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Messages - funkykid2202

Pages: [1]
Ban Appeals / Re: sorry for whatever i did and will not do it again
« on: March 21, 2012, 02:08:57 am »
my in-game name is marcus_toldo...

Ban Appeals / sorry for whatever i did and will not do it again
« on: March 20, 2012, 09:08:17 pm »
Did i break any of the  rules: Never have
Did you grief another players work: not happy about it, but i did grief one players house, crabpie, the only                                                                       reason being that not only did he completly destroy mine, but also my brothers house so i took action and griefd his house, gues that was a mistake and just should have called a admin or mod...
Did you swear excessively: ok, i dont swear in real life, so no.
Did you upset an operator/ moderator or disrespect players: no, and if i did i did not mean it and will not do it again.
Did you draw hateful symbols or say hateful remarks: i have not build anything graphic or hateful and i have not made any hateful remarks.

i hope that i can be unbanned for the griefing that i did, and i have learned to contact a admin or mod if i have problems with other players. this is my favorite server, i vote evryday and i hope i can continue playing!

Support / Re: reporting huge griefer!!
« on: March 19, 2012, 12:19:30 pm »

Support / reporting huge griefer!!
« on: March 18, 2012, 10:32:38 pm »
i would very much appreciate it if you were to permenently ban crabpie, not only did he compleatly destroy my brothers house, but he did the same to mine when i tried to stop him!!!!!!!! h ehas compleatly destroyed both of our houses and we would very much appreciate it if you were to ban him!!!!!!!  this type of behavuor should no be accepted on such an amazing server!!!!!!!!!!

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