in the papers ranting bout the size of his weiner , get him to feck of this planet you don't see me making posts like oh my c*** is freaking huge on here do you , no why should he rant about his?

Offtopic / 24Hour Event For the Server *
« on: July 11, 2012, 02:20:28 am »
Thinking we could group together , Staff , Members hey even maybe some Guests

I think to boost the Opticrafts revenue we could do a 24Hour charity event were we all come on mumble talk , someone records, have the whole thing live streamed , ads would be over the live stream and everytime clicked the money went somewhere then got sent straight to a charity when the event was finished , just an idea

If anyone agree's leave some feedback and if you don't uhm still leave some feed back :)    

Introductions / Re: Hey I'm Irish , No really I am Irish
« on: July 11, 2012, 02:12:31 am »
Hey gavin and yea plan on doing a switch around , should be interesting and 500 I agree the community is amazing , a good find :D

Server News / Re: Vote banner competition
« on: July 07, 2012, 02:34:12 pm »
I'm assuming it was locked by mistake. Unlocked >>


Accepted / Re: operator application- Gavin1928374655
« on: July 07, 2012, 01:11:56 pm »
Guy is really amazing , helping everyone his best , really love to see you op

Doesn't get angry , spam the chat , grief at all , Generally helps out

Has my vouch :D

General Discussion / Re: Opticraft banner competition submissions
« on: July 07, 2012, 10:07:37 am »
My post will be updates everyday with 6 new banners

All Images are saved in both .png and .psd so can easily be edited

As they are .psd text layers , backgrounds and effects can be manipulated if you have Idea's I can use Inbox me and I'll try them out

Please leave feedback thanks

Suggestions / Xbox 360 Minecraft Forum Integration?
« on: July 04, 2012, 10:18:06 pm »
Just thinking Minecraft is out on Xbox now and seeing a few people don't have Great PC's though it would be nice for the people who have Xbox to discuss there creations and their idea's ect.... would be really nice , but just a suggestion as I don't see a site suggestion part of the forum

Introductions / Hey I'm Irish , No really I am Irish
« on: July 04, 2012, 10:13:21 pm »
Hey guys what's up Irish here
Need to become part of a good community fed up of ending up in abusive and argumentative one's
So yea

-Real names Dylaan

-I'm 15 

-From Cork

-Young Graphical Designer

-Like things to be finished

-Play Xbox quite a bit so add me up if your interested doing something : Irish PixzL

Hope to help out on the Forum if I'm needed , even though I look like a complete newbie , I always help out best I can so just PM or whatever if you need me yea

Thanks :)

Pages: [1]