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Messages - taylorhill89

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Support / Protection Stone Replaced With Wool?
« on: June 26, 2012, 08:33:31 pm »
I went to my melon farm to see that there had been some minor grief. Now, it's not enough for me to be upset about or call an op, as no permanent damage was done that couldn't be fixed in several seconds flat. But what was interesting was the fact that it happened within range of my diamond protection stone. I did a /ps who just to check whether it was active, and it says "no fields found." I haven't been on a whole lot recently, so I have no idea when it could have happened, but I have two diamond protection stones that have simply vanished, as well as a coal (but I just repurchased that one easily and placed it, which reenabled it, so I won't bother with that one).

The weirdest part: exactly where I put my diamond, there was a block of blue wool rather than the stone.

They did work the last time I was on (and yes, "/ps on" says it is already enabled). Anyone have any clues as to how this could have happened?

Ban Appeals / Re: Zero Idea Why I Was Banned
« on: June 26, 2012, 07:28:19 pm »
Thanks, Xeadin. I appreciate you listening to my appeal. Have a lovely day.

Ban Appeals / Re: Zero Idea Why I Was Banned
« on: June 26, 2012, 06:44:37 pm »
Thank you very much. I do understand there are mistakes made, and I sincerely promise I will remain committed to preserving a fair game experience, as I know you are going out on a limb for me. I do maintain my innocence, and I will not let you down.

I do not know how to modify the .jar file, but I will certainly force update it right now. How should I provide confirmation? Or is verbal confirmation sufficient?

*Edit* I have deleted the bin folder and updated.

Ban Appeals / Re: Zero Idea Why I Was Banned
« on: June 25, 2012, 12:05:06 am »
I'm not aware that a mod has reviewed the case in a formal sense--I apologize if the process is underway, and the logs are being or will be reviewed. As far as my knowledge goes, I do not have a copy of the chat logs on my computer (unless Minecraft automatically logs it, which I have unsuccessfully searched for).

I do not mean to be impatient--but the proof exists, and I have not received confirmation on whether or not they will be reviewed. If they will not, then I will leave you all in peace, but they will definitely show my innocence, so that is why I am seeking confirmation one way or the other.


Ban Appeals / Re: Zero Idea Why I Was Banned
« on: June 24, 2012, 11:41:39 pm »
A definitive answer would be much appreciated, especially considering there *is evidence in the logs* supporting my position that I was banned in error.

Ban Appeals / Re: Zero Idea Why I Was Banned
« on: June 22, 2012, 12:17:41 am »
Would any mod review my case? Or, if the logs are too much trouble, at the very least, add a time limit to the ban? The logs will show I never said anything of the sort.

Ban Appeals / Re: Zero Idea Why I Was Banned
« on: June 18, 2012, 01:05:07 am »
I would love for the server logs to be pulled up--I have nothing to hide. Is this a possibility? It will absolutely absolve me of any guilt whatsoever.

I do not mean to disrespect any admins/moderators; it is entirely possible that someone in chat was saying such things around the time I was chatting. If this is the case, it is entirely understandable that my statements could have been mixed up with someone else's. If this is indeed true, I gladly apologize. If you will for a moment humor me and assume my innocence, one can see how it is frustrating when evidence comes out of the woodwork when there is not, in fact, any to be uncovered, other than that which would prove my innocence.

I do understand that people lie all the time about doing what they did, and your suspicion is natural and expected. However, the chat logs will absolve me, and if possible I would like to politely request that they be reviewed and posted, as I still maintain that I am not guilty.

Ban Appeals / Re: Zero Idea Why I Was Banned
« on: June 17, 2012, 11:54:37 pm »
XpLoZzIv, are you kidding me?

That is completely and utterly false, and you know it. But I can see now that the cards are stacked against me--it's a shame that after all the fun I've had on Opticraft, it ends with a completely false and arbitrary ban; but rather than being one of those types that complains about it in a very loud and public manner, I will leave you all in peace, unless a mod is sympathetic to my story and unbans me. It is unfortunate that the community feels it necessary to ban completely law-abiding users, but it is YOUR community, and I have no say in my ultimate fate.

For the last time, I have done none of this, but I am particularly disappointed in XpLoZzIv for corroborating a false story. Due to the fact that I have no way of proving my innocence, I wish you all well in life and Minecraft, and will not hold a grudge; seeing as how XpLoZzIv is determined on presenting false evidence, as a mod I would believe I was guilty too.

I will, however, remain baffled and confused. Goodbye, all.

Ban Appeals / Re: Zero Idea Why I Was Banned
« on: June 17, 2012, 12:21:46 am »
Anyone? It doesn't even seem that there is any "proof" so to speak--a (1) second-hand claim that (2) I said I was using banned software doesn't seem to fit the criteria as a bankable offense. Whoever saw me say that was reading it wrong--I was only asking about the automatic ban software, not "banned software." It was an off-hand comment out of curiosity because I hadn't been on in a month, and I quiet literally said it was "awesome" before I was banned.

Ban Appeals / Re: Zero Idea Why I Was Banned
« on: June 13, 2012, 11:21:52 pm »
I believe almost verbatim what I typed was this, after seeing several grievers get banned automatically.

"This new banning software is awesome."

"How does it work?"

I never mentioned *anything* about using banned software. The chat transcripts prior to that (less than 3-4 minutes, in fact) should vindicate this. I realize making a joke about using banned software would be stupid, but I never did that, or anything related to it in any shape or form. Would you mind checking a few minutes before the screenshot you posted and posting what you find? I am confident that I am not in violation of any rule, or even any commonly-accepted no-no.

Ban Appeals / Zero Idea Why I Was Banned
« on: June 13, 2012, 08:53:35 pm »

I logged on today for the first time in a month or so. I had been playing for about an hour, and I was taking a tour through the city near my home when all of a sudden I was banned. I hadn't destroyed any property to my knowledge. I did patch a few public holes in the skyway, but I don't think that constitutes griefing. What can I do to get this resolved? I'd hate to be banned after so much work without knowing why or what I did wrong.  >.<

Thanks for reading.

*Edit* If I recall correctly, the reason was "said he was using ban software" or something of the sort. I had just a few moments prior asked about the new automatic ban software, and looking back maybe somebody read my comment wrong, thinking I was saying I was using banned software? This was absolutely NOT the case, to set the record straight.

General Discussion / Re: Mine carts
« on: March 15, 2012, 08:57:21 pm »
No biggie. I guess I'll just have to live with walking the extra 20 seconds. :P

Support / Re: Possible Chrome Issue
« on: March 15, 2012, 07:51:42 pm »
I wasn't "making things up." First off, I am not a developer, but I'm not a complete idiot, thanks. I do remember reading that it holds on to the cache a lot tighter than other browsers. I've had several instances where a site will not load properly until it is refreshed (most notably in my life with Blackboard, the software most colleges use nowadays to manage classes online). It runs flawlessly in Safari and IE, but Chrome won't load links to new assignments/announcements/etc without refreshing.

Your tone came off as quite rude. Given more time I will try and find the article I read, as it was quite a while ago now. But I'll search.

*edit* Sources, though not the article I read:
1) http://community.actinic.com/showthread.php?p=320756
2) http://groups.google.com/a/chromium.org/group/chromium-discuss/browse_thread/thread/60efef0ccddac329/c9c3c685594ad385
3) http://stackoverflow.com/questions/6773464/flex-google-chrome-cache-issue

General Discussion / Mine carts
« on: March 15, 2012, 07:38:52 pm »
When will mine carts become usable again? Not realizing they were "temporarily unavailable" (according to the message I received upon trying to enter it) I made a railway between my two homes in Skyrim. Any idea if they'll be allowed any time soon?

Projects and Creations / Re: My automated melon farm design
« on: March 07, 2012, 09:09:03 pm »
I haven't experimented with any of the advanced logic gates yet. The T seems like a solid solution for having more than one input. I just used a simple NOT gate for mine. Without knowing too much about it, my only concern would be crowding of wiring and/or creating an eyesore (which mine already is :P).

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