Opticraft Community
Discussion forum => Applications => Creative => Archives => Rejected => Topic started by: gavin1928374655 on November 22, 2014, 07:28:04 pm
In-game name: _gavin
Age: 17
Location: United States
Timezone:GMT -5
Join Date: Many years ago, I've been on creative since day 1 or 2.
Were you recommended by any staff?: No
Why you should become an Operator: I can handle rowdy players and I have a fair amount of experience moderating people on minecraft. As you can tell by the past few months, I'm now able to play without being an ass. I was a former operator on classic, and I would enjoy keeping up with the community again, as a staff member. Thanks for your consideration! (or maybe you just read the title and said "Hell nah, gavin is NOT becoming staff").
Gavin is 17 now??? Supported, good luck!
Gavin is 17 now??? Supported, good luck!
Yeah I've never disclosed my real birthday :P
And ty