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Messages - ViperZeroOne

Pages: [1] 2 3 ... 60
Server News / Re: New forum theme and SMF Upgrade
« on: January 09, 2016, 05:57:19 am »
Looks absolutely awesome.  Great job Tobs!   :D

Rejected / Builder Application - ViperZeroOne
« on: September 07, 2014, 03:13:28 am »
Ingame name:  ViperZeroOne

Join date:  I'm so old, I'm new again... *LOL*

Briefly describe all your creations:  Fully furnished airship & Nice rural camping area with cave and waterfall.

What world/s are the creations on:  

- Airship = Creative/Recruit
- Camping = Creative/Guest

Links to screenshots of the creation:

- Airship = http://i1296.photobucket.com/albums/ag18/Jackel4Ever/2014-09-06_224832_zpsf793a7f6.png
- Airship = http://i1296.photobucket.com/albums/ag18/Jackel4Ever/2014-09-06_225745_zpsd22c95c7.png
- Camping = http://i1296.photobucket.com/albums/ag18/Jackel4Ever/2014-09-06_224859_zps779c7dd4.png
- Camping = http://i1296.photobucket.com/albums/ag18/Jackel4Ever/2014-09-06_225546_zpsc7e57788.png

Names of players who helped contribute:  Nobody

Extra (Anything else you want to mention):  I'd also like to mention all of the detailed work I did on the SMP server in my protected region without the use of Creative that includes my night club, variety of village homes (library/police station/etc), my great lakes freighter, self portrait statue, and roller coaster.  In addition my youtube channel is full of builds I've done, but I would like to specifically point out my fully functional hydro dam which required not only the building of the dam but heavy terraforming of the surrounding terrain as well.  You can view the video at the following link;

Origional Version = https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KOGAeOiT7nw

Mark 2 (Tekkit Version) = https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=F3vJss8deYE  (Tech's might find this cool)

The main reason for mentioning all of these other builds is that it's my wish to not fill up the recruit map with numerous builds that will basically be forgotten as I move on to the next (builder) world.  I hope you find this application satisfactory and I look forward to your reply.

Ban Appeals / Re: [GirlLuvzerMac] dawid1270 Ban Appeal
« on: October 05, 2013, 08:14:48 am »
I don't mean to step on toes here but I'd have to agree with GirlLuvzerMac's assessment of the situation.  I'm just adding evidence, as you mentioned, from google.

When you bring up Google and type in "Dawid1270", it automatically fills in "Minecraft" after it.  Proceeding with that search you get 10 pages of search results.  I've skimmed the results, and they're all about the Dawid1270 minecraft account and a lot of them state that the Dawid1270 account has been banned due to speed hacks and other such nonsense.  The biggest things that point to the account being a "public" account are the following links;


This staff application on another server is fairly professionally written and doesn't contain any of the grammatical mess that your ban appeal does.


This is an Italian language only server.  Do you speak Italian?


This appeal for the account was done in Polish.  Do you speak Polish too?

I'd agree with GirlLuvzerMac with this being a severely compromised account.  But, as stated, if you can give proof that you indeed are the owner and have reset the password then that gets taken into consideration.

Rejected / Re: Moderator Application - xDeeKay
« on: October 01, 2013, 07:33:11 am »
Welcome back man!

Server News / Re: PVP coming soon!
« on: July 30, 2013, 03:21:30 pm »
Congrats to those who've been waiting for PVP to be added!

You'll never find me there, but I'm sure those who do go will have a lot of fun!

Suggestions / Re: Lack of people
« on: July 27, 2013, 04:44:43 pm »
Instead of focusing on suggestions that require the power of optical to implement, we could pool ideas and come up things that are just as fun, but much easier to manage. I was thinking we could have another world for competitions like the build comp and things of that nature. Small things that interest a lot of people but are not as code heavy to make. Im sure that people have some great ideas that could be easily created

I think you missed some of the topic... One of the problems we're facing is we already have too many worlds.  We don't have enough players to support the number of worlds we have.  In fact at present we only need 1 world, 1 end, and 1 nether...  That's it.  Continuing to create new worlds is what is giving this server a, to quote Claw, "museum" feeling.

Suggestions / Re: Lack of people
« on: July 27, 2013, 03:19:36 pm »
Viper I'll tell you what I told bantam. One of the reasons this server is great is because of how specific opti is with what he puts on it. I love your multiverse example because opti looked at multiverse, decided it was coded poorly and then coded his own version. Things like that is why our server is so stable and works well. It is easy to find a coder, it is extremely hard to find someone who is a good coder if you get what I mean. 99% of the plugins out there today are just trash due to poor coding and backdoors and such. This is why optical codes most of the stuff we have on the server, the quality control is great because of that.

Oh, I totally agree with you Nick.  I know the plugins are trash and contain extra crap you don't need.  I'm just saying it's not always necessary to build your own plugin.  99% of plugins out there are available in source format.  Grab one that's close to what you want, modify it, and repair any bugs you find.  Makes the process a whole lot easier than building the plugin from the ground up.

You can call the server close minded all you want and to an extent that is true, we only tend to add stuff we feel would be worth it.

I personally don't think the server is close minded.  I actually think it's been far too open minded.  One of the biggest mistakes we (and I'm including myself cause I "voted" for it many times) made was the addition of so many new worlds.

Let's face it, the player base doesn't support having 3 worlds.  I realize most of the new worlds were to bring in new content but looking back I think the better option would have been doing a complete wipe of the original guest world, back when it was deemed too damaged to save, and then just continually expanding the borders as new Minecraft content got released.

I've got some experience in this area, cause I've done many map wipes.  Sure, you're going to have some pissed off players.  You might even loose a few, who will return later (trust me).  The anger, however, will quickly vanish as they find new locations to build and start on new projects.  Not to mention, all of the resources are regenerated and new content is EVERYWHERE, not just around the edges.  If a map wipe was out of the question, then clearing areas, or rather regenerating them, should have been given to some very trustworthy staff as part of their daily routines (with strict guidelines to follow, of course).  There wasn't really a need (based solely on player numbers) to add the additional worlds.

Don't think I'm blaming anyone, or pointing fingers, because I'm not.  It's easy to look back and go, "we should have done this".  Much harder to judge before it happens.  I'm just saying my opinion on what might have been done.

Suggestions / Re: Lack of people
« on: July 27, 2013, 02:31:23 pm »
Personally I don't really mind a low player count.  I'm kinda used to it on other servers.  With a low count you get less griefing, less drama, and a closer player community.  I also enjoy running into players while just randomly wandering around, which you only truly get on high-count servers or small map servers.  So, that said, I can't really vote which I would like better...  Anyway, to reply to a few things;

We never had 100s of people.

Says who?  I remember back when I first started here the numbers were always between 100 and 150 with a server limit of 300...  Unless it was being artificially "padded", that's 100's of people.

But see now we get back to the fact that it is easy to sit there and say "hey lets get another developer to make optis life easier". I have already explained the difficulties behind that to you in a pm.

I don't see why it should be hard anyway.  I'm assuming the server is running on a build of Bukkit, which means adding plugins takes little to no effort at all.  I know, I do it all the time...  There isn't a need to go and build new plugins.  Most stuff already exists out there.  Take PVP for example.  There are plugins like Multiverse, which I believe is already in use here, that can generate full PVP worlds while not damaging the existing ones.  You can even set it so players have a unique inventory for that world, which flips back and forth if they return to the SMP one.

There are plugins that can limit PVP to specific areas, say a city or village, if players want their "protected" area as a PVP zone.  There are also plugins that can limit PVP to specific time when triggered, like a timed combat arena that's activated by pushing a button...  These things already exist out there so there's no need to build a custom new plugin for it.  Tweak the existing plugin if it doesn't do exactly what you want it to.  Odds are if you want to do something in bukkit the plugin already exists.

Support / Re: LiveMap updating problem?
« on: July 23, 2013, 03:26:55 am »
I don't think the map has expanded on any of the new boarders.  I've got a structure on the northern edge of the map and it's not revealed either.

Rejected / Re: Frobalt's Iron Farm Protection Application
« on: July 20, 2013, 08:20:08 pm »
I don't think they approve "farms" for protection, but still... Good luck.

Ban Appeals / Re: ban appeal ViperZeroOne
« on: July 06, 2013, 03:11:05 am »

Ban Appeals / Re: ban appeal ViperZeroOne
« on: July 06, 2013, 02:28:18 am »
I will unban you in a moment.  Please try to avoid these situations in the future.

Ban Appeals / Re: ban appeal ViperZeroOne
« on: July 06, 2013, 02:21:27 am »
First, you did violate the rules, weather you agree that you did or not.

You weren't simply passing through a village as you claim, you were purposely harassing the owners of the village by trespassing.  You were asked NUMEROUS times by the players to leave the village and you continued to trespass.  When I arrived I notified you that while you felt your trespassing wasn't against the rules, the harassing you were doing definitely was.  I also told you that if you were asked to leave then to do so.  You could have just left, but no, you argued with me about it.  You didn't ask for clarification, you argued.  You continued to run around the village for a good 15 minutes after I instructed you to move on elsewhere.

During that time I checked the fence around the village and it belonged to the players you were bothering, this is valid enough to state that the village was claimed by them, and you have no business there.  I again asked you to leave the village, you refused.  I then teleported you out of the village and you decided to play games with the owners by bouncing along the fence.  I vanished and watched you for a while before you once again jumped back over the fence into the village, and then back out again.  I then warned you that one more trespass and I would ban you, you did it regardless, so you ended up banned.  I do have screenshots if you would like to see them...

This kind of harassment of players is not tolerated.  Ignoring the staff when they politely ask you to stop harassing players is not tolerated.  Arguing with the staff is certainly not tolerated.  That's 3 strikes.  You have no remorse for what you did and I find it hard to believe that if you are unbanned that you will behave yourself.  Give me a reason why I should lower the ban and I might consider it, until then the decision stands.

Ban Appeals / Re: Banned for nude skin
« on: July 05, 2013, 04:45:29 am »
I've edited your subject so Drunz can find it.  Please use the proper format next time.  

Here is the ban info;


Please wait for Drunz to reply.

Ban Appeals / Re: [ViperZeroOne] Banned for Stealing.
« on: July 05, 2013, 04:04:26 am »
First, it isn't a requirement for me to give you any warning prior to a grief ban.  If you are given a warning it's only out of kindness.  When you join this server there are many warnings in place that let you know griefing isn't tolerated.  Disregarding these rules out of habit, or simple ignorance of these rules, is not a valid defense in a ban appeal.  

Now to the crime itself.  You advertised in the trade channel that you were selling horses.  Myself, missing a couple different styles from my collection, teleported to you in order to see what you were selling.  Instead I found you removing a horse from a structure.  I immediately vanished and quietly observed your actions while checking the owner of the building in case it did belong to you.  During that time you took a white horse on a leash, broke several blocks to widen the opening you had already griefed, and began to walk away from the building.  At no point in time did you ever turn back to return the horse.  In fact, you continued to advertise that you were selling horses.  It was at that time the server went down.  

When the server came back online I quickly leashed the horse and returned it to where it belonged, then waited for you.  When you logged back in you wandered around looking for the missing horse before turning back toward the griefed structure.  It's my belief that you were more than likely returning to take another horse, not fix the building, but that is just my opinion so it's not a consideration of this ban.  I stood in the griefed opening and as you approached I appeared, to halt your entry.  I asked you if you had permission to access the building, you said you didn't.  It was at that time I banned you.  You had plenty of opportunities to back out of your activities on your own, prior to me stopping you.  I watched you for at least 10 minutes, in which time you could have put everything back and I would have simply given you a warning.  Because you were advertising the SELLING of horses I can easily say you had absolutely no intent on returning anything to it's proper owner, except the blocks on the building so they wouldn't notice you broke in.  Put plainly, you were stealing someone else's property and trying everything possible to get away with it.

Normally for griefing 4 blocks (counting a door as 2), I wouldn't have dropped such a heavy ban on you.  That said, the severity of your crime is increased by the theft of the horse and the fact you were trying to sell them in the trade channel.  Due to your post above I'm not convinced that you are sorry for what you've done.  In fact I'm afraid you'll just do it again if I unban you.  If you would care to properly apologize for your actions, instead of trying to insinuate that you shouldn't have been banned, I might consider lowering your ban to 7 days.

As further evidence I present a screenshot log of my repair to the structure, and the horse that was stolen (white) is clearly visible back inside;

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