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Messages - harif

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Support / Re: big question
« on: September 03, 2012, 07:12:54 am »
...or just rename it (the same name of it) on another location.

we ve heard you, nate.
and this is no problem as ive moved out to member world.
but the city will still be there and ill try to make happy all the players from there.
im going to cornerstone from time to time just to check the things.

so let me respond to you:

you ve built on cornerstone province without application.
you didnt see all the private land? i think you did, because all was surrounded by a fence.
so, why didnt you apply to build in it?

sorry if i was off topic.
please apply and have fun with the game.

thank you , nick.

sorry, to hear that atd, im on vacation til 29 of july.
and sorry for the cornerstone, im also working on a setlement in the member world.
and i was playing alone for some days for now waiting my mates to come and do it together.  :)

sorry, hotshot, you must wait for the mayor, nateneal to answer.
but i think you ll be rejected due to your griefing history.

wait for his answer.

Projects and Creations / Re: Cora's Wonderland
« on: July 14, 2012, 10:02:43 am »

you need only 2 ink sacks, so you can colour 2 sheeps. then you can breed them.

yes, nate, i found a spot, i think very nice. its a whole mountain, and im planning to make a setlement or something, partially inside the mountain, partially outside of it.
right now is all marked, im working on the walls and started to make some room in it. for the future warehouses.
the mine is already made.

for the start it wont be that big like cornerstone, but i think we can expand it later.
nate, ill send you a pm with the coords.

and also, finally, after 2 days of search i found a nice place.
here ive start our new setlement, New Montana.
let me now when you re on so i can give a pm with coords.

...and second world - memberworld - is opened.  :)
maybe we can choose another place there too. for a brand new setlement.
waiting for your opinions guys.

nice to have you back.

we need to solve some problems with some buildings in our province.
in the east and north east side.
try to find a solution. i cant do it by myself...  :(

i dont know yet...
lets wait for future explanations.

xxsssx, you re welcome there too.
about the park, its ok to do it, just find the area and when we ll met ingame lets take a closer look to it.
for the animal farms, atd is just started one right at back of your house, there s only some chickens there, and because we cant large it more, my idea it was to make them on a long. i dont know if you understand what im saying.
all the farms must be built one next to the other.

Projects and Creations / Re: Trans-Member+ Railroad
« on: June 22, 2012, 01:02:18 pm »
sure, tabooti, you ll be noticed when we are close.

malkere, we re talking about a rail system in this world. on the new wolrd we ll see when its released.
is not a bad idea what you re saying, to go from a middle point in all 4 directions, but we need to consider griefers too, and also we need to consider the fact that we wont build any house anywhere in the new world until that rail system is done.
hard to get that, as what im thinking.... but not impossible.

well, until then ill do my rail in this world.

Projects and Creations / Re: Trans-Member+ Railroad
« on: June 22, 2012, 07:12:13 am »
guys, our rail will be between cornerstone and sttugart.
so the coords are very simple to find: look on the map top right corner - there s cornerstone, - and at the bottom left corner - there s sttugart. the rail will be direction down started from us, and at the bottom right to the left to sttugart.
i choose this because if we did it on diagonal it ll be passed through the griefed area from the center.

anyone who wants to link to it, you must think of that.

yes, we need alot of cobble, for paviment, then for stones, brick stones, alot of gravel and leaves, only one type of leaves, and about 16000 rails.
if you wanna see the look of the system you can check it at our home with /home harif , and then go to the railstation.

thank you, for helping.

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